Watch: World-famous fisherman catches massive 2400 lbs Great White shark, “horrifying yet titillating” animal rights activists!

“One minute everyone’s bored to death talking about Tiger King, the next minute we have the baddest fish in the ocean right under the boat!”

And by now, you have certainly watched at least a few minutes of Netflix’s new The Tiger King, no? The craziest but craziest triangle ever caught on film featuring methamphetamine, missing teeth, gay, mullets, guns, missing husbands, cults, open relationships, missing limbs and tigers.

Very entertaining but also very sad to animal rights activists. Horrifying yet titillating. All those beautiful beasts locked behind bars, being bred for petting then discarded, pacing and depressed.

Many to save. Many to love.

Well, though not as au courant, animal rights activists should feel the same or similar about a 2400 lbs female Great White shark just caught off the coast of South Carolina. Would you like to be maybe horrified but certainly titillated too?

Famous South Carolina fisherman Chip Michalove told FitsNews:

“One minute everyone’s bored to death talking about Tiger King, the next minute we have the baddest fish in the ocean right under the boat,” Michalove said.

Michalove spotted a mammoth shadow lurking behind the boat and knew it was go-time.

The boat-sized white shark circled around Michalove’s 26-foot catamaran and chomped the bait.

“Then she took off like a train,” Michalove said. “She took 300 yards of line in a matter of 45 seconds.”

Michalove — who has caught and released 33 great white sharks in his career — wasn’t worried as the monstrous fish jerked and tugged the line. He’s done this dance with the apex predator of the Atlantic many of times.

“We applied pressure when she was about 15 yards away, then locked the drag and set the hook,” Michalove said.




More as the story develops.

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Once-in-a-lifetime: Graphic Design Icon David Carson flouts 24-hour lockdown law on Tortola to solo-surf note-perfect Cane Garden Bay; loses board to cops!

“It was an epic two-hour session. Had no choice but to go.”

Tortola is a pretty little island in the British Virgin Islands, population 23-thou’, makes its money hosting global hedge fund companies like the trillion-dollar Citco.

It got fucked by Hurricane Irma in 2017, Boz Johnson saying the joint looked like Hiroshima, and there’s a little gang and drug thing playing out, but for the most, a fine place to live out your days.

On Tortola’s north shore is an achingly beautiful bay that lights up a righthander in big north swells.

Maybe a dozen good days a year.

David Carson, the surfer and graphic designer, who was voted the eighteenth best designer in history, was smart enough to buy a spread overlooking this Caribbean dream years ago.

He invites shapers like Dan Tomson, famous for his collaboration with Kelly Slater and Firewire surfboards, to come and ride and play and design.

A surfer to the bone.

Two days ago, as the island bunkered down to fight the spread of Coz-vid number nineteen, Carson flouted its six-day long twenty-four hour lockdown law to ride empty three-to-four-foot CGB, posting the event on his Instagram page.

Unlike other residents, (four people were arrested on day one of lockdown), Carson escaped arrest but had his five-ten Album confiscated by police.

When I contacted Carson, he was a little shy, says I made fun of him last time we spoke, I didn’t but our commenters let him have it, and he eventually promised, “a few fotos vids…it’s a good little story, if u don’t burn me again…no one knows what actually went down.”

These didn’t come, ah promises, what are they worth in these troubled time, but Carson did say, “It was an epic two-hour session. Had no choice but to go.”

I feel it, too.

This ain’t Lowers. You ain’t touching nobody.

Not everyone feels the same, as you know.

See evidence below.

Here, cops seize Carsons’ five-ten Album.


Now, you live here, your terrace fans out across the bay, and the waves are four-foot and firing.

No one around.

What do you do?

Also, and more importantly, who snitched to the cops?


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UC San Diego virus scientist declares: “Surfers more likely than general population to contract, spread the novel Coronavirus!”

“If you don’t care about your own life, that’s one thing..."

Today is April Fool’s Day, in America, and I have been delivered some light jokes so far. Small tricks but no twist can compare with our current Coronavirus reality.


A cosmic gag!

In any case, you have certainly followed along with the debate raging in and amongst surfers. Should we or should we not surf? Camps have been formed, battle lines drawn and leaders drafted, General Joel Tudor leading up the shoulds, General Ken Skindog rallying the shouldn’ts.

At the same time, you have no doubt followed along with the very fun Instagram-based “spray challenge” wherein surfers post photos of themselves making big spray on a wave. Above, for instance is BeachGrit’s own Derek Rielly as photographed by the singular Dustin Humphrey.

Well, as it turns out all of this spray surfers make also makes us more susceptible to the Coronavirus, or at least theoretically. Shall we learn more?

On Tuesday, The Daily Beast reported that a virus scientist at the University of California, San Diego is warning that surfers are at elevated risk for contracting the novel coronavirus.

According to Blake Montgomery: “Kim Prather, who researches how the ocean sprays bacteria and viruses into the air, told the paper that ocean breezes may carry the drops of saliva and other fluids far: ‘Surfers are saying that they’re safe if they stay six feet away from other people, but that’s only true if the air isn’t moving … Most of the time, there’s wind or a breeze at the coast. Tiny drops of virus can float in the air and get blown around.’”

Prather is also warning beachgoers in general they are at risk of exposure: “If you don’t care about your own life, that’s one thing. But this can be a matter of life or death to other people.”

And there we have it. A victory for Team Ken Skindog?

The final death blow to power surfing?

More as the story develops.

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Watch: Senior citizen gets head-butted by unsympathetic Great White shark, lives to tell the tale!

An incredible lack of social distance.

We, all of us, are extra aware of our precious senior citizens in these perilous days. When a fine grandpa or grandma walks, slowly, down the street or supermarket aisle we cut wide right or wide left, depending on our politics.

When a silver fox or a silver vixen sits we get up and move as far away as possible.

Not to be rude, of course, and quite the opposite. Out of genteel politeness. Out of providing a six foot plus buffer in this wicked time of Coronavirus.

But do you think Great White sharks, apex-predators, monsters of the sea practice this same level of self-aware social distancing?

Unfortunately they do not.

In a beautiful short film titled Near Miss we witness an extra-large man-eater getting near enough to an introspective senior to head-butt him.


Frame grab by
Frame grab by

And after…

Frame grab by
Frame grab by

Ron Elliot, our new hero, our updated North Star who loves diving alone along northern California’s dangerous shore described thusly.

I was swimming along the bottom and the visibility was pretty good. Then I looked behind me and as I turned my head this male white shark came right out of the gloom. It rammed me with its nose. In my head. Knocked the back of my head forward just enough and then the lower jaw knocked me pretty good. Knocked my head down towards the bottom. Once that happened I knew it was a white shark because I’ve been run into before from behind. So after that I swam around for a bit, just kind of filming it as it swam around me. And then it left. It looked like the shark had come out of an injection mold. It just looked perfect.

You must watch here.

And be filled with a never-more-necessary sense of que sera, sera.

Whatever will be, will be.

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Jon Pyzel. Hero.
Jon Pyzel. Hero.

Plea to surfboard shapers: Donate extra N95 masks to local hospitals and save the world from complete Coronavirus eradication!

Heroes will rise.

As you know, intimately, the BeachGrit community is the most benevolent on earth or at least a very close second to Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Charity. Oh we seem all crusty and irredeemable, hideous on the outside but inside it is squishy, soft, lovable goo.

Thoughtful and kind.

And on that note, I received a thoughtful message, kind from a surfer, yes, but also an emergency room doctor part American part Kiwi. A fine mix if there ever was one. In any case he wrote:

I’m wondering if you could put the word out there for me and my hospital colleagues, that if folks have masks laying around (that they don’t need imminently-board shapers might have a healthy of N95), could they be so kind as to drop them at a local hospital. We are re using gear which was never intended to be used in that fashion. We need help until/if help arrives.

Fantastic, no?

Surfboard shapers?

You have always been our heroes but the opportunity to save the entire world and have statues built in your honor.

Have any extra masks?

Take them to your local hospital and feel the swell of gratitude!

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