Bob Hurley discusses the direction of the brand that
still carries his name.
Subscription blog Stab shortlisted for
Pulitzer after glowing profile of onetime surf brand Hurley
By Chas Smith
"Essentially worthless."
Stab Magazine has added another page, as it
were, to its gilded literary history. The subscription surf blog
famous for declaring modern surf media “essentially
worthless,” is certainly being shortlisted for a
Pulitzer Prize after publishing a glowing profile on onetime surf
brand Hurley.
Surfing’s noughties industrial powerhouses had to adapt to
Perhaps none so more than Hurley.
The brand who crashed onto the already-hot scene in 1999;
reached the upper-echelons in lightning time; brokered bar-none the
biggest takeover deal in surfing history when they sold to Nike in
2002; spearheaded the surfing tech revolution; signed the biggest
athlete deal in surfing history (John Florence in 2016); then
weathered the blur of crashes, mini-crashes, famines/floods and a
plague on all of our houses, to emerge in 2024.
Still here. Still Hurley.
The author, unnamed though will hopefully reveal himself at the
Pulitzer Prize Award Ceremony, goes on to describe in lush detail
how the brand came into being and how its new owner, Bluestar
Alliance, is actually cool and core and that beard oil, pool
toys, fingernail clippers and deeply discounted men’s tech
pant Costco drops are the future. Or, in his words,
“Hey, that work/life balance birthed the surf industry the first
time around. Who’s to say it won’t work again?”
Stab fans, and lovers of the written word, are relishing
passages like… “Then along came this plucky, all-American surf
brand from ‘Surf Mecca’ called Hurley — hand, meet glove.” And… “So
you’ve got a stellar team — including two recent World Champs — a
mix of new and old talent on staff, and a whole treasure trove of
technical gear to reference and re-purpose, in a time when the
world’s mad for technical gear.”
Reading them back and forth in reverential tones.
Essentially worthless indeed.
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Richard Dreyfuss (pictured) in flattering dress moments
before opining.
Surfers mortified after hero Richard
Dreyfuss arrives in dress, breaks into anti-trans rant at Jaws
By Chas Smith
"We regret that an event that was meant to be a
conversation to celebrate an iconic movie instead became a platform
for political views."
Surfers are a diverse-ish group ranging
slightly in age, sex and race though all, everywhere, consider
Richard Dreyfuss a hero. The 76-year-old actor has brought many
wonderful characters to life though none more inspirational, to
surfers, than Matt Hooper. Yes, the brave oceanographer who
correctly identified that a massive great white shark was hunting
ocean players, later crawling into a cage in order to poke it with
poison, is a patron saint for wave sliders, many wearing his visage
around their necks in small medallion form.
You can imagine the shock, then, when days ago, Dreyfuss
attended a screening of Jaws, arriving in a flattering floral dress
and proceeding to break into what is being described as an
“anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ+” screed. The event was scheduled in the
small town of Beverly, Massachusetts and supposed to be a simple
chat with the Hollywood icon with tickets running $300.
The subject matter, which also included a takedown of Barbara
Streisand, was not appreciated by all.
Sarah Hogg and their partner, Jonah Hoffmann, attended but
marched right out in protest, Hogg telling the Boston Globe, “I’m
queer, I’m nonbinary. This is personal to me. It’s one of those
moments where you feel like you’re having an out-of-body
experience. It was horrifying.”
Cheri Ziegra forwent the media and took her disgust straight to
Facebook, penning, “Apparently (I found out too late), he has a
reputation for spewing this kind of racist, homophobic,
misogynistic bullcrap. … We did NOT get what we paid for (which we
all assumed would be a light, fun evening listening to stories and
anecdotes about RD’s time on the Vineyard making ‘Jaws.’) This was
offensive and we demand a refund.”
Theater director J. Casey Soward, feeling very bad, declared, “We
regret that an event that was meant to be a conversation to
celebrate an iconic movie instead became a platform for political
views. We take full responsibility for the oversight in not
anticipating the direction of the conversation and for the
discomfort it caused to many patrons. We are in active dialogue
with our patrons about their experience and are committed to
learning from this event how to better enact our mission of
entertaining, educating and inspiring our community.”
Surfers mortified.
The Dreyfuss team has yet to address the matter but will
hopefully before the Tahiti Pro kicks off in under 24 hours.
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WSL officials fend off Great White during Finals Day
surf off.
San Clemente, California, world’s latest
Great White hotspot after all beaches closed following “aggressive
shark behaviour”
By Derek Rielly
"We have been put in harm’s way due to the change
in regulations and the elimination of what had been working for as
any can remember."
The explosion of the Great White population in southern
California is hardly news to the surfers who see the happy,
maligned, majestic (etc) animals frolicking at close
In the last decade, Great Whites have become synonymous with
this stretch of coastline. Whether, as experts say it’s the natural
result of protection or a healthier ecosystem (more seals and seal
lions) is immaterial, really, because they ain’t going anywhere and
therefore the OC surfer must live with this fact.
But breaching juveniles at Lowers is one thing, fully grown
adults is another. And city officials were quick to close all
beaches in San Clemente yesterday after a surfer was knocked off
his board by a Great White shark.
“The surfer and one other surfer were sitting on their boards
waiting for a wave when they saw a dark gray object approach and
knock one of the surfers off their surfboard,” said San Clemente
Marine Safety Lt. Sean Staudenbaur. “The surfers then came to the
shore and reported the incident, at which point officials made the
decision to close water access for 24 hours.”
Six years ago, the OC Register was onto it:
“The Southern California coastline has seen an influx of sharks
close to shore in recent years, groups of dozens and more gathering
in “hot spots,” first noticed frequently near surfers and swimmers
in the South Bay, Santa Monica and Ventura about six years ago,
then showing up in Huntington, Surfside Beach and Seal Beach in
higher-than-normal numbers about four years ago.
“Last summer, a group of juvenile sharks took residence in
shallow waters off Long Beach, as well as further south off Dana
Point and San Clemente. Their presence made headlines and even led
to the creation of shark tours to give people up-close looks at the
“Dana Wharf Whale Watching launched “Shark
Searches” last year to give spectators an
up-close look at the sharks, selling out seats week after with
week. Manager Donna Kalez said that if sightings do increase,
early-morning whale watching charters may start also looking for
“Don’t surf Cardiff,” wrote Tudor. “It’s infested with ten-foot
White sharks that are attracted to soft tops, stand-up paddlers and
tourist swimmers. Stay safe and find a lake or go take a hike. This
was today at 8:12 am.”
The post opened a floodgate of Great White chatter.
Former tour surfer Shea Lopez wrote, “When these pups grow up
it’s gonna be a different story in SoCal waters. They were all over
Lowers the past three days.”
“Result of almost thirty years of no local net fishing inshore,”
Tudor replied. “Those dudes used to cull the count quite a bit and
helped keep the balance. Since they have been gone the numbers are
“Same in Florida,” wrote Lopez, “Used to be we were protected by
the actions of the fisherman understanding the ecosystem and being
in charge of doing not only what is best for them but also the
community that they live in as it affects everyone from their
children to their grandparents. Now we have been put in harm’s way
due to the change in regulations and the elimination of what had
been working for as any can remember. And working well. What next.
We have to make an effort to stop the inevitable.”
A daddy to a shredder I know in San Clemente said his kid
begged to go surfing when he saw four surfers in the water at
“I told him no,” he said. ”
Which raises the perennial question: to kill or no.
Where do you stand?
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If it wasn't for the wild conservatism of her home
town, Ocean Grove, ain't no way Alex Florence would've fled for the
North Shore and, ultimately, create the greatest three-pack of surf
brothers ever birthed.
New Jersey Christians fight back after
being ordered to keep beach with links to John John Florence open
on Sundays
By Derek Rielly
“For 155 years, we have closed our beach on Sunday
mornings to honor God – a core pillar of this community."
That was Alex Florence who’d go on to birth a two-time world
champ, John John, the reigning surfer of the year, Nathan, and the
coolest of them ‘em all, a man so sexy he makes your hair stand up
and your stomach turn to buttermilk, skate-surf maestro Ivan.
And, for surfers, who want a little taste of those occasionally
epic hurricane-generated tubes, well, it ain’t gonna happen on a
Sunday morn when, by all rights, you should be giving it to Jesus
in church.
Y’see, as a mark of the community’s piety, the beach is closed
until midday on Sunday although that rule was overturned by the
state last October when the Department of Environmental Protection
ordered ‘em to stop close the beach Sunday or else risk twenty-five
gees a day in fines.
The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, which owns the beach,
appealed the decision and lost.
“All members of the public are welcome [onto the beach] 365 days
a year. Anyone, regardless of race, creed, religion or orientation
is welcome onto this private property 99.5% of the year,” the
Association argued.
Now, the joint is open, temporarily, while the group continues
to fight the decision.
“For 155 years, we have closed our beach on Sunday mornings to
honor God – a core pillar of this community since the founding of
the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association,” the group’s said in a
statement. “We are challenging this order to preserve our property
rights and religious freedom.”
I kinda like the idea of no pressure Sundays, ain’t no need to
wake up for the early, but also the notion that I might slip into
an empty tube while the good burghers of Ocean Grove are getting
their fix in church.
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Tyler Wright (pictured) ready for more. Photo:
World Surf League breaks hard with theater
protocol, predicts “best ever conditions in history” for end of
Tahiti Pro
By Chas Smith
"A massive swell expected to bring sizeable waves,
potentially matching the memorable CT event here in 2014."
Now, there is longstanding tradition in the
theater to not jinx an upcoming performance by wishing “good luck”
or telegraphing maximum success. Dancers, actors and musicians are
generally superstitious, not wanting to spoil the future by being
overly bullish. Thus, ballerinas tell each other “merde” before the
curtain opens, or shit, actors pine for broken legs and violin,
cello, timpani etc. players go “toi toi toi,” spitting three times
in each other’s faces.
The World Surf League, though, is bucking that trend and boldly
predicting that the waves will be so good, come Wednesday, or maybe
Thursday, that it needs Monday to gloat. Yes, in an overnight
missive, the “global home of surfing” declared that folk should
tune in Monday at noon Tahiti time in order to hear the gang talk
up the upcoming swell, sparing no superlative.
Per the release:
The WSL Commissioner’s Office is eyeing a massive swell
expected to bring sizeable waves, potentially matching the
memorable CT event here in 2014. More updates will be shared
tomorrow afternoon for the call times and anticipated schedules for
Tuesday, May 28, and Wednesday, May 29.
“Even though there were some remnants of yesterday’s swell,
the biggest set was the size of the average sets yesterday,” said
Renato Hickel, WSL Deputy Commissioner. “With this swell forecast
to fade further, it was an easy decision to wait for the next set
of bigger swells starting on Wednesday. Wednesday and Thursday are
looking great to run the competition with the anticipated swell,
and we’re looking at Friday as our backup day. We’ll share more
details about the call tomorrow afternoon, but we might have a look
on Tuesday, and we’re expecting to have a big day on
Do you think the fates will reward this boldness or might some
devil wind be conjured in order to ruin the proceedings?
Also, do you think Pip is still scared by even the thought of
“massive swell” hitting the Cave of Skulls?
Recall the aforementioned 2014 Billabong Pro while formulating
your thoughts.