The name Drag comes from “Dick Dragger”.

A derogatory name for a bodyboarder used by stand up surfers during the great erect/prone wars of the early noughties. Since then a truce has been signed, and Drag’s been re-purposed for a multitude of meanings, including the age-old Australian tradition of sucking on a Winnie (for our foreign readers, this refers to smoking a Winfield, usually Blue, sometimes Red, cigarette). Drag’s simply genius t-shirt, which mimics the warnings found on Australian tobacco products, reads, “Dragging Kills.”

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Presented by Adelio

Starring Chippa Wilson, Robbie Rickard and Oscar Langburne.
Filmed and edited by Dan Scott

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Noa Deane and Steph Gilmore in Mexico for BeachGrit!

A brand new edit (to sexy song!)

Noa Deane and Stephanie Gilmore pumping streams of water onto the beaches of Mexico! Filmed and cut by the most mysterious and sinewy and glistening Morgan Maassen!

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Stacey x Wave Slave surfboard review

This month, we tested the Wave Slave from Stacey surfboards, "A slave to the average, a slave to the wave. Own it. Destroy surf. This is the surfboard we've been riding in everything from 2-4 feet. You got mushy beachbreaks? Wave Slave has you covered. You got punchy rip bowls? Wave Slave has you covered. A very user friendly surfboard for anyone looking to add spice to their quiver," says its creator Lee Stacey.

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Slater Designs x Cymatic surfboard review

This month, we test the Cymatic from Slater Designs. Our Anonymous pro surfer said he'd never felt such speed and release through his turns. Our writer, Longtom, described the learning curve on riding such a refined surfboard as "fucking steep but the sensations unique."

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