"I wanted to give you my cherry! Take it now, it's yours!"
I’ve always felt an exquisite tenderness towards Brad Gerlach, an almost world champ, who rubbed his heady gristle against the tour’s stiffening dingus in the late eighties, early nineties.
Gerlach is the son of a Hungarian Olympian who later became a stuntman, and who became famous, in 1971, for jumping out of a hot air balloon and into a three-foot thick foam pad.
Gerlach retired from the tour at twenty five to pursue the “the artistic side of surfing”.
He was one of the first surfers to ride Cortes Bank, one hundred miles out to sea, and and, in 2005, won sixty-eight thousand dollars by riding a sixty-eight foot wave at Todos Santos.
He is even lovelier now than when he was at his professional surfing peak in the eighties and nineties.
He wears fiery little hats in bottle green, spectacles that shave years off his biological age and his lean body betrays a carnal fluency.