Shot across the foil.
Hours ago, BeachGrit, a website with a tagline “Ultra Hard Surf Candy” and a generally anti-depressive aesthetic had its official Instagram account violently ripped down and without warning. A simple message of deletion followed by a strange blink of light then nothing. As proud purveyor of other Instagram accounts that have been disappeared (@reportsfromhell 180k followers, another which I can’t remember at 20k followers), this one was different as there were no messages detailing violation previously.
Zero anything leaving the 115k sometimes loyal followers to wonder if, perhaps, Mark Zuckerberg’s embrace of the big wave life has, possibly, emboldened him thereby sparking a revenge of the nerds, scorched earth approach to his perceived “enemies.”
Cancellation came directly after this posting.
In truth, BeachGrit, as official policy, has endorsed and celebrated Zuckerberg’s discovery of ocean games I mostly think.
Well, @beach_grit is gone replaced by @beach.grit (follow here) which will likely be replaced by a return to Twitter.
David Lee Scales and I discussed the joys of Jack Dorsey today along with Kelly Slater’s continued push into toxic print media.
Listen here if you are brave and don’t fear death and/or disappearance.