Three different surf scenarios involving kooks, kids and junkie shitbags that beg your opinion…
I learned a cool new term today, engagement marketing. It’s, essentially, when a company tricks consumers into believing they’re contributors. Make ’em feel like they’re part of the brand, more than just a potential source of revenue.
Pretty clever, if you can make it work.
Why spend effort, or money, on something you can convince people to do for free?
I mean, yeah, in the end you probably get what you pay for, but, luckily, the bar is set ever lower as more and more people embrace the crowdsourcing movement.
It’s something we at BeachGrit stumbled onto more or less accidentally. Somehow ended up with a nice little community of commenters, most of whom have at least half a brain rattling around inside their respective skulls. Which, in the context of the internet, is pretty damn impressive. We’re turning into some sort of misanthropic aquatic Algonquin Round Table. I get a real kick out of it.
So I was thinking, rather than write something, which is kind of difficult, I’ll just pose some open ended questions to y’all, which is easy. This way you’re not just commenting on an article, you are the article.
Truly engaged! And, no, we will not be paying anyone.
Maybe it’ll fall flat and everyone will just tear me to shreds. No big deal, I can pretend it never happened. In a few days it’ll get pushed off the front page, and everyone will forget about it. Which is a beautiful thing when you do poorly, though I’ll admit it kind of sucks on that rare occassion you think you’ve done well.
Here’s the first installment of What Would You Do? If it works you’ll see more. If it doesn’t, oh well, I’ll have to keep digging through my many notebooks of “ideas,” which mainly consist of grocery lists I forgot to bring to the store and cryptically illegible notes I wrote while under the influence of some sort of intoxicant.
Scenario #1
It’s an amazingly fun, ultra-consistent, head high day at your local spot. Only a few guys out, one of those times everyone is having a blast, fallen into a perfect rotation. Taking turns, hooting for each other, getting to actually live the lie that is a beginner’s notion of the sport.
You surface to him losing his shit. “You fucking kook, that was assault! I’m gonna call the cops! If my board’s dinged you have to pay for it!”
Out paddles a total stranger. He makes a beeline for the peak, gives you full-on eye contact, turns and burns you from arm’s reach on the first wave that rolls through. Falls in front of you on the drop, makes you to tangle up and share a mellow little drubbing.
You surface to him losing his shit. “You fucking kook, that was assault! I’m gonna call the cops! If my board’s dinged you have to pay for it!”
You ignore the guy, reel in your board and paddle back out. He follows, continuing to scream.
What would you do?
Scenario #2
It’s Saturday morning and you’re about to leave the house for your kid’s soccer game when a friend texts you a photo of your local spot just completely going off. Next message reads, “Get here now. Best I’ve ever seen.”
You only signed him up because the school counselor said a team sport might help alleviate some of his “behavorial issues.” It’s not working though, he’s still a little prick.
Your kid is terrible at soccer, hates the game, doesn’t really care if you go. Would rather not attend himself. You only signed him up because the school counselor said a team sport might help alleviate some of his “behavorial issues.” It’s not working though, he’s still a little prick.
But today it’s your turn to bring the orange wedges and Hi-C. If you no-show you’ll catch a ton of shit from all the try-hard parents at the next practice.
What would you do?
Scenario #3
Your junkie shit-bag neighbor steals all the boards from under your house. You call the cops to report it, but they don’t give a shit and refuse to do anything.
Your junkie shit-bag neighbor steals all the boards from under your house. You call the cops to report it, but they don’t give a shit and refuse to do anything.
A month later you’re driving through town when you see one of the missing boards for sale outside a local shop. You pull over, go inside, and tell the manager. He calls you a liar. Swears he knows, for a fact, the board isn’t stolen. Accuses you of being a scammer. Things get heated, he orders you to leave the store.
What would you do?