Part two of the documentary series 'Billy'.
Four days ago, at the launch of the six-part documentary series Billy, which follows the travails of big-wave champ Billy Kemper, more than a few people were asking, how they gonna milk six eps out of this?
Today, in part two, the pace slows down, the rhythm falls into place, and we get to Billy’s fateful trip to North Africa.
In a follow-the-action vlog-style, Billy, and pals Koa Smith and Luke Davis, chase a swell to a wave, a rounder version of Lennox Head, that I always figured was a no-no to name. When I surfed the joint twenty years ago it was dominated by a cabal of gangster bodyboarders and any sort of exploitative behaviour, photos, vision, was strictly verboten.
Anyway, the gang is electrified by a second swell and led by their Moroccan guide Jerome Sahyoun, many a crotch fire is stoked.
And then comes the wave that almost disengages Billy Kemper from this mortal coil.
“Is he dead? Did he drown?” Koa asks a boat driver.
“Please don’t leave me here,” Billy begs.
Emotional dehydration etc.