Local surfers refuse to rule out "weaponised ass-play"…
As reported earlier today, the three-event Australian leg of the World Championship Tour will, likely, be extended to include a fourth contest.
Surfline suggested a double-header in Sydney but our sources have revealed the contest will actually take place at Lennox Head, eight hundred kilometres north, and home to BeachGrit’s Steve “Longtom” Shearer as well as shaper Dan Thomson and his father, the builder of “the world’s most advanced surf mat” Mark Thomson.
You’ll also recall Lennox as being the home of “weaponised ass-play”.
Lennox is also popular with Great White sharks.
Read, BeachGrit writer eyeballed by White at Lennox: “I can feel the pressure wave on my legs; the big pectoral fins look like a plane!”and “Healthy: 333 Great Whites caught on ten-mile stretch between Ballina, Lennox and Evans Head!”
Whales, too, enjoy the area’s warm green water.
And Sharpes Beach made headlines last October when the one-time world title contender Matt Wilkinson was stalked by an eight-foot bull shark while having a solo sesh.
“I got to feel that weird, heart-sinking but lucky feeling when I saw that footage,” Wilko said.
We’re told that the WSL’s “Competition Director at selected events”, Kieren Perrow, and Andrew Stark, the WSL’s general manager, have met with the local board riders club, Le-Ba (Lennox-Ballina), as well as stakeholders who hold the keys to unlocking a national surfing reserve to a corporate surfing event.
The back-up site will be Sharpes Beach, a pretty average sorta wave just south of Lennox, but suddenly popular due to a surge in housing developments, including the master-planned “neighbourhood” Aureus.
More as it comes.