"The idea of giving Kalani an eternal resting place befitting of the beautiful human he was is more heartbreaking than these words could ever express."
Ain’t anything in the world like outliving a child. And, for the parents of the surf-skate superstar Kalani David, dead of a seizure while surfing in Costa Rica three days ago, it’s a nightmare they’ve gotta live with for the rest of their lives.
I’ve been back and forthing a little with Kalani’s daddy David the past few days, and the depth of sorrow, the immensity of his suffering, is obvious in his missives.
Right now, his kid is in Costa Rica, and he wants to get him to Florida so he can be buried next to his beloved grandfather. When he was little, David says, Kalani had nightmares of his body being burned into ashes. David promised him that’d never happen.
And, so, a gofundme has been set up to repatriate Kalani, with thirty-four k needed.
After only three hours and with six days until the funeral service, seven gees has been raised.
A race against the clock, as you can imagine.
Kalani’s stepmom Andrea writes,
“Our son is laying in wait at a morgue in San Jose, Costa Rica. He died of a massive seizure while surfing a remote area on Saturday, September 17. I’m already here and didn’t think twice about whatever I had to do, to make this happen. I am not prepared and the idea of giving Kalani an eternal resting place befitting of the beautiful human he was is more heartbreaking than these words could ever express.
“The list is beyond my ability to take in right now. Preparation, international flight, repatriation process, casket, service and eternal resting place, is something I find myself just broken in tears over. We wish to bury Kalani next to his grandfather, where his immediate family and relatives will follow at Florida Memorial Gardens. Where he can be visited and talked to. Guided if possible, by immediate family.
“I honestly believe Kalani would prefer Hawaii but that seems an impossibility right now. How much can I cover or ask from the people Kalani loved around the world? It just doesn’t seem fair either way. I wish it was me and it didn’t even matter? It’s my son and I want to see him on the weekends, sit by him and listen for his spirit. Which sounds tragically sad but it’s the least I can try for. He deserved more than I could ever give him and I don’t even feel right for asking but I will for Kalani. I don’t want my son in a jar or spread on the water, as I would see fit for myself. I want to give him a place you can go see him and know he is listening when you share your feelings with him.”