Bible-thumping former world #8 says no to transgender bathroom rights!
Gotta love social media! Decades of surf media silence kept personalities secret, now everyone can say whatever they want! And do!
Today’s installment of Blood Feud™ brings us Richie Collins, temperamental bible thumping former world number eight, checking in to make sure we know he’s sitting firmly on the wrong side of history.
Sin, eh? Let’s see what the bible has to say about it.
And Jesus did say, “You totally can’t let trannys into bathrooms because they’re just trying to catch a glimpse of your shit. And they’re really weird and make me super uncomfortable because of this thing that happened when I got really drunk one time that I don’t like to talk about.”
It checks out.
I’m aware that “tranny” is an offensive term, but the book was written a million years ago. It was a different time. You could own people, rape wasn’t a crime. Don’t hold me responsible, please.
To be sure, perverts hiding in toilets is a thing. A two second internet search turns up a few stories.
Like this guy in Colorado who hid in a port-a-potty to watch people poop.
Or this lovely fellow in Oklahoma who did the same.
Here’s a dude in New Hampshire.
Seems to be a uniquely American phenomenon.
Richie goes on to further defend his position.
Makes sense. Nothing wrong with standing firmly behind your religious beliefs. Nothing wrong with wanting to punish people for violating them.
I feel the same way about miscegenation. Sure, all those other races look good, and there’s nothing better than introducing some color into your milky white gene pool. Richie gets that, he’s got a posse of good looking hapa kids of his own.
Only… the bible ain’t into it. Plenty of scripture you can cherry pick to illustrate the point.
Richie’s got more to say…
I kind of get what he’s saying. I’ve got no problem sharing a bathroom with trans people. No big deal. Caught plenty of dudes trying to catch a peak at my junk while we’re lined up at the urinals.
I just handle it with an “Eyes forward, buddy,” and leave feeling a little flattered.
But I’ll be damned before I share public toilets with ladies. Women’s restrooms are gross as hell.