*World Sharkfeed League confuses and exhausts surf fans!
Do you like satire spooned onto your morning gruel? I do, and this is a bonanza.
Although it is unclear how long this one-day old Instagram account will exist given its use of the WSL logo and initials etc, we must enjoy while we can, especially since it’s driving surf fans nuts.
Twelve hours ago, the IG account @worldsurfleagues appeared. Shortly after, it had 4712 fans.
The first post went after the prizemoney thing.
And the fans went bananas.
sophiemhickey@brianneworth !!! one small step
towards equality…one very small step.
colgcThe size of the trophy? So thats equality?
harpy_harvey@colgc 🤯 don’t worry about equal prize
money just give them the same trophy 🤣
neeskapetaWas the trophy the only thing of even
footing? Prize money? Air time?
lukeweinertI thought size doesn’t matter
chanymullinsYay, well done @wsl 🙂
lillypollardGood start WSL. Now prizemoney.
artesurfIt was half the trophy before? Thought it
was just a diferent disign…
A post that announces “the acquisition of soul surfing” was met with similar confusion.
From rabid, but stupid, surf fans.
mdennu98Money money money. That’s what it’s all
about ey
therealferbersacYou must be kidding right surfing
is not about money at least it wasn’t until you took over 🤑
worldsurfleagues@therealferbersac it’s all about
money now, it used to be drugs, but now it’s just hard cash 💰
mdennu98@worldsurfleagues Soul? Arsehole!
A third post festoons a photo of Chiba with a Slater/WSL pool.
Now, the standard cure for depression is drugs, exercise and so forth. But isn’t this an all-size-fits beatitude for gloom in general?
And how long y’think before this account gets yanked?