Come for the naked multi-sex saunas, stay for the epic points!
In episode two of the just re-launched Weird Waves series, Puerto Rican shredder Dylan Graves reveals the surprising breadth of surfing’s hold in Sweden and provides proof, archival admittedly, the joint really does get world-class waves.
Graves, forty or so and who holds the world record for most turns on a wave, forty, if you’re wondering, flies to Sweden to visit his pal and local pro surfer Freddie Meadows and, if the weather forecasts proof correct, plans to surf in the brackish and formidably cold waters of the Baltic Sea.
There’s something wildly appealing about Dylan Graves.
He is man filled with generous gestures who never lets the tide of bitterness rise too high. He strikes spontaneous friendships wherever he goes, wait for his praise of a local gal’s set wave at a Swedish point he describes as “world class” that you know she’ll relive for the rest of her life, and, crucially, he never tires of hoisting himself into cold and stormy seas.
Every day for Graves, y’see, is a spring carnival and a mood of gaiety.
Essential even for those with fast-dimming attention.