Men's Journal has declared 2015 the year of SurfCore!
You’ve been waiting. You’ve been standing inside your closet feeling the fool because your shirts are Quiksilver and your pants are Volcom and your shoes are Globe and you have absolutely nothing else to wear. You’ve seen the critical stares of today’s youth when you step outside and even though your Billabong tee is hiding underneath a fairly subtle Brixton hoodie. You’ve been thinking, “Will I ever be cool again? Will the girls ever look at me and not gag?”
Guess what? As of today, according to Men’s Journal, you are! And they won’t!
Pop the bubs, darling, because this has been declared the year of “SurfCore!”
Lumbersexual? Done. Normcore? So last year. 2015 belongs to you and me. “Unlike with the lumberjack look or anything else, surfcore is all about authenticity,” menswear designer Derek Buse, tells Men’s Journal. “You can’t say confidently that every guy wants to buy into the lumberjack look, because not every guy wants to live and represent a lumberjack lifestyle. But with the surfing lifestyle — the tan, the laid back vibes, the idea of always being surrounded by your friends — the majority of guys would sign up to have that aesthetic and live that life.”
Hell’s bells sign up for that aesthetic! Shit yeah live that life! This whole business is written on our sexy pterygium eyeballs and threadbare SurfExpo boudoirs.
“Surfcore comes from an actual community of people who live that life everyday,” Joe Sadler, Derek Buse’s partner, continues. “It’s a club that anyone can join, too. Any guy can go surf, and it’s easy to fit in because it’s more than just a sport — it’s about getting with your boys and finding a place to hang.”
Son of a bitch it’s more than a sport! Motherfuckin’ gettin’ with my boys and findin’ a place to hiz-ang!
But it is actually really complicated to look SurfCore. Read how here. And thanks Men’s Journal! Someone is getting laid tonight (the guy who stocks the milk at my local grocery store with the most serious neck tan line)!