A champion for The People™!
The war on surfers and those who enjoy eating Asian fusion outdoors has reached a critical phase. Our kind has been driven underground, chased by the jackboot, flogged from sea to shining sea.
Hated by The State.
But as in all times of crisis, unexpected heroes rise and who could have ever guessed that we would have Robert F. Kennedy’s son, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on our side. Holding our mantle high.
Robert F. Kennedy, or Bobby, you certainly know, was brother of JFK, civil rights icon, United States Attorney General and presidential hopeful gunned down in hail of bullets. The Kennedy family is as close to royalty as once-free America has and now we have one as our very own champion and let us go to Instagram where RFK, Jr. lays our scene.
Yesterday, Malibu police gave a dozen $1000.00 tickets to surfers on Point Dume. Meanwhile, LA hospitals are empty. None have issued a “Divert” notice since this crisis began. So what is the end game? I’m happy to comply with the quarantine but is there a rational plan?
Political leaders told us we would quarantine initially to flatten the curve so as to prevent a surge that would overwhelm our health care system. We would give hospitals time to gear up; beds, ventilators, masks, tests and therapeutic treatment protocols. Then we would end the general quarantine while continuing to isolate and protect the elderly and immunocompromised.
We would allow the virus to spread through healthy populations until we establish natural herd immunity that protects everyone. “Mission creep” has moved us into the Gates/ Fauci scheme: Quarantine until we have a vaccine.
It’s not a prudent bet.
Despite decades of effort and hundreds of millions of dollars spent, no one has ever developed a functional coronavirus vaccine. Due to peculiarities unique to coronavirus, earlier efforts have produced vaccines that seemed ideal until they caused cataclysmic side effects including death. The top virologists from the US, China, and Europe have all succeeded in creating COVID vaccines that promote robust and durable antibody response-the metric by which vaccines are licensed-but when vaccinated individuals or animals encountered the wild disease, those antibodies actually worsened the infection-often with lethal consequences.
Furthermore, COVID-19 is mutating with extraordinary rapidity-Chinese scientists recently found over 30 strains in a single hospital. A vaccine that offers protection against a single strain may do little to control spread of the contagion. Finally, WHO has warned that frequent observations of reinfection suggests that coronavirus antibodies may offer meager protection against the disease. This revelation casts doubt on the entire vaccine enterprise.
Our political leaders need to stop putting faith in Tony Fauci and begin applying common sense A prolonged quarantine might kill more Americans than COVID-19.
And amen.
Or do you disagree?