A tearjerker feature on the wondrous life of Gabriel Medina from WSL Studio…
Let’s admit it. It’s taken a while, years, but who isn’t ready to be impaled on Gabriel Medina’s jumbo stake?
In this very good eight-minute short from WSL Studio we go beyond his fumbling post-heat interviews (you try and express the platitudes of pro sports in a second language) and into Gabriel’s world. Which comprises, mostly, surfing, family, airports.
Will Gabriel, the boy with the tawny eyes and coarse black hair, win the world title at Pipe? The odds are short enough. A one-dollar bet will get you $1.33. Four bucks for Julian. Ten on Filipe.
In this short, Barton Lynch tells us that Gabriel is his favourite surfer in the world.
Mick Fanning says he’s one of the “most naturally talent and gifted kids I’ve ever seen. He doesn’t have any flaws.”
“He’s got the way of carrying himself that he feels unbeatable,” says Peter Mel.
Soccer man and Medina pal Neymar Jr says, “Everyone knows his greatness in the ocean.”
Step-daddy Chuck says, “He isn’t here to make friends. He’s here to win.”
It’s a brush-fire I doubt anyone will extinguish soon.
Click here to look into his slumberous and mesmeric half-drawn lash curtains.