A dazzling eleven-minute feature from What Youth…
Life really does move at a frenetic pace. One minute you’re the belle of the ball, tucking loose hair back into your French braid, the next you’re smelling like a barroom slut, fresh makeup covering swollen eyes.
The wave pool in Waco, Texas, had a meteoric rise to stardom after the Hawaiian Cheyne Magnusson worked the levers to produce the best wedge anyone had ever seen anywhere, ocean or pool. Suddenly, that central Texas city who’d only just worn off the stigmata of its murderous religious siege twenty-five years earlier, was the king of the world.
And, then, a Jersey surfer died a couple of weeks after surfing in the pool’s unfiltered water, which led to the joint being closed until next March.
This edit, from our dear pals at What Youth (Hello Tom Carey, you’re still number one!) squeezes a big blue ball of Crest into your mouth. Ever so sweet but with a sting as it goes down your throat.
You can watch, but you can’t have. At least not until mid 2019.
Do watch.