“Am I a surfer? I’M A SAILOR, BITCH! You can’t sail. I bet you don’t even know how the wind works!”
The Pensacola surfer and comic Sterling Spencer, who disappeared from the spotlight two years ago after he“completely lost” his mind following a blow to his head by a surfboard fin, has returned to his satirical best.
Yesterday, various socials were enlivened by what filmmaker Logan Dulien dubbed “Sailor Karen”, a glamorous middle-aged woman who lights up in the San Onofre carpark with the now immortal quote,
“Am I a surfer? I’M A SAILOR, BITCH! You can’t sail. I bet you don’t even know how the wind works!”
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Spencer, who is thirty-six and the son of Gulf Coast legend Yancy Spencer III, hit worldwide fame in 2010 when he posted a dubbed video of a kid trying to get Jeremy Flores’ autograph at J-Bay, with Flores strangling Spencer at the Surfer Poll awards the same year in revenge.
Using wigs to approximate the look of what used to be called “women”, Spencer and pal parody the San O exchange, this time with a Hawaiian flavour.
Have I ever been to this beach before? Have you ever been to Off the Wall, Backdoor, Velzyland, Freddyland or Pipeline? Do you even go left?”
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