Update: Kolohe Andino not disqualified from
Billabong Pro Pipeline Masters or Hurley Pro Sunset Beach, takes
cracks and lives to fight another day!
By Chas Smith
Your new favorite.
The hottest rumor of this early North Shore
season has taken a quick though satisfying turn. San
Clemente’s Kolohe Andino, currently dwelling amongst the seven mile
miracle ahead of the Billabong Pro Pipeline Masters and Hurley Pro
Sunset Beach was, moments ago, rumored to be disqualified
after a robust fight.
As it turns out, and straight from Andino’s mouth, there has
been no disqualification and, instead, a hero has been born.
The true story?
“I got burned then yelled at because I hooted then I defended
myself with words. He slapped me. I did not move. Then he punched
me. I went in. He continued surfing.”
A manual in “How to Deal with Conflict and Various other Issues
on Oahu’s North Shore by Those who Dwell on the Mainland.”
Andino now a favorite both in your heart and for the 2022 World
Sizzling Hot Rumor: Kolohe Andino
disqualified from Billabong Pro Pipeline Masters and possibly
Hurley Pro Sunset Beach for allegedly burning a local then
instigating a fight!
By Chas Smith
Who saw this coming?
I know, dear BeachGrit reader, that
you are sometimes disappointed by your daily visit to the biggest
little surf website on the planet. Oh, stories of redemption via
personal fitness and health coaches are as important as they are
beautifully written but every so often certain itches need to be
scratched, blood feuds, sizzling hot rumors and boy do I have one
for you.
The coconut wireless has, minutes ago, fired off a cooker. A
very well-placed source just now revealed that Kolohe Andino,
America’s great white hope, has been disqualified from the
Billabong Pro Pipeline Masters, and possibly Hurley Pro Sunset
Beach, by the World Surf League’s Rules and Disciplinary Committee
for allegedly “burning a local surfer then instigating a fight then
becoming knocked out.”
Feel free to ponder the salient bits one at a time.
Burning a local surfer.
Instigating a fight.
Knocked out.
Disqualified by the World Surf League after review by the “Rules
and Disciplinary Committee.”
Andino, who recently signed a deal with iconic Santa Cruz
wetsuit brand O’Neill has been contacted though no word back at
time of writing.
But what does that make you think? Feel? If true, are you wildly
impressed by the moxie? The pure passionate rage that becoming a
father can instill in a man’s heart?
Or generally confused.
With details still spare, I’m inclined to the former.
Laird Hamilton’s eponymous Superfood
accused of brazenly stealing from starving artists: “Do the right
thing. I’ll give every dollar you owe to the employees that poured
countless hours into all of the concepts we created for you.”
By Chas Smith
Gauntlet thrown.
Another day, another dollar, or so the saying goes but some
capture that dollar a little easier, catch stacks upon stacks upon
stacks of them, in fact. Take the case of big wave icon, tow
pioneer Laird Hamilton. The Malibu-ite, by way of Maui of course,
pulled in many dollars over the years what with being the face of
Davidoff Blue Water and starting a plant-based coffee creamer
Laird’s Superfood is, without doubt, a success story earning
millions upon millions on the stock market, bringing health and
happiness to homes… except, allegedly, to homes of starving
Brandon Ball, founder of Starch Creative, took to Instagram yesterday,
posting pictures of a Superfood snowy pop-up plus plans for that
exact same snowy pop-up and declaring:
I’ve never said anything. I consistently swallow pride, take
the high road, and move on to fight another day. But today I’m
done. I’m tired of seeing the look on my teams face when their work
is stolen and used without payment.
Consistently we are asked to do what is called an unpaid
“RFP” (request for proposal). This typically includes design
concepts, with a contractual obligation and guarantee that if the
client chooses your work, you will be paid for it. The reason
companies do this is so they can solicit free design by leveraging
small design companies against each other.
Here is another example of that happening. @lairdsuperfood
approached Starch in February of 2021 and asked us to provide
design ideas under an unpaid RFP. Being Covid, we had to say yes.
We were fighting for our lives. Fast forward to them telling us
they have decided to go a different direction and wouldn’t be
moving forward with our concepts….
It’s unfortunate but this happens constantly. Creative teams
are quiet and never speak up because they don’t want to impact
future opportunities. It’s no different than stealing art or music.
Creative isn’t free.
Your move @lairdsuperfood . Do the right thing. I’ll give
every dollar you owe us to the employees that poured countless
hours into all of the concepts we created for you. #laird
Many comments all supportive of the li’l guy, not Team
Do you think he will do the right thing?
More as the story develops.
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Photo: Jack English
Confession: Last year I brought great shame
upon myself and my family by betting on Caio Ibelli. This year I
shall redeem myself with BeachGrit’s wonderful mascot Jordy
By Chas Smith
Surfival of the fittest.
We are on the cusp of a brand new World Surf League
season and can you feel the frisson? That wonderful
tension? Oh the wet rag that is Lower Trestles is now in the
rearview and only excitement remains. Only sweet and delicious
anticipation but do you bet the surfers?
It is, truly, the only way to properly enjoy and the very best
way to bet them is via the Surfival League.
Each event, pick only one (1) surfer to advance past the
Round of 32.
If your surfer loses in the first two elimination rounds
(gets 33rd or 17th place), you are eliminated for the year. If your
surfer advances, you advance.
You can not pick the same surfer twice.
The competition will continue until the last man is standing
and they will win $3000 and three custom shaped Panda
A mere $20 is the buy in but, last year, I brought shame to
myself and my family. This year, I will rectify. I will stand
proud. I will win and all starting with betting on one Michael
Jordan Smith. “Cryin Jordy” has been BeachGrit’s mascot since the
get (photo captured by the imitable Jack English whose clothing can be purchased
Is there any way the South African veteran does not make it out
of the Round of 32 at Pipeline? Any chance he stumbles out of the
gate? Shame hovers around himself, his family, too.
Armadas of excruciatingly painful
bluebottles wash up on Australian shores in “gobsmacking” record
numbers terrorizing surfers, creating unfortunate TikTok moments
and blinding young children!
By Chas Smith
Of all the menacing creatures hiding in, or
near, the surf zone, I will mark those belonging to the jellyfish
family as lame number one. Sharks may bite and other surfers may
scalp but the ill-intentioned jellyfish stings with uncommon relish
and hurt very extremely badly.
But who, here, has not been molested by a jelly? Out minding
business, enjoying sun on face, warm water all around and… ouch!
The sting growing in intensity until a good friend provides hot
And, unfortunately for our Australian brothers and sisters,
bluebottles are washing up in record, or “gobsmacking” numbers.
Heaps of them according to jellyfish expert Dr Lisa-ann Gershwin
who declared, “They’re having a really fun time this year and
they’re definitely terrorising us this year. They’re really strange
alien creatures. There’s no two ways about it. It doesn’t have any
equal to people, or animals, or corals, or things we understand
intuitively. It’s just their own brand of weirdness in such a cool
Her sunny outlook is not replicated by surfers or little
Bluebottles travel in “armadas” which happen to be left or right
handed and hermaphrodites. A wild sex party at sea. The worst bit,
though, is the sting which is actually an excreted microscopic
Dr. Gershwin changed her tune when it came to close contact,
describing the sting as “excruciating” and sharing stories of
people who have poked a beached bluebottle with a stick, a dog
playing with that stick and getting blasted in the mouth. Or young
children who have stomped on one and shot the mucous into a child
friend’s eyes temporarily blinding and hurting.
Our brave Australian brothers and sisters have succeeded in
keeping Serbian tennis players out of the country but this
intersexed invasion may simply be too much to bear.