Triple world surfing champion divides internet after cryptic post written in Spanish denies catastrophic effects of climate change

“Where can I sign up to learn more about meteorology from professional surfers?”

As we all know, or should, the world is rifling to a bitter end. Soon, the water will be at our necks, the sun will boil our blood, and all because we didn’t have the courage and foresight to make the necessary adjustments to our carbon dioxide-spewing lifestyles.

This is fact, dogma, whatever you want to call it. Question it at your peril and so on.

The ultra-purist long boarder Joel “Tinkerbell” Tudor, who became the sport’s oldest-ever world champion, winning his third log crown aged forty-five two years ago, thinks otherwise, it appears.

In a post mocking the idea that Hurricane Hilary might be the logical result of climate change, Tudor posted satellite photos of the same hurricane with the caption, “Hurricane heading towards CA…it’s climate change!!!” on one and “Hurricane heading towards Mexico… it’s summertime” on the other.

The inference being, hurricanes swing by in summer. Ain’t nothing to get lit up about.

His caption Mucho Mierda, an old Spanish expression often used to wish actors luck prior to a show, translates simply as “Load of shit.” And, oowee, it has driven progressives mad.


The third tropical storm to hit California in recorded history is very normal indeed. Where can I sign up to learn more about meteorology from professional surfers?

(Joel replied, “hhhhhhhahahaha this weirdo has been commenting back novels for 24 hrs ….can you say obsessed fan boy upset at a phone much hahahahhh.”)

Hurricanes are tied to water temperature, so yes water temperature is warmer further south. Water temps are historically colder further north…. So a hurricane that hits further north is indicative of abnormally warm water in the north and a changing climate. Even still the changes are gradual, but the expression becomes more and more extreme like a pendulum picking up speed.

Imagine swallowing the Fossil Fuel industry propaganda and confusing it for being a ‘free thinker’

Sometimes he’s right, sometimes he’s the biggest Barney on the Internet

Ok, so there’s no such thing as climate change, Mr. Tudor? Love your surfing and everything you have done for the sport, but this post sucks…

So regardless of this being the 1st time NHC has issued a Tropical Storm Watch for this region, do you think Climate Change is a hoax

nice thing to post after un precedented tragedies fueled by droughts, hurricanes, and poor land management in Maui. Not sure why surfers like to latch onto bad propaganda while the scientific community and all of our global meteorology data is in agreement. Storm severity, frequency, record setting temperature of land and ocean, increasing scopes of natural disasters. That’s climate change. The planet will be fine, our infrastructure, food sources, and impoverished communities will suffer. When did surfers become so brainwashed to believe conspiracy theories

And, ominously,

Are you a climate change denier?

Denier! A blasphemer!

Plenty on his side, howevs, reflecting, I think, the climate change fatigue among average people a little tired of being fed apocalyptic scenarios.

While all the Climatards jump all over this thread with all their “facts” the forecast has been downgraded to one day of rain 1-3 inches and 20mph winds as expected 😂 you’ll get us next time climate change.

These comments are classic… everyone with a sane brain knows it won’t be near hurricane force when it come remotely close to us in SoCal. No matter what the Climate bafoons think… why? Because it will hit cold water or land first. Which we have both also why we don’t have hurricanes. Every single model shows this….. but but but muh Carbon…. Enjoy the rainy day

Personally, I find the hoo-ha exhilarating and, given we’re all doomed anyway, I hope to be here, dressed in a maraschino-red suit with silk lapels, a black shirt and a bow tie, ready to clap the apocalypse on the back as we all burn to hell, the liquid fire eating me alive.


Are there smart people out there ie anyone not coloured by political allegiances, who can give me their thoughts on the matter?


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Humor-adjacent agitators leg swept by zombie surf media outlet on salacious World Surf League scoop

The Satanic Bible of the Sport.

The World Surf League, from its birth in 2015 circa 1976 to today, must be utterly confused. Purchased for free by a billionaire and promising more fans than America’s National Football League, the WSL née Association of Surfing Professionals has been met with embarrassment after embarrassment.

Paul Speaker.

Backward Fin Beth.

Erik Logan.

To name but three of many including Jessi Miley-Dyer and Dave Prodan, who allegedly killed surfing.

Dirk Ziff always had his collaborationist surf media though, supporting through shame, buoying false narratives, turning blind eyes to utter nonsense. Hoping, waiting for drippings from that table, were premium surf blog Stab, The Inertia, an absolute affront to anything good or decent in this world, and the remains of Surfer Magazine, which didn’t critique because it was dead.

Months ago, however, the Bible of the Sport reanimated as an AI zombie after shuttering under David Pecker and part of its mission, appears, to include burying the World Surf League.

In a recent social media post celebrating the final Top 5 men, who will head to Lower Trestles sometime in early September to watch Filipe Toledo hoist a trophy* minus one who has a broken back that, for some reason, won’t be recognized, the World Surf League dubbed number five Jack Robinson “Jack Ronbinson.”

Par for the course considering the misprint on Kanoa Igarashi’s jersey as “Igarshi” and also Erik Logan’s entire run.

In any case, Surfer’s weird corpse has decided to pile on the World Surf League, noting the spelling error and putting it on blast.

Proto surf bot penning:


In the official Instagram announcement of the upcoming World Surf League Finals, to be held at Lower, Trestles September 8th – 16th, someone made a whoopsie.

Jack Robinson, the west Australian hard charger and pre-heat bellydancer, who had a stellar season with two wins (Pipeline and Teahupo’o) barely made the cut into the one-day, winner-take-all event, despite a knee injury, which forced him to withdraw from his home event at Margaret River. And the WSL did him dirty with an unfortunate typo.

Apparently “did him a dirty” not quite fully understood by the robot.

Surfer, while dead, still has a substantial social following of people who don’t know/don’t care and I feel it must hurt the Santa Monica-based “Home of Professional Surfing’s” feelings much.

When will the buy-off be attempted and how much will John Severson’s once proud organ take to flip Wall of Positive Noise?

I’m guessing $1,000 and next week with the machine being redirected to criticizing broken backs before it is redirected again to praising all things WSL.

Can’t wait.

More as the story develops.

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Hurricane Hilary deemed racist after changing path from U.S. Open of Surfing-loving “Inland Empire” and slamming directly into Compton

"But the trail of Hilary took an interesting turn Sunday night..."

Southern California is putting itself back together after a historic hurricane, named Hilary, formed in the Pacific and slammed into the state. She was, by then, a tropical depression and maybe named something else but no matter as her terror was unleashed. Green waste trash cans brutally tipped over. Hedges kind of getting bent.


And as I was driving home, after potentially straining social services with an entirely ill-advised sail trip, dodging people driving 40 mph in the fast lane with their hazard lights on while the rain lightly sprinkled, I wonder if this was the center of the storm.

Meteorologists had thought the business might make first hit in Encinitas then travel east but mostly north. In truth, she touched ground in northern Baja then did cruise east and mostly north until Sunday night when… well, let’s let the Los Angeles Times take up this unfortunate tale.

For days, forecasters have tried to determine the path of Hilary as it morphed from a Category 4 hurricane in the Pacific Ocean to an exceedingly rare tropical storm that entered Southern California.

But the trail of Hilary took an interesting turn Sunday night, as the storm made a trek from the Inland Empire to the heart of Los Angeles.

The center of the storm went from being east of Murrieta in Riverside County at 5 p.m. to above Compton around 8 p.m., according to the National Hurricane Center.

Compton, as anyone who watches movies or listens to music knows, is a culturally rich, predominately black community.

The Inland Empire features, mostly, U.S. Open of Surfing attendees.


Hard to say but science is science.

More as the story develops.

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Surf Journalist braves “weather event of the century” Hurricane Hilary in wildly ill-advised sail odyssey to forbidden California island

Red at night, sailors a-fright.

As you are undoubtedly aware, what was once a category 4 hurricane, yesterday, made historic landfall in California. Hilary be her name, destruction and vengeance be her game. Governor Gavin Newsom bravely declared a state of emergency, Los Angeles and San Diego school districts cancelled school. The Soho House, downtown Los Angeles, cancelled a Sunday evening soiree and coffee shops throughout Orange County put signs on doors reading “closed due to weather.”

Headlines across all major media implored people to “shelter in place” and “avoid dying.”

I was accidentally on a sailboat heading to Catalina with my two very best friends. The same very two with whom I was lucky enough to survive post 9/11 Yemen, war-ravaged Beirut, early days of Covid-19 Paris.

This brazen and selfish ignoring of common sense, potential strain put on “the system,” outrageous irresponsibility was not, as in times past, on purpose but only accidental as the trip had been planned for a week and you know how tough schedules can be to change these days.

We had been tracking Hilary, spinning off the Baja Peninsula, when we left Newport Harbor Saturday afternoon. Reports were calling for nearly unnavigable five foot seas and nearly unimaginable 18 mile per hour winds for Sunday.

We pressed on.

The Pacific was near oil glass, the sky lightly cloudy when we hoisted the mainsail and unfurled the jib. A steady breeze pushing us along at a decent 9 knots. We spoke of books and ate Italian sandwiches for lunch, arriving at Avalon in the late afternoon.

The harbor was empty.

We called the harbor master and he informed us that it was, indeed, closed, no mooring balls to be had, and that restaurants were likely closed too in preparation of the storm of the century. We thought of anchoring but had left our dinghy in Newport and if no restaurants were open it would be pointless anyhow.

Stress grew as we only had one more Italian sandwich to split between the three of us and dinner was fast approaching.

The call was made. We would return to Newport and sort out a meal.

The return trip was quick, a steady breeze for the first three-quarters, dying entirely as Fashion Island came into view. The sky turning a brilliant salmon as dolphins leapt, striking terror into the hearts of all.

Red at night, sailors a-fright.

Near the mouth of the harbor, we decided to motor to the public dock, tie off and walk to Restaurant A as we were really hungry and it would be quicker. The time was, roughly 8:30. It was open, we were seated immediately and ordered a butterleaf wedge salad, ceviche tostaditas, 22 oz bone-in ribeye and Atlantic lobster tail, all for sharing.

We washed it down with a Moscow Mule.

Afterward, we returned to the boat, motored back up the harbor to the mooring, fixed the lines then fell asleep on the deck.

At 3:00 am I felt a raindrop on my head and moved below.

It rained all night.

In the morning, we all woke up and it was still raining. We cleaned up then rowed across the channel right as Hilary, then a tropical depression, made its historic landfall.

Foolish jerks.

The end.

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Surfers who survived sinking of Indonesian boat raise $50,000 for family of missing deckhand lost at sea for over one week as mother pleads, “Keep looking for him and put him in my arms”

"Keep looking for him and put him in my arms. You should all be out there looking. Everyone else is found. The boat is found.”

As streaming platforms and producers swarm the four surfers who survived two days lost at sea near Nias when the crappy Indo boat they were on was swamped by waves, money is being sought for the family of the one missing crew member.

The four surfers, Elliot Foote, Steph Weisse, Will Teagle and Jordan Short had been travelling through northern Sumatra to celebrate Foote’s thirtieth birthday, a gift from his father. The boat went missing on the fifty click trip between Nias and the island of Pinang in the Bankyaks, separated from another boat carrying eight other friends, during a storm.

Recalling the event Elliot said,

“When the first one [wave] came in, Jordie’s like, ‘alright guys, this could be serious. I was like all right sweet, grab me that, grab me something warm, grab me my knife, grab me this. We all started grabbing shit.”

All four friends were found after thirty-six hours, with two of the three crew members rescued shortly after.


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Lost at sea, and likely dead, is Fifan Satria, who was only on the boat ‘cause his Dad Muhammad Musa, who usually took the wheel, was sick and he was called in to help.

As the four Australians paddled off for help,  the other Indonesians on the boat, Mohammed Iqbal and Junardi Akhmad, stayed behind to help Fifan, who couldn’t swim.

“The foreigners paddled very quickly but we couldn’t keep up and we had to look after Fifan,” Iqbal told The Australian. “I tried to give Fifan a lot of encouragement. I reminded him to tie his surfboard to his body so whatever happened – if he felt dizzy or passed out – he would not sink to the sea. I told him if he didn’t do that and he passed out, he might not be found.”

With rescue unlikely, a crowd funding account has been set up by the survivors to raise money for Fifan’s family with 47k of a proposed 100 already raised, mostly from the survivors themselves.

The money is going to “assist and support the family and community of the one crew member who is still missing, to compensate the people who committed their time and resources to the rescue effort, and to help ensure nothing like this happens again.”

Meanwhile, Fifan’s mother Erlisda has pleaded for the search to continue.

“Please look for my son. Keep looking for him and put him in my arms. You should all be out there looking. Everyone else is found. The boat is found.”

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