In this gorgeous episode we have Aaron Chang vs. Quinn Matthews!
Photographer Quinn Matthews is an up and coming star in the game. His images gorgeously capture both high octane action and the subtle nuances of lifestyle. A flare tail’d air. A smokey eye. A palm fluttering in the breeze. He is receiving accolades for his work too, no small thing when every rich child from Santa Babs is gifted 5D and RED for birthday and can jump in with the true auteurs.
BeachGrit‘s very own Derek Rielly appreciates Quinn’s work, writing:
When it comes to surf photography you have to, I think, make a stand. You either feed the machinations of the web with only cursory thought given to the craft or aspire to an authenticity and sophistication. Quinn Matthews, at some financial sacrifice, has chosen the latter route. His work is a documentary style that is coloured, when necessary, by a creative eye that belies his years (Quinn has barely escaped adolescence). Prone to obsession about lighting plans, camera settings and compositional arrangement, Quinn has become the go-to photographer for the best surfing magazines in the world.
Nathan Lawrence, What Youth‘s mad genius appreciates Quinn’s work, saying:
Many people can imitate other people’s work. But very few can carve their own look. And that’s what Quinn has done in a very short amount of time. No matter what Quinn shoots, he will bring his unique vision and natural talent together to create something people enjoy looking at.
I appreciated Quinn’s work. His breadth and depth truly exceptional in an increasingly imitative landscape. If I was on a deserted isle, alone, and allowed three Instagram accounts to follow his would be four, barely edged out by @buttsnorkler.
Surfing Magazine appreciates Quinn’s work, nominating him for a prestigious Follow the Light award and he almost won! He almost took home the grand prize launching directly into a life of fame and fortune.
Legendary photographer Aaron Chang might appreciate Quinn’s work if he could only remember who the hell Quinn is! Apparently at the Follow the Light award’s ceremony last night Aaron stepped to the stage as the head judges and talked about the finalists but when he came to Quinn hemmed and hawed before squirting, “Don’t know who Quinn Matthews is…”
Uh oh!
Geriatric stumbles are embarrassing and Aaron maybe should have done his homework, or taken some medication, before unintentionally shaming a future star. Disdain masked as casual disregard for the younger set is what makes an old man old. In any case, this is what Quinn said on his Instagram account:
First off congrats to all the
finalists your slideshows were truly great. Obviously I’m bummed I
didn’t win. But I’m really bummed on Aaron Chang not knowing who I
was. That’s ridiculous. There is only 5 finalist and those 5 of us
on stage. You’re the main judge for the contest and yet you had no
clue who I was. You had to stand there in awkward silence for a
good minute trying to remember something about me before saying
into the microphone that you “don’t know who Quinn Matthews is”. In
front of family, friends, and industry professionals I struggle to
think of something that would reflect worse on me. I was very
disappointed and embarrassed. It’s crazy that despite all the
effort and time I put into forming my entry, that still
I wanted to
get that off my chest and voice my disappointment in the
Once again
congrats to everyone, and Seth for winning, your work was
incredible and I mean to take nothing away from you all, I was
honored to be a part of it.
And I would have known that, on a deserted isle, had I not followed damned @buttsnorkler instead.