“We were ambushed by Sasha Jane Lowerson and
Sabrina Brennan from Surf Equity. They had a plan to destroy and
create chaos."
Tears and jeers and whatever else two weeks back when it was claimed surfing’s only
transgender competitor Sasha Jane Lowerson had been banned from
entering the women’s div of a longboard contest in Huntington
Sasha Jane Lowerson, as I like to remind you backward bastards,
was one of Australia’s leading male longboarders, even winning the
men’s longboard div as Ryan Egan before transitioning four years
ago and joining the women’s side of the draw, enjoying much success
and approval etc.
American Longboarding’s Todd Messick isn’t real into the trans
schtick, howevers.
In a piece to camera on X on April 25, he said he was going to
support “biological males and biological females in their divisions
respectively. If you were born a female, you enter in the women’s.
If you’re born a male, you enter in the men’s”.
Sasha Jane Lowerson, who was fresh from
facial feminisation surgery in Cordoba, Argentina, a
radical procedures that gussies up the hard-edged male face and
turns it into something real pretty, posted a lengthy screed on
Instagram calling Messick’s decision “shameful and shady”.
As I walk my journey through the turmoil and the implications
of people that want to spread misinformation, I’ve found myself
wondering why? Just why to people hate me for existing!
And, in a long piece, the LA Times
wrote, “Sasha Jane Lowerson just wanted to surf.“
But now! Oh yes, now!
Messick has gone back on X to explain that Sasha Jane
Lowerson…didn’t…produce any paperwork showing her
WSL/ISA-approved levels of T, which is still double that of a
pre-menopausal female, and that all of us media schmucks were
fooled by that freewheeling game of intersectionality warfare
that renders most of us mute.
“You’ve all been lied to, each and every one of you,” says
“Every news channel, every agency, every report that’s been
pushing on this has lied to you. And there’s an agenda, there’s a
false narrative going on by the 1%. We’ve been ambushed.
“We were ambushed by Sasha Jane Lowerson and Sabrina Brennan
from Surf Equity. They had a plan, they had a setup, and the
reality is it was meant to destroy and create chaos and create
division and confusion.
“And I’m here to clarify any kind of confusion.
“We made a statement on the 25th of April stating that we were
in line with the ISA and WSL policies, and that we also demanded
that if you were a biological male or female, that you’d enter into
your own classes, respectively. We asked that Sasha Jane Lowerson
provide us the paperwork, her or any other trans athlete that
wanted to enter our event…
“We heard a lot of complaints, there was a lot of lies being put
out about what was and wasn’t said. And I’m here to assure
everybody that we have made an equal, open playing field for all
athletes and that you as a transgender athlete, if you qualify with
those guidelines under ISA-WSL policy, that you would
“Let me just make clear that we made our statement for the
protection of female athletes, for mothers, daughters, granddaughters, for the
future and the well-being and the protection of females. Period.
There is no other reason that we’re doing this. Okay? So for anybody to spin this
around, turn this around, saying that we’re doing this for this,
that, or the other, it’s for equality. It’s for acceptance as human
“Now this trans agenda that’s going down is absolutely absurd in
my opinion. It is not
science. It is not fact. We’re going off of emotions and what
people identify as. Listen, I can identify as the man of the moon
and until I can prove paperwork that would say otherwise, I’m a human
being. I‘m a biological
male. That’s science, that’s fact as much as I choose to think
“So that’s how we’re sticking at it. The ISA-WSL rules allow testosterone
levels two times higher than the average pre-menstrual (actually pre-menopausal)
female. That’s unacceptable and that’s unfair. So what we’re
demanding, what we’re changing, our new policy, is we’re asking
that the WSL, ISA and the Olympic Committee all follow this policy.
“It falls right in line with the California Athletic Commission
saying that if you’re a transgender athlete, you would have had to be in
hormonal therapy
for two years under the radar and that your levels must be
equal to the
average premenstrual (pre-menopausal) female. Now that is accurate
and that is fair. Equal to, equal to, okay?
“And for the record, for a biological male to get to that level, it is
almost impossible.
And for that reason, we are putting this into play and into writing
to state the fact that the strength advantage and that alone is the
reason why this whole controversy is in effect.
“So you take out the strength, you take out that testosterone
down to a level where it’s equal to a female, then
that’s an equal playing field. And until we get to an equal
playing field, there’s no reason to continue to talk
about this until
we start seeing athletes that actually qualify under this agenda,
under these
regulations, there’s nothing to talk about. We keep spinning this
whole thing out and this
narrative and all it is doing is creating division.
“Please do not be distracted by these news channels that are
trying to destroy
us, that are trying to keep us confused, okay?”
Well? Fair play?
And what next in this sexy lil saga?