Womens sport is on the upward trajectory, objective fact. Pro sporting leagues are springing up everywhere, like it or not. Big wave surfing likewise. It's not a new beginning, but a second or even third coming. Hawaiian surf gals of the 60's and 70's: Betty Depolito, Lynn Boyer, Margo Oberg shredded the North Shore before ultra-machismo became the default social position. The “physiological barrier” to women surfing big waves is a strangely fluid concept. Here, the Hawaiian surfer Keala Kennelly on her barrel-of-the-year nominated ride at Teahupoo. | Photo: Tim McKenna

Rebuttal: “Women’s big-wave surfing is on the upward trajectory. Objective fact!”

Things are not just changing, they've changed…

The writer JP Currie took a look at Women’s Big-Wave surfing and found it, in the words of Norman Mailer, “Quaintsy Goysy, tiny, too dykily psychotic, crippled, creepish, fashionable, frigid, outer-Baroque, maqueillé in mannequin’s whimsy, or else bright and stillborn”.

Or something like that.

Maybe a fey impersonation of a Man’s manly activity. A crime against physiological reality, against Biology herself.

And just like Mailer and his pals used to review each others books with an unstinting honesty that could lead to a headbutt or Gore Vidals’ “Here comes the tiny fist!” I wish to call bullshit on the Scotsman.

His experience was of brothers and a stoic Maw.

Mine was of strong women too, a sister who devoted herself to martial arts training. By the age of 15 I had already experienced that woozy deep frozen feeling of coming to after being knocked out cold. This time by a roundhouse kick to the head from old sis. The last time I earned her ire. I’ve seen her break bricks with a hand, fight with swords, sticks, staffs. She is, like a plethora of female fighters in MMA, bad-ass. JP uses that as a plank in his argument that women don’t belong in the male dominated world of fighting. I see it as exactly the opposite: that with the right training and dedication a woman can develop into a superb fighter. A pro who can draw a crowd and a fan base.

Women’s sport is on the upward trajectory, objective fact. Pro sporting leagues are springing up everywhere, like it or not. Big-wave surfing likewise. It’s not a new beginning, but a second or even third coming. Hawaiian surf gals of the 60’s and 70’s: Betty Depolito, Lynn Boyer, Margo Oberg shredded the North Shore before ultra-machismo became the default social position. The “physiological barrier” to women surfing big waves is a strangely fluid concept.

Man’s World, men’s rules. I went straight from the University halls, the drinking and womanising cosseted train wreck where the “rules” seem to vary from day to day, depending on who had the money and the connections to buy themselves out of whatever trouble they got themselves into, to a life at sea.

The cook, a wiry little hardnut chick who might have been twenty, might have been 40, jumped up on the tray, dodged the scything tail, which was as big as she was, and secured a noose around it. They winched it straight up in the air with the deck winch and then the engineer got a 303 and started firing rounds into the head. It stopped thrashing and the cook dropped it onto the deck. I was so distraught I had to have a cry wank in the wheelhouse during the dog watch.

Twenty years old, dumb as a box of rocks, as green as the greenest greenhorn who’s ever found themselves hundred of miles at sea for months at a time. First shot, on the first night’s fishing on the ironically named FV Atlantic and the cod ends were overflowing. I could see a large inchoate object in the bag and when we spilled the bags onto the deck trays 18 feet of tiger shark flopped out like a psychotic newborn foal onto the tray.

The skipper was apoplectic.

“Get that fucking thing off the tray! Get that fucking thing off!”

I just stood there, rooted to the spot, frozen with fear.

What? How?

It was thrashing side to side, swiping prawns everywhere. Snapping its jaws. Looking at me with the coldest blackest eyes.

The cook, a wiry little hard-nut chick who might have been twenty, might have been 40, jumped up on the tray, dodged the scything tail, which was as big as she was, and secured a noose around it. They winched it straight up in the air with the deck winch and then the engineer got a 303 and started firing rounds into the head. It stopped thrashing and the cook dropped it onto the deck. I was so distraught I had to have a cry wank in the wheelhouse during the dog watch.

In the morning, we cut the jaws out and dumped it overboard. The cook gave me a look that could have opened a clam across a crowded room and said, nothing. Man’s world, mens rules.

Yeah, but nah.

I still remember the fantasies that I could surf better than the women pro’s, or that most men could. You still see and hear it today. Then Tyler Wright moved to town and I started sharing the line-up with her on the reg. She was 16. Down the drain went that little fantasy. The biggest day of the year at my local last year there were more 17-year-old girls on the peak than young studs supposedly at the peak of their testosterone levels etc etc.

Things are not just changing, they’ve changed. Maybe not everywhere, but Australia, Hawaii, maybe California.

I don’t know Flick Palmateer that well, but I met her a bit over a year ago. She was chilling by a pandanus at the Point, with a busted knee. We were all pretty irie on some fine CBD oil, if memory serves. Deep in my terrible male psyche maybe I felt a scintilla of superiority at going straight on some six-to-eight-foot Point surf while Flick was lounging in the sun, being a mega babe, a prototypical “Airhead YouTuber and Instagram model.”

Two weeks later, Flick was weaponising her gender and bumrushing the 18-wheeler at Jaws shown in the photo of Currie’s article. I was watching from the safety of the lounge room.

That was 2017.

Women caught more waves, made more waves, that year, in more serviceable conditions. 2018 was a different beast. Currie claims a backward step for women’s big-wave surfing and that as a spectacle it was a failure.

I watched with my daughter and wife, both surfers. Neither show a scintilla of interest in men’s WSL surfing. Both were transfixed by the spectacle. We should be careful about calling it a bit shit because it’s a live version of kook slams. Neither Billy Kemper or Grant ‘Twiggy’ Baker made a wave in the following heat. Billy Kemper won the event the next day without making a wave in the Final.

Kook slams in giant surf are a non-discriminatory event.

Currie’s most contentious claim is that somehow the gals hucking the ledge at Jaws, fighting to be included at Mavs are somehow doing womenkind a disservice. That seems a queer piece of logic to me.

If Israeli chicks and Peshmerga babes want to defend the homeland or put the fear of Allah into ISIS kooks then good luck to them.

Big-wave gals likewise. Biology can handle a warm gun.

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Revolt: Florida taxpayers furious at $280,000 bill for surf contest!

"We expect a full accounting."

We are right smack dab in the middle of tax season here in the United States of America. A celebration of civic responsibility. Oh it feels good to see what the government, both local and national, does with the public money. New roads without a crack in sight. Sparkling schools filled to overflowing with youth hungry to learn. Or for the lucky people of Brevard County, Florida the gorgeous marketing of a surf contest.

But would you believe there are some grumpy grouches who are upset by this expenditure and let’s read about them. Let’s get ready to shake our tanned fists at haters.

Some members of Brevard County’s tourism advisory board are questioning the amount of money the Space Coast Office of Tourism spent to promote the second annual Florida Pro Surf competition at Sebastian Inlet State Park in January.

Office of Tourism Marketing Director Tiffany Minton told members of the advisory Tourist Development Council that the agency spent about $280,000 for event costs and marketing for the surfing competition at Sebastian Inlet and for a related event, the Florida Pro Music Fest, held Jan. 19 in Cocoa Beach.

The money comes from the county’s 5 percent Tourist Development Tax on hotel rooms and other short-term rentals.

Tourist Development Council member Giles Malone questioned whether the return on investment justifies that large an expenditure.

“It’s just not there for me,” said Malone, who is a partner at the Space Coast Daily media company, and a partner at Brevard Productions, an event and sports management production company.

“I support the surfing industry and always have,” said Malone, who is former president of Cocoa Beach Pier, where a number of surfing competitions have been held, and is a former chairman of the TDC.

But Malone said he wants to be sure the tourist tax money is spent appropriately.

Tourist Development Council member and Brevard County Commission Vice Chair Bryan Lober said he shares Malone’s concern about the limitations for measuring the return on investment.

Lober said he would like to see more detailed metrics than Minton provided at Wednesday’s TDC meeting before supporting that level of Tourist Development Tax spending on the surfing competition next January.

Minton said 9,051 visitors came to the north side of Sebastian Inlet State Park, located at the south end of Brevard County, from Jan. 13-18, in conjunction with the Florida Pro Surf competition. The World Surf League Qualifying Series event attracted a total of 152 male and female competitors.

But Lober said that an undetermined number of people would have visited the area anyway — with or without the surf competition.

TDC Chair Tim Deratany said after the meeting that he was surprised to hear that the level of spending on Florida Pro events reached as high as Minton indicated, especially with the added spending on the Florida Pro Music Fest.

“I was very concerned,” said Deratany, a former member of the Florida Senate and Florida House. “I want a good accounting for it.”

Deratany said the TDC and its Marketing Committee “will be looking at that very closely” before deciding whether to financially support Florida Pro Surf events in the future, especially with what he described as the TDC’s “frugal” spending for arts organizations.

Minton said about 800 nights of hotel rooms were rented by Florida Pro Surf competitors and staff members for the January event. Those figures do not count room rentals by families and friends of competitors and other spectators.

Minton detailed for the TDC the various marketing tactics to promote the event, including on a Florida Pro Surf website, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, the World Surf League and Surfline.com websites, online ads, billboards and email. Minton also cited the stories in the news media and the social media posts by surfing “influencers,” such as Melbourne Beach native Caroline Marks, who won the women’s Florida Pro Surf event in both 2018 and 2019.

Additionally, there were a total of 81,034 views registered for the live-stream webcast of the event on the World Surf League website and the Florida Pro Surf Facebook page.

800 hotel rooms which may or may not have been occupied by folk traveling to the Space Coast for the surf contest + 81,034 views = massive success.

Suck it, haters.

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From the end-is-nigh-dept: VALS…are…the future of surf!

An apocalyptic scenario too real to ignore…

This is the first and last thing I’m going to say about VALs. Already the acronym is starting to feel like the blunt trauma of a foamie to the back of the neck. And I don’t have a thick, musky coat of neck hair like Nick Carroll to soften the blow.

What if VALs are merely the forerunners for something much uglier?

What if VALs are a sign?

The rise of the globally useless has infiltrated our “teeny, tiny world of aquatic poncing” (Negatron, 2018) and now we’re forced to take stock. We are Rick Grimes, Season 1, Episode 1 cowering in our tank as a whole world of shit converges on us. We just have no idea how much.

Author and Futurist Yuval Harari believes that artificial intelligence and machine learning will rob us of work and give rise to what he calls “The Useless Class”.

It starts with menial, repetitive work which is easily automated, driving, data entry, the postal service. These workers become stranded, unskilled and unable to access work again.

Next come the white collar jobs… teachers, doctors, lawyers… all will be usurped by algorithms. All will be superseded by thinking machines that will perform with greater efficiency and make fewer mistakes.

And, for the indeterminate measure of time the AI tolerates the dumb, slow monkeys, we will exist as The Useless Class. Left to occupy our time with leisure and vices.

Sounds potentially fun, yeah?

Unshackled from the drudgery of the 9-5 and free to #followyourpassion. #blessed indeed!

What will you do, given everything on the table?

Every available vice and decadence at your fingertips, with no constraints of time or money. Will you buffet? Will you pile high with little morsels, enjoying it all greatly but never spending too much time on one thing? (Pro tip: I hear heroin is very more-ish. If you want a good overview of the rest maybe save that one for dessert.)

My worry is, that since surfing is already the divine fusion of both leisure and vices, that it will be the chosen pastime of the coming apocalypse. It will be a petri dish for VALs.

It’s like that game with the tennis ball tied to a string on a post. You don’t need to be uniquely qualifed or even talented or co-ordinated to play that. It’s for everyone! Like, surfing is now. Yeah?

Think of the newcomers when our only concerns are how to leisure harder and get better drugs. Everyone will surf.

Most people won’t progress. And they won’t even care.

They’ll just dip in and out because it’s all so fun and egalitarian and political sortofbutnot! And don’tyoufuckingdare question them about it. Surfing is a fun, throwaway thing for everyone to do!


It’s like that game with the tennis ball tied to a string on a post. You don’t need to be uniquely qualifed or even talented or co-ordinated to play that.

It’s for everyone! Like, surfing is now. Yeah?

VALs are a bit of a joke to us. But as we career towards our androgynous LGBTQSUPVAL future, we must prepare for this emboldened Useless Class. We must prepare for surfing in the future to be one big happy clappy foaming shitfight. More than it is already.

They’ll just dip in and out because it’s all so fun and egalitarian and political sortofbutnot! And don’tyoufuckingdare question them about it. Surfing is a fun, throwaway thing for everyone to do!

Just as reality television eventually became reality, so too will social media and all its associated cuntishness become the new norm.

One day VALs will be the OGs. It’s funny til it’s not.

So, next time you paddle out and find yourself surrounded by VALs, and it’s more awkward than bumping into Travis Ferre in a Meet The Writers section, just take a moment.

Look around. Breathe it in. Accept it.

For this is our Future.

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Innovation: World Surf League caves to pressure, adds 7th round!

The professional surf watching masses rejoice!

We surfers are an ornery bastard bunch who can’t agree on much at all. Can’t agree on which board is superior, which wave we should dance upon, if Jeep or Nissan makes a better surf car, when the Brazilian Storm will finally be over.

We argue and fight. Needle and cajole but there’s one thing surfers around the world, old and young, female and non-binary, constantly beg for in one, strong voice.

“Give us more rounds in our professional surfing contests!”

And it appears as if the World Surf League has listened.

The current Vissla Pro in Nick Carroll’s hometown of Avoca, Australia is a QS3000 and has 7 rounds before the quarterfinals.

I don’t know what’s happening in these rounds, as I am currently hiding downtown LA trying to make headway on book, but I assume it is very exciting. I also don’t know if the 7th round is common amongst the QS3000s, as I don’t watch them.

But I do hope that this 7th round concept is being road tested out before it is brought to the big leagues.

I don’t want any more surfers in the draw but I want many more no-consequence practice rounds.

Is it too much to dream that one day World Championship Tour events will take eight full days of competition to complete?

Is it too bold?

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The Norwegians are coming! The Norwegians are etc.

Counterpoint: “Surfer anti-oil protests a masterclass in hypocrisy and stupidity!”

Should oil exploration in the Great Australian Bight keep surfers up at night? Or no?

A week or so ago, a protest campaign began against a proposed exploratory oil well in the Great Australian Bight, kicked into gear by the (wonderful) journalist Sean Doherty.

“Pretty much the whole surfable Australian coast would be covered in oil. It would be Australia’s own Deepwater Horizon,” wrote Sean in the first of a series of Instagram posts, which snowballed into multiple pro surfer feeds.


On Coastalwatch, Nick Carroll wrote:

The lease where Equinor plans to drill for oil and gas is 327 k’s off Ceduna, South Australia, in about 2.5 kilometres of abyssal plain ocean. To get to any likely reserves, Equinor will have to then drill through roughly three kilometres of seabed rock. This is on par with the deepest sea-oil drilling in the world – in one of the most windblown, swell-hammered places you can imagine.

Reckon something could go wrong with this scenario?

Equinor clearly does.

Earlier today, a rebuttal appeared in an obscure conservative website by another surfer, Fred Pawle.

Let’s pick our free-of-charge 400 words.

It’s an illusion. It is based on Equinor’s map outlining all the areas that could be affected by any one of 100 scenarios…

…The confusion began when Greenpeace tweeted the map, saying that a spill “could hit anywhere from South Australian to New South Wales”. Journalist Nick Carroll mistook this, instead saying on a surf website that Equinor “clearly” believes “something could go wrong”, and that “a worst-case spill would put oil on every surfable coast of Australia south of 30 degrees S.” In other words, the well has the potential to create a spill roughly 10 times the size of the spill from Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, the biggest accident in history.

An open letter from a group of surf celebrities, including Mick Fanning and Taj Burrow, to Equinor says an oil spill in the Great Australian Bight would be “catastrophic” and the “southern coastline of Australia would never be the same”. The chief slogans for the campaign are “Fight for the Bight” and “Big oil don’t surf”.

But big oil does surf. It produces the byproducts from which surfboards and wetsuits are made. And of course it provides the fuel for the planes that take surfers, professional and hobbyist, to the world’s idyllic surf destinations. It even produced the fuel for the jetskis Burrow and Fanning were using to catch waves during the Cyclone Oma swell on the Gold Coast last week.

As pro surfers for decades, Burrow and Fanning have flown more times around the world than almost all other people in history except pilots. By joining this campaign, they are not telling oil miners to stop exploring for oil, which they rely on daily, just not to do it near a coastline where a misinformed scare campaign has infuriated some of their fans.

The rationale for the protest is that the Great Australian Bight is too deep and wild for oil exploration. But Equinor is using equipment that is industry standard, and includes a 100-tonne capping stack, a new precaution that became mandatory after the Deepwater Horizon spill. Equinor has oil wells in similar conditions to the Great Australian Bight off Norway and Canada.

The protesters also ignore the 14 exploratory wells that have been drilled in the Great Australian Bight since 1972, and the hundreds that have extracted oil from the nearby Bass Strait, which is in shallower water but still subject to similar ocean conditions, since 1965.

There are some signs that the famous surfers and journalists objecting to the project have not only misread the project’s risks but also some of their market. All the above surf websites have received comments from surfers pointing out the hypocrisy of people who use oil-based products objecting to oil mining, and questioning the protesters’ exaggerated fears of a spill. Then again, they are also not short of supportive comments agreeing with the risk of a “catastrophe”.

Read the rest of that hot potato here.

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