Noa Deane, yes, he, the bewitching Australian, does the Marcel Proust questionnaire as popularised by Vanity Fair magazine.
Noa Deane is the hottest surfer in Australia. He makes more than your daddy, sugar or biological (high six figures), his own daddy master shapes, his former gal cuckolded an uppity VJ, he says guns are sexy, beer is sexier and tweaked-out airs are the sexiest thing of all!
Let’s see how he responds to the Proust Questionnaire…
Your favourite virtue: Honesty.
Your favourite qualities in a man: Trustwothy.
Your favourite qualities in a woman: Friendship, the ability to love.
Your chief characteristic: Judging people without meeting them.
What you appreciate the most in your friends: Everything.
Your main fault: Letting things take hold of my emotions and not trusting other people.
Your favourite occupation: A terrible rapper.
Your idea of happiness: Playing guitar with my friends.
Your idea of misery: Being told what to do.
If not yourself, who would you be: A poser.
Where would you like to live: Yamba (in Northern NSW).
Your favourite real-life heroes: All my friends, but (filmmaker) Toby Cregan and Creed McTaggart, especially.
Your favourite musicians: Kurt Cobain and Daniel Johns.
Your favourite food and drink: Japanese food and regular beer.
What you hate the most: People who are stand-off-ish.
World history characters you hate the most: Gaddaffi. Man, he was bad.
The natural talent you’d most like to be gifted with: Craftsmanship.
How you wish to die: To slip away painlessly.
What is your present state of mine: Relaxed.
Your favourite motto: Weed before beer you’re in the clear, beer before grass you’re on your ass.