Run don't walk! A diamond may be forever but these
prices won't last!
Opportunity: Russia seeks to end ban on
“Blood Diamonds” sending hordes of “thrifty” surfers in longterm
relationships to mall-based jewelry stores!
By Chas Smith
Strike while the iron's hot!
Surfers are known for very many things, being
stupid, being dumb, being cheap, but in my experience none of these
stereotypes are true. We are elevated, able to think through myriad
complexities with clarity. Able to problem solve etc. and also
prioritize. Yes, none of these stereotypes are true except
for surfers being cheap, though “thrifty” is a much better
descriptive adjective.
The surfer has many important things on which to spend her or
his money included but not limited to wax, Futures Fins,
BeachGrit outerwear (buy
here) and wetsuits. He, therefore, must economize. She
must pinch pennies when there are pennies to be pinched.
And recent news coming out of Russia and Africa is very
welcoming to the thrifty surfer in a longterm relationship.
A possible end to the ban on “Blood Diamonds.”
As you well know, the traditional diamond engagement ring is
supposed to be worth three months of salary. That is a small-ish
diamond and especially for surfers employed by the surf industry
where a fifteen year apocalypse rages even through the greatest
economic run in modern history. Many layoffs. Much depressed
In any case, Russia and Africa are seeking to solve this problem
and let us turn to
Bloomberg for the very latest.
Russia is proposing to move toward ending the ban on selling
so-called blood diamonds from the Central African Republic, a
former French colony that’s struck recent military and commercial
ties with Moscow, amid resistance from the U.S. and
The CAR, which is mired in civil conflict, should be granted
a “road map” outlining the steps it needs to take to get the
suspension of diamond sales lifted, Russian Deputy Finance Minister
Alexei Moiseev said in an interview in Moscow.
“We need to ensure that illicitly traded diamonds move to
the legal marketplace, bringing income for people and taxes for the
state,” Moiseev said. “The situation in CAR isn’t getting any
better, and we can’t delay this any more.”
Russia’s pressing for action as President Vladimir Putin
seeks to challenge the U.S. and other major powers in a new push to
restore Soviet-era influence in the resource-rich African
continent. He hosted more than 50 African leaders in the first
Russia-Africa summit in October and his ally Yevgeny Prigozhin’s
mercenary venture is active in about a dozen countries, including
the CAR.
So, are you in a longterm relationship? Is a ring expected soon,
maybe even this holiday season? Aeroflot flies non-stop from LAX. I
have flown many times and cannot recommend highly enough.
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First wave, day one. Butchered, of course. | Photo:
URBNSURF/Jarrah Lynch
Report: Mysteries revealed, weaknesses
exposed after ten hours and 150 waves in Melbourne tank!
By Derek Rielly
Can a kook finally reach nirvana if given enough
pool time?
I’m an intermediate surfer, lower intermediate for the
sake of precision, and will never be anything more.
This isn’t a new revelation.
It’s a truth the has been demonstrated to me at various times
and at various places, Cloudbreak Teahupoo, Ours and, twice last
week, at Australia’s first commercial wave pool, which can be found
just a mile-and-a-half from Melbourne’s international airport.
On Monday, I enjoyed Urbnsurf’s hospitality from one through til
six as part of a media reveal. The catering was excellent, Cliff
bars, Poke bowls, spring water in plastic bottles, beer and coffee
from an on-site van. I discovered the CEO of Urbnsurf, Andrew Ross,
and I grew up, in the same era, lived roughly one mile apart and
attended neighbouring schools. Eerie.
Waves were, mostly, a three-foot ledge called The Beast,
although there were waves in some sessions where turns could be
employed. It was very hot, one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, the wind
was a northerly offshore and I surfed, first, in trunks, but was
soon forced to dress in a short-sleeved steamer as the water was
cold. With fourteen surfers in the water and eight-wave sets every
two minutes only one wave was caught every four minutes. There was
no paddling in between to keep heart-rate up, body warm. An
estimated fifty waves snatched.
That same week, on the Friday, I joined the party of an old
friend who had hired the joint from nine am until eight pm,
although the pool was switched off at seven, much to the chagrin of
the two surfers left out the back and who were forced to paddle
I spent seven hours or thereabouts in the water and caught, at a
conservative estimate, one hundred waves. It was cold (eighteen
degrees C or sixty-four F) and the wind blew onshore from the
south. A four-three was the suit of choice although my Rip Curl 3/2
sufficed. Over the course of the ten hours the pool was open, I
sustained myself by taking hot showers and eating handfuls of the
protein balls supplied.
One head injury was sustained. David McArthur, a very good
surfer and newspaper cartoonist, was sucked up the face of a
righthand tube and into the concrete bottom. The way he staggered
out of the pool suggested a mild concussion was also included in
the deal.
What did I learn from the experience of two days, of one hundred
and fifty waves under my feet? That I suck. Yes, that, but that is
hardly news.
I learned that all those elements that I can disguise in the
surf, the indecisive takeoff, the mistimed turns, the habit of
staying ahead of the pocket, the back foot refusing the plastic of
my tail-pad are magnified ten-fold in the pool.
And, yet.
Ah, yes, there’s a yet.
It is only through the reveal of our flaws that we can
What good is it to tell a child he’s clever if he’s stupid?
Or a painter that she has something unique when her work is
derivative and poorly drawn?
I find my best moments when I’m overtaken by an anger at the
repetition of my mistakes and the slap in the face of being
reminded of my inability to surf. Usually, I’l rectify on a wave,
get my back foot on the tail-pad, actually locate and hit the lip,
then go in, mission complete although new approach not ingrained in
muscle memory.
At the pool, I was there for an extended period – what was I
going to do, sit and watch? – and there was no escape from the
In the Monday session, I couldn’t understand why I was missing
the tube. I sent an email to the professional big-wave surfer Mark
Mathews who, perversely I suppose, has been to the pool five times.
He told me to forget turns, stomp on the tail on the take off, sit
in the one allowable groove, and you’ll be caved from ass to mouth,
as they say.
Even if it sounds straightforward enough, it took me all of day
two to understand what he meant and to…see…the groove. It
was only on the last wave of the day, at one minute to seven, I
completed a ride satisfactorily.
Backside, less successful, although I’m starting to see the line
on that side, too.
I won’t bother you with my philosophical take on pools or
whether you should spend eighty Australian dollars on a one-hour
visit there, that’s up to you.
What it gave me was a reminder of my frailties and an extended
period to, finally, address these multiple errors.
I’m back, I believe, next Thursday.
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Paige Alms, winner of $20,000. $80,000 less than her
short wave brothers and sisters.
Opinion: “The World Surf League’s
bald-faced hypocrisy regarding ‘equality’ mocks the dreams of
Martin Luther King Jr., Thomas Paine, Susan B. Anthony etc!”
By Chas Smith
Oh how Santa Monica pounded its chest in
announcing that its World Surf League was the world’s
first, first, sporting organizational body to provide
equal pay for both men and women. That it represented the largest
civil rights shift since Russia freed her serfs. But do you not
remember? Do you not recall the breathless press release? Let’s
practice retroactive journalism together here and now.
The World Surf League (WSL) today announced that it will
award equal prize money to male and female athletes for every
WSL-controlled event in the 2019 season and beyond, becoming the
first and only US based global sports league, and among the first
internationally, to achieve prize money equality. The WSL is proud
of its commitment to gender equality, and proud to join other
organizations beyond the world of sport reaching this important
Of course the WSL’s public relations busy bees, trapped in
reclaimed cubicles, slaving under the ominous glare of Erik “ELo”
Logan’s pearly whites, pushed the narrative out to the mainstream
First in equal.
Except it’s all a damned lie. An absolutely egregious display of
bald-faced hypocrisy not seen since… since… Mark Zuckerberg.
For how much did our big wave brother and sister make after
surfing heart-stopping Jaws?
And how much does the winner of every Championship Tour surfer
This discrepancy sickens me as it should sicken you.
Obviously yes, troglodyte.
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National Weather Service declares:
Extremely dangerous “two-story” waves arrive in Bay Area!
By Chas Smith
An important discussion regarding big waves and
their measurement.
Our Hawaiian brothers and sisters, God bless
each and every one, pioneered the absolutely confounding “back of
the wave” measurement scale. Our Australian wave plunger brothers
and sisters, God bless them slightly less, pioneered a miraculous 8
foot measurement using bodyboarders as perspective. But, I feel, as
both an artist and Caucasian male, that the mainstream media
delivers the most compelling system, measuring waves using
“storeys” of buildings/houses.
Headlines began screaming, a few days ago, that “two-story” surf
was headed to the Bay Area and let’s read before
The National Weather Service has issued a high surf advisory
as a brewing storm in the Gulf of Alaska is expected to deliver
waves up to 22 feet tall to Northern California beaches.
“The high winds associated with that storm are generating
the swell that should get there by Thursday,” said Spencer Tangen,
a forecaster with the NWS office in Monterey.
In effect 3 p.m. Thursday through 3 a.m. Saturday, the
advisory warns of strong rip currents, beach erosion and large
waves running far up beaches and washing over large rocks and
“Use extra caution near the surf zone as these large waves
will be capable of sweeping people into the frigid and turbulent
ocean water,” warns the Weather Service. “Cold water shock may
cause cardiac arrest, and it also can cause an involuntary gasp
reflex causing drowning, even for a good swimmer.”
So, quickly, can our San Fransisco adjacent sisters and brothers
first let us know that they’re ok? No cold water born cardiac
arrests? Gasp reflexed drowning?
And now, “storeys” for waves. Are with me? Best way to measure
them? I feel it combines the smoke throw of the Hawaiian system
with the nonsense of the plunger system. Who amongst us hasn’t
jumped from a second story into a swimming pool?
We’re all big wave surfers!
But also should be employed more broadly. “I just surfed some
pretty fun wainscotting this morning…” etc.
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A performance twin for good feels.
Panda Dolly Dagger Review: “A comfort zone
for the non-pro. Very seductive bottom contour. Very easy speed,
nice flow.”
By Longtom
The success of this modern performance twin fin
design is as a bridge between the hard-core shred and the
anyone-can-ride alternative “crutch” board. A certain type of shred
lord for whom the thruster is too jock and the quad too macho will
find solace in the twin fin.
You ride a twin fin, your Mom rides a twin-fin, your
Mom’s girlfriend rides a twin-fin. The twin-fin is the
ubiquitous piece of surfing equipment at this juncture: December
To that formula, the Dolly Dagger adds a modern
(neutral) rail, compared to the hard down rail with tucked edge of
the Richards Twin and a very dynamic bottom contour. Single concave
under the front foot with a pronounced vee through the aft area
housing concaved panels either side.
I got mine at 5’8”, coming in just under 30 litres, and the very
first sensation, after coming off the
Slater FRK was one of sweet relief. This is a very
fine paddling surfboard, both from A to B in the line-up and into
waves. Width under the chest and a relaxed forward rocker means
this board moves through the water very nicely.
Do you get trapped by the rigidity of your own thought patterns?
I sure do.
For example, I thought I hated twin-fins, and everything about
them. My very first wave, in crumbly but longish period high-tide
runners, like Bells Beach, so therefore perfect for a twin, ended
badly. Squirrely pieces of shit, I thought.
A regular surfing pal on a mid-length twin went straight past,
with that release/glide off the top. I always thought twins exerted
too much rotational force on the hull, compared to the more
hull-centric single or thruster feeling, where there is less
rotational force from the side fins. Less pivot around a
hypothetical fulcrum. It’s that pivot that always bugged me on the
I was very, very lucky, in that a solution to the problem
presented itself.
Chatting to an American chap who had paddled off the rocks and
was sitting inside me on a soft-top and I was thinking there was no
way he would have the hide to think he was going to paddle straight
up the inside and have the next set wave, but he did.
That creates a comfort zone for the non-pro. Not having the back
foot placement so critical as a thruster while maintaining the
engagement of the fin cluster during turns. Parko copped heat for
safety swoops but for a rec surfer not much feels better, and that
greased soap around the bath tub high-line is a stoker. Both of
which the Dolly Dagger does supremely well. It’s a very relaxing
surfboard to ride. Lots of good feels. Compared to the FRK, it does
not demand much to be ridden well.
So I took it. Sorry pal, if you are reading.
Which means I had to haul ass, as they say, and in that process
I got two big pumps in that were more like top-to-bottom swoops and
generated an insane amount of speed. My back foot was a little
further forwards than a thruster placement.
That creates a comfort zone for the non-pro. Not having the back
foot placement so critical as a thruster while maintaining the
engagement of the fin cluster during turns. Parko copped heat for
safety swoops but for a rec surfer not much feels better, and that
greased soap around the bath tub high-line is a stoker. Both of
which the Dolly Dagger does supremely well. It’s a very relaxing
surfboard to ride. Lots of good feels. Compared to the FRK, it does
not demand much to be ridden well.
I rode it mostly in crappy surf but just as Eskimos have lots of
words for snow, Arabs for sand and Polynesian navigators for ocean
there an infinite number of types of crap surf, rarely categorised.
The type I rode mostly was a seasonal variety consisting of small
mid-long period swell, point surf with a counter-vailing devil
wind. Hard to ride. Hard to maintain speed, join the dots, find
clean corners and do turns. Hence derided and uncrowded.
This Dolly Dagger ate it up. You get
the speed and the safety swoops going and crack the corners; the
flattish rocker keeps the glide going and the short hull and fin
set-up gets the pivot. I think, a lot of waves break like that in
the world with, what in ecology is termed, an unexploited
I also rode little beachbreak wedges at Coolum and had a ball
smashing closeouts, more typical beachbreak and could glide between
sections. Rail-to-rail movements get water flowing through the
concaves either side of the vee. It’s a very seductive bottom
contour. Very easy speed, nice flow.
The marketing blurb says twin fin, one look at it and I thought
twin fin but some minds- Derek Rielly, for example, saw three fin
plugs and thought: thruster. I did put some JJF Alphas in the plugs but
the board instantly lacked the drive of the big twins.
Back to the OG set-up, which was the Merrick AM-T’s. A big upright
twin, with a small trailer.
The trailer might be considered cheating by some, but as a way
of softening the rotation on my backhand it worked a charm. My beef
with the AM-T’s was the Soviet grey colour. Twins need a beautiful
fin. My Irish ranga pal at the Byron Equinor protest rocked a
rainbow set in his twin and that looked amazing. Don’t snort Nick
Carroll, you’re as prone to petty vanity as the rest of us.
Cons? Some shred will be left on the table in good waves. A
local breakwall turned on a rare day (for this time of year) of
overhead wedges. There was resistance from the wider nose to going
straight up into the bowl at speed. Hard to lever off the fin
cluster to get really vertical.
Don’t get me wrong, still fun, but maybe just a tad restrictive,
more lateral. I might add, most of this was backside surfing.
Forehand, I think the control and placement of vertical surfing
would be much easier, especially for those of an advanced skill
The success of this modern performance twin fin design, I
believe, is as a bridge between the hard-core shred and the
anyone-can-ride alternative “crutch” board. A certain type of shred
lord for whom the thruster is too jock and the quad too macho will
find solace in the twin fin.
There are many fine examples from Dave Rastovich to Asher Pacey
to Torryn Martyn. The non-pro intermediate finds larger margins for
error in foot placement, very nice feeling speed swoops and easy
pivot surfing that feels better than it looks, in most cases.
Deferring to Dane Reynolds dictum that for the non-pro, if it
feels good it is good, is a fair enough punctuation point.
PS. I rode a board with three plugs but the Dolly Dagger has options to fin
as a twinzer, which is an enormously appealing prospect.
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Jon Pyzel and Matt Biolos by
@theneedforshutterspeed/Step Bros