The legendary Brock Little as shot by Buzzy
Breaking: The Eddie gets “yellow alert” for
possible early-week run as “apocalyptic” swell makes its way toward
Waimea Bay!
By Chas Smith
Exciting to be alive for The Age of Global
And let’s be very honest with each other for a few
holiday moments. First, do you wish your
BeachGrit was doing more year-in-review-style postings?
Even, perhaps, wrapping the entire last ten? I feel we have let you
down in this regard. I feel we could have done very many “top ten
surfboards of the decade” or “top ten professional surfers of the
2000s. At the very least a “top ten shark stories of the week.”
Well, tomorrow is another day and I will do my damnedest for
you. For us.
In the meantime, The Eddie has received a “yellow alert” for a
possible early-week run but let’s get the news from Hawaii
itself. Let’s not culturally appropriate.
Organizers will make that call within the next 48 hours with
an update at noon Saturday. If the contest is held, it would be the
10th run since its inception in 1985.
The National Weather Service said an extra large
west-northwest swell is expected on Monday and will peak “well
above” warning levels late Monday into Tuesday for north- and
west-facing shores.
The swell is expected to be the largest of the season so
The “largest swell of the season so far” is saying a lot
seeing that we’ve had many large days already.
But before you go, can I ask for a little more honesty? When you
are driving and see a “yellow alert” do you ease off the gas like
you should or punch it to the floor, instantly becoming a danger to
yourself and others?
I thought so.
Maybe a New Year’s resolution?
More as the story develops.
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“Impact was bad. My left side, my left neck
and shoulder went numb instantly. They call it a stinger. When the
wave sucked back over I went over the falls and then I don’t know
if I blacked out quickly but I just remember I was on the bottom,
on the rocks, on my back.” @wsl @caitmiersphotography.
Jamie Mitchell on his epic Jaws contest
wipeout: “I don’t feel immortal; It shows how close you are to
By Derek Rielly
Hits the bottom so hard his wetsuit is ripped and
his ass, legs and feet are cut. He pulls his inflatable vest but
the downward pressure is so great nothing happens.
Two weeks ago, Maui surfer Billy Kemper won his fourth
Jaws contest, his second in a row, in thirty-foot-plus
It was a very good event, and not just for the thrill of seeing
large tubes ridden, but for the satisfaction of watching
competitors brought down violently by the impossible-to-fight
physics of giant moving hunks of water.
And, Australian surfer Jamie Mitchell, the man Kelly Slater
calls “one of the greatest unknown sportsmen of all time” for his
ten consecutive victories in the Molokai to Oahu paddle race, had a
wipeout that really pushed his face through the window.
Jamie, who turns forty-three in a few weeks, was at home at
Sunset Beach on the North Shore, where he live with his wife and
two kids, when I called to discuss the event.
The last time we’d spoken was four years ago when I’d recorded
an audio track of Jamie describing what it was like to be shoved
underwater on a sixty-foot wave, in that case, Belharra, at
Saint-Jean-de-Luz in France’s south-west.
This wipeout, during his round one heat of the contest, was
Jamie’s one of the best in the game but whenever he has a heat
in some big-wave event he tends to only catch one wave so he’s made
it his goal to ride four waves in ever heat.
At Jaws, he was almost twenty minute in, half the heat gone, and
he was waveless. Jamie told himself, “Whatever comes in, I’m taking
it. It doesn’t matter how big it is or how late I am getting into
Almost immediately after he made his vow, the biggest wave of
the morning, perhaps the day, poked its nose over the
Twiggy Baker was further out. He missed it.
Jamie was in a good spot to catch it. He turned, put down his
head and used those formidable paddle arms to get him into the wave
as fast as he could.
“I knew this was going to be the wave of my life or the wipeout
of my life,” he says.
The funny thing about Jaws is it can look glassy, but a
fifty-foot wave, which is how big Jamie is calling this, generates
its own offshore, adding to the east-south-east coming into the
“I thought I was in,” says Jamie. “The nose was actually pointed
down. If you look closely you can see my left hand is trying to
push the nose of my board down.”
Jamie knows that once a bit of wind gets under the nose of your
board, you’re fucked.
“I knew I wasn’t going to make it so I jumped to try and
penetrate. But the wave was so big when I was falling my leash and
my board yanked me.”
He ended up hitting the wave on his left side, head and shoulder
How was the impact?
“Impact was bad. My left side, my left neck and shoulder went
numb instantly. They call it a stinger. When the wave sucked back
over I went over the falls and then I don’t know if I blacked out
quickly but I just remember I was on the bottom, on the rocks, on
my back.”
Jamie hits the bottom so hard his wetsuit is ripped and his ass,
legs and feet are cut. He pulls his inflatable vest but the
downward pressure is so great nothing happens.
“I couldn’t do anything. I was at the mercy of this thing,” he
Even his board was completely submerged.
“Normally, when you’re underwater half your board is
tombstoning. My was underwater. And my leg was getting yanked to
the surface but I was stuck on the bottom.”
Jamie remembers thinking, let it play out, save your oxygen.
“It’s hard because you’re fight or flight and your initial
thought is get to the surface to avoid a two-wave holdout,” he
says. “But then, if you don’t converse your oxygen and you do have
a two-wave holdout, well…”
“You let yourself go and be calm.”
When he made it to the surface, almost on the rocks, Jamie
swallowed a half-breath of air before a second wave hit him. Water
safety patroller Abe Lerner got him on the rescue ski but Jamie
couldn’t use his left arm. Dragged aboard, he was pulled off the
back of the sled by his board hitting the water. Jamie enjoyed
another wave on the head before getting out the back and into the
final ten minutes of is heat.
“But it was all over. I got a mild concussion. I was seeing
stars and feeling wobbly, drunk, what a boxer feels after getting
hit. I just had to survive the rest of the heat.”
Afterwards, Jamie had people come up to him and say that it was
lucky he took the wipeout as he had the tools, the training, the
lungs to survive it.
“That’s the exact reason I train. To be able to be calm in that
situation and be able to get back to my family.”
How did it compare to his Belharra wipeout?
“Belharra was bad but Jaws was a lot worse. A lot more violent.
The one at Belharra rolled me underwater a long way. Jaws pinned me
to the bottom and I went so deep so fast I didn’t equalise. All of
a sudden I was on the bottom. It was crazy.”
I say that he must feel sorta immortal, capable of surviving
anything, after the wipeout.
“Not really. There’s another big swell coming and I’m interested
to see how I’m going to feel. It rattled me, to be honest. I’ve
thought about a few different things, scenarios since. I don’t feel
immortal. It shows how close you are to actually dying. It’s closer
than you think.”
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Ironbound (pictured) cursing "artists" and
Official End of the World: “Rotund” Great
White shark refuses to leave South Florida, threatening to eat
every single Miami “artist” and anti-Cuban “dissident!”
By Chas Smith
This is the end, my friend. Etc.
But have you ever been to South Florida?
Miami-adjacent? I have but only twice. Once when circumnavigating
the entire state for a very important Surfing magazine
feature. Can you believe that Surfing magazine was once a
I can’t.
But it was the best thing, edited by the most handsome surf
journalist ever Travis Ferre, photo edited by almost equally
handsome Peter Taras. Maybe Greek. Maybe not. And, in retrospect, I
cannot believe the powers that be chose to shutter Surfing
instead of Surfer.
Surfer had the name, the history, but Surfing
had the spunk. The features from Florida and so I was there, then,
circumnavigating the State, staying at The Standard when I was in
Not recommended, to be honest, but when I was there a few years
later I stayed at the Faena and ooooee!
You should too.
Or maybe not.
Miami has no surf, zero surf, but also it was just revealed
today that a massive Great White named “Ironbound” is refusing to
leave those cocaine-infused waters (buy
here) but do you not believe me?
Do you think I’m tossing smoke in order to protect my favorite
Miami-adjacent surf breaks?
For shame.
There is no such thing and I would never do that to you but
let’s head
together to CNN for the latest on this unseemly
Tourists and snowbirds aren’t the only ones spending the
holidays around South Florida.
A 12-foot, 4-inch long great white shark that researchers
have named Ironbound has been tracked to the waters south of Key
Biscayne, near Miami.
The adult male shark weighs 998 pounds, according to the
group OCEARCH, which tagged and is tracking the shark.
Ironbound was caught and tagged on October 3 off Lunenburg,
Nova Scotia, and has traveled 1,473 miles down the US East Coast
since then. He’s named after West Ironbound Island, which is near
where he was caught.
It’s been a busy week for the shark trackers.
OCEARCH said that seven of its tagged sharks have pinged
with their location in recent days.
And you don’t want to learn any more. You shouldn’t. It’s the
official end of our species but happy New Year, I guess?
If you haven’t been eaten?
Stop surfing now.
It’s all over.
A wrap.
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"What you gonna do about it Kelly?"
Christmas Day Horror: Beach closed after
“massive” Great White circles two teenage surfers at new artificial
By Chas Smith
Extreme Grinch.
But what did you do on Christmas day after
opening your gifts? Attend a boozy brunch? Head to the movies?
Shiver uncontrollably while contemplating how finite life truly
Go surfing?
Surfing would have been the right call, paddling off those extra
lbs, communing with nature etc. except, as you are very well aware,
we are currently living through a shark apocalypse and the beasts
respect neither life nor holiday tradition, religious or non.
And the Great Whites’ Jehovah’s Witness-like attitude was put on
wickedly scary display at an Australian beach not far from Burleigh
Heads that is proud host of a new artificial reef.
Our source, preferring to remain unnamed so as not to raise the
shark’s hackles, was there enjoying a warm and sunny Christmas day
with his family.
“It was a little onshore, not amazing, but there were a few
waves hitting the reef.” He said. “Interestingly, when the council
first made the reef it was super shallow and looking like there’d
be a wild wedge but the council scooped out a bunch of the rock to
make it deeper and, obviously, less dangerous. It’s not as good but
it breaks and it attracts marine life.”
That dreaded marine life.
In any case, our source saw two teenage surfers, good surfers
who are likely innocent but one never quite knows with teenagers
these days. They told him they were going to hit the reef. He
watched them catch a few early afternoon waves then suddenly a
jetski comes flying in, snags both boys and races them to the
Our source asked them what happened. They replied that they were
circled by a Great White so close they could see the markings,
scratches, on its monstrous dorsal fin.
The beach was shut down for one hour.
There was nothing on local news but much chatter in the lineup
and in town about the predatory visitor.
“We’ve definitely seen an increase in sharks since the reef.
We’ve seen a few bulls, a few smaller sharks.” our source said,
“But nothing like Christmas Day. This is Jaws.”
Would Jaws stop you from surfing the new artificial reef?
Per the council’s description:
The artificial reef is constructed of large rock boulders
and is 1.5 metres below the average water level at its highest
point. Significant investigation and design effort has gone into
designing the artificial reef, including coastal data analysis,
computer modelling and wave tank testing.
It both sounds and looks fun but…
…oh I just don’t know anymore. I think we gift the ocean to the
hideous, horrible, carnivorous sons of guns at this point.
I think if you received a brand-new surfboard under the
Christmas tree that it be returned for a beach volleyball.
Very scary.
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Honey Trap: Australian Tourism Board uses
90s pop icon Kylie Minogue, surfing, to lure Brexit-weary British
to scorched, shark-ravaged island!
By Chas Smith
Come for the brush fire, stay and get eaten.
And have you ever been baited then switched?
Sold a bill of goods? Bought a Rolex for a shockingly low price
from a friendly man on the streets of New York City but, contrary
to the watch maker’s sterling reputation, have it break soon
Oh we’ve all fallen for scenarios we know, with our heads, too
good to be true. The heart, though, it wants what it wants and
Australia’s very smart tourism board is capitalizing on this very
human trait in order to lure Brexit-weary British visitors to their
sun and fire scorched, Great White shark ravaged island and let’s
quickly read about the ploy on onetime news
leader CNN:
Australian tourism officials are banking on Kylie Minogue to
convince British tourists to take a break from all the political
drama at home and take in the sights Australia has to
The Grammy-winning singer, songwriter and actress stars in a
humorous, three-minute music video that aired on British TV right
before Queen Elizabeth II’s annual Christmas broadcast.
“I’m such a proud Australian that I’ve spent most of my life
travelling around the world sharing my stories of Australia with
anyone who would listen, so I kind of feel like a walking tourism
advert for Australia already,” she said in a statement.
More than 700,000 people visited Australia from the UK in
the year ending in June, according to Tourism Australia, making it
the fourth-largest source of tourists behind China, New Zealand and
the United States. They spent AUD $3.4 billion ($2.4 billion USD, £
1.8 billion), but that’s down from the previous year.
“It’s no secret that the UK has been going through a period
of uncertainty, and this has had an impact on outbound travel,
including to Australia where numbers have dipped in recent months,”
Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham said in a statement.
They’re hoping that the campaign, and Minogue’s popularity
in the UK will encourage more tourists.
Very exciting but what will these hordes of British visitors
think when they are met with a burning Eucalyptus tree? When their
pasty, pale skin literally melts off their slightly-deformed bones
from record-breaking heat waves? When they finally get to the beach
and stumble across a human foot left behind by an extra-large
“man-eating’ Great White shark?
Will they feel duped?
They shouldn’t.
I would trade my American citizenship tomorrow for an
opportunity to live in apocalyptic Australia.
Would you have me, mates?
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Jon Pyzel and Matt Biolos by
@theneedforshutterspeed/Step Bros