Say sayonara to deadly amoeba! Waco is back…
Do you dream of riding the pool in Waco, of shovelling all those ramps into your mouth during the one ninety-dollar, sixty-minute session?
BSR Cablepark was 2018’s shooting star.
It was a pool that did what no other pool on earth could do. It created ramps…and…tubes.
And then a New Jersey surfer died after he was”likely” infected by brain-eating amoeba at the Waco tank. The pool was closed so filters could be installed.
In three weeks, the park reopens, with the new filters to treat the tank’s four million litres of water. Instead of being dyed blue, the water will look like its been poured straight from Evian bottles, says the owner Stuart Parsons.
“Basically we’re making drinking water,” he says.
Of course, after the amoeba episode, after water samples taken by health officials found evidence of Naegleria fowleri and that exposure “likely occurred at the facility”, the park threw out a press release headlined, “WATER TESTS COME BACK CLEAN” and “BSR Determined to Go the Extra Mile, Set Highest Standards for Safety.”
So who knows if you’re going to be able to drink the pool juice.
Anyway, if you’re near the park, or you’re happy to jump a bird to Texas, bookings are open.
Ninety bucks for an hour or $2500 for the entire pool…or…twenty-five gees to eat up the park for the day with a one-hour break in the middle for everyone to down tools, inhale a well-earned margarita etc.
Grab eight of your pals and you’ll get the “expert” wave to yourselves for an hour for $810.
And if you wanna stay on site, BSR has poolside cabins that cost $249 to $475 a night.