Forward foot thinking!
History will look back on the 2020s as Kai Lenny Time and boy has it ever been. The Maui local, Jaws maven, is currently ubiquitous across our landscape. From creating a Metaverse with Facebook founder, and world’s 5th richest man, Mark Zuckerberg to announcing his upcoming twins will be girls at the aforementioned Jaws to appearing on the very popular podcast Dirty Water, the handsome waterman has been everywhere.
Can you imagine a better statesman for our fallen kind?
No and never and now Kai, and his brother Ridge, are vowing to change transportation forever.
In an explosive Wall Street Journal feature, the two discuss how they plan to change the very idea of transportation by making foils as ubiquitous in the ocean as electric scooters are on land.
I skimmed the story then got logged out and left crying behind the paywall but if you are a Wall Street Journal subscriber you can, and should, read every bit here.
Lachlan Murdoch will thank you.
If not a subsriber, what I recall is that Kai Lenny and his brother Ridge made a foil company, Kai “commuted” around very crowded Manhattan Island easier on a foil than on land.
How they want to maybe have others do the same.
I don’t know.
I was very busy dancing ballet today.
Great idea though as long as none of them are pretending to surf.
Commuting in Chicago etc.
The Gold Coast.
Manhattan Beach.
I defy you to disagree.