"There’s such a thing as etiquette. Honour. Good faith."
Hi can of Spam. Can you just run us through what
happened the other day between you and John John
We’ve all seen the video. It’s simple; John John said he would eat
me and then he didn’t.
Can you articulate exactly how you feel about being rejected by world champion John John Florence? I mean, it’s bullshit isn’t it? Promises were made – if not verbally then at least in spirit – and JJ has basically thrown that back in my face. And not just my face; Luke’s face, Mr Pyzel’s face, Hawaii’s face, the face of the spirit of surfing, the face of the spirit of competition, he’s sullied all those faces.
You mention Hawaii’s face. How significant is this
controversy in light of the fact that Hawaii consumes the most
amount of Spam of anywhere in the United States, and Spam is
sometimes called “the Hawaiian steak”?
You mean how significant is it to reject the national dish while
competing under said nation’s flag in said nation’s national sport?
I assume that is a rhetorical question. Hawaii basically runs on
Spam. It ran on it during the war and it still runs on Spam. You
can’t take the Spam out of Hawaii any more than you can take the
salt out of Spam itself. That’s history right there. Anyone who
says otherwise is a card-carrying statue-graffitiing antifa
Some people might not see being eaten as something to
really aspire to.
You’re missing the point; It’s not the being eaten that’s the
thing, it’s the by whom one is being eaten. John John’s not just
anybody. He’s a 2x WSL world champion. And when I say he’s not
anybody I mean body. To be masticated in the mouth of a 2x world
champion; to pass along the oesophagus of a 2x world champion; to
be dissolved in the stomach acids of a 2x world champion; to pass
through the intestine of a 2x world champion; for one’s minerals
and vitamins to absorbed through the intestinal lining and into the
bloodstream of a 2x world champion – that journey would have been
something I’d have really savoured. And I was denied that
So to be turned into faeces…
…of a 2x world champion.
And shat into a toilet is…
An immense privilege. Exactly.
I see. And even though he relegated your whole existence
to a forfeit among friends you would still regard it
I mean we all enjoy a bit of banter and we all have to take it on
the chin and not be snowflakes about it. Look; I get it: I’m a can
of Spam. We’re a humble foodstuff. Bear in mind not everywhere in
the world has such an informed and reverential opinion of Spam as
is found in Hawaii. In most parts of the world the most a can of
Spam can aspire to is to be eaten by a divorced forty-something man
in a portacabin on a building site on the outskirts of a provincial
town. I mean don’t get me wrong; these people are the salt of the
earth. I, though, had a chance to rise above the expectations of my
kind. And that chance was stolen from me.
What do you say to the speculation that John John
refused you based on his pursuit of a vegan diet?
I understand that John John is in the public eye and thus has to
humour whatever baseless woke fads are currently trending. He could
have eaten me in private. I’d have done him no harm, quite the
opposite in fact. Being mostly ham based I’m a rich source of
protein. Aside from that my potato-based binding agent also makes
me a decent source of carbohydrates. Both are essential for
maintaining a high level of professional athleticism.
In the video he refutes ever having agreed to the
He does?
Yeah. He says, “we didn’t settle on this
Unbelievable lack of basic chivalry. A surfer talking about rules?
Is there an umpire in the line-up in a fucking stripey rash vest
enforcing these “rules”?
I mean technically in competition…
There’s such a thing as etiquette. Honour. Good faith.
Pyzel says “John [John] says he’s gonna eat the spam on
the beach if he gets second.”
There you have it.
And then John John says “No.”
What are you a fucking lawyer?
He did at least pose with you though didn’t
I’m not a little kid after an autograph. And then he started going
on about a boomerang or something, didn’t he? Classic deflection.
He knows exactly what he’s done.
Nathan seemed very insistent that John John ate the
I’ve got a lot of time for Nathan. He’s a good lad. You can see the
desperation in his eyes when he’s imploring John to eat the Spam.
He’s smiling but smiling is kind of his “thing” and he knows he’s
on camera and at the end of the day he’s a Youtube pro. But the
sadness is there, the panic. He can see his own flesh and blood
throwing his career away, throwing away the goodwill of a nation.
It’s tragic.
Was it Nathan who wrote ‘second place; JJ Florence’ on
your tin and put you on a that wooden cabinet?
Yeah, like I said he’s one of the good guys.
Thanks, can of Spam.
Nice one.