Sing-song naïveté comes to the most misunderstood country on earth…
Yesterday, those fabulous Californians, the Gudauskas brothers, dropped their latest Down Days clip into the world. Down Days is a travel series by the swinging threesome and, so far, Pat, Dane and Tanner have brought their Endless Summer smiles and hucks to Iceland, Germany and, lately, Israel.
In this episode, the brothers fly into Tel Aviv, play smash ball, surf wedges at Hilton Beach, get boozed, eat at a local’s restaurant (“It’s Baba Ganoush, baby!”) and, it is suggested, unless I’m missing something, that they even play dirty with some pretty local gals. It’s a gas!
But watch it fall to pieces when they hit the divided city of Jerusalem. If you ain’t hip to the history of the joint, it’s not a good idea to paint it as a conflict confected by politicians.
The brothers see the Israeli West Bank barrier, that divides Jew from Muslim, and Dane says, “It changes your perspective on a lot of different things.”
“It’s gnarly!” they agree.
In the West Bank (i.e. Palestinian) town of Bethlehem, where they’ve been advised to bring bodyguards, they interview a Christian, Claire Anastas, whose home is surrounded on three sides by the wall.
Anastas is is the dial-a-quote every media organisation from Al-Jareeza to 60 minutes calls when they want to talk about the wall.
Yeah, she don’t like it.
“We believe in peace, we have inner peace, we hope that the others will have the same and work for having peace for all people,” she says.
It’s so easy!
“The aura was going off!” yelps Pat afterwards.
You want to know why it exists, boys?
Because the Palestinians sure do like killing Jews.
Between 2000 and 2003, 73 suicide attacks came from the West Bank. Over the next few years, and in the shadow of the barrier, 12 attacks happened. Last year, Palestinians who live or work in Israel re-started their habit of stabbing and running over random Israeli citizens, including babies.
If America had faced the suicide bombings that confronted Israel, she would’ve bombed hell out of the joint. Instead, the Israelis built a wall.
Why no mention of the reasons behind its build instead of some sing-song bullshit about brotherhood? Why didn’t you ask Claire Anastas why the Christian population has gone from 70 per cent in Bethlehem to around 15% in just 50 years? Or why Christians don’t even think about living in Gaza? It ain’t the Jews doing the persecuting on that side.
As for the barrier, no wall equals dead Jews. Talk about that.
(Click here for an easy-to-read history of Israel)
(And click here if you want to find out why Iz is such a rad surf trip.)