It's not often the death of one man makes the world a better place, but this is one of them…
Antonin Scalia is dead! Let’s all raise a drink to the Ronald Reagan-appointed cocksucker!
“Here’s to hoping there’s a hell so you can burn in it!”
It’s not often that the death of a single man makes the world a better place, but this is one of them. The archconservative Catholic Supreme Court justice, staunch opponent of the concept of a living constitution, strived his entire career to retain the values America embraced back in the eighteenth century. Like slavery, and second class status for anyone who isn’t a white property owning male.
A man who repeatedly stressed his desire to strike down Roe v Wade, helped George Bush 2 steal an election, refused to recuse himself when longtime friend Dick Cheney appeared before him. He supported the execution of minors and the mentally challenged, allowed his belief in Catholic polytheist mumbo jumbo to inform his decisions over the decades that comprised his tenure.
It’s not often that the death of a single man makes the world a better place, but this is one of them. The archconservative Catholic Supreme Court justice, staunch opponent of the concept of a living constitution, strived his entire career to retain the values America embraced back in the eighteenth century. Like slavery, and second class status for anyone who isn’t a white property owning male.
His opinion on LGBT rights?
“But I had thought that one could consider certain conduct reprehensible—murder, for example, or polygamy, or cruelty to animals—and could exhibit even ‘animus’ toward such conduct. Surely that is the only sort of ‘animus’ at issue here: moral disapproval of homosexual conduct[.]”
How about people “detained” by the American government?
“Give me a break… I had a son on that battlefield and they were shooting at my son, and I’m not about to give this man who was captured in a war a full jury trial. I mean it’s crazy.”
From my wife, who is currently in San Diego attending a convention for death penalty defense attorneys, “The speaker stopped mid-sentence and broke out in a shit eating grin. ‘Scalia’s dead.’ The room broke out in laughter, people were clapping.”
Fuck you Scalia! I hope a pack of wild dogs exhumes your corpse and gives it a solid buggering.