Confirmed: “The Inertia” is one of the fourth or fifth worst surf adjacent websites to have ever been conceived by a University of Southern California business major!

"5 of the best coolers for a perfect 4th of July beach day!"

Hrd times. Or hard times if you happened to be born before 1999 but we are living in them.

A World Surf League purchased for free by South Carolina plantation owner co-Waterperson of the Year Dirk Ziff.

A virus that killed everyone and shut down the world’s economy but then started killing everyone else and shut down the world’s economy again.

Beaches shuttered though not really “enforced.”

Chris Ward still off tour.

But at least some things are consistent.

Even more than consistent.

I have not typed “” into my browser (sometimes Chrome sometimes Safari depending on the winds of change) for maybe a year.

I just did and oh my goodness.

Oh my goodness!

Founder and daddy’s tax write-off Zach Weisberg has hit a total consistent level of suck.

In our ever evolving world of shit this should come as great comfort.

Today’s offerings include, and I’m not kidding:

5 of the best coolers for a perfect 4th of July beach day.

Koa Rothman: ‘Malibu is more dangerous than Pipeline’

These four surfers just launched…


Thank you The Inertia for dredging the absolute worst of surf x humanity years ago and staying true to that course.


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Crappy 4th of July: Kelly Slater’s hometown of Cocoa Beach limits beach parties to ten people or less ahead of the holiday weekend!

"Don't go to the beach."

Hammers continue to fall across these United States of America as Covid-19’s dreaded second wave breaks from shore to shore. Los Angeles County? Shuttered though maybe not enforced. Arizona’s Big Surf? Temporarily re-closed.

Kelly Slater’s hometown of Cocoa Beach?

Mayor Ben Malik took the bold step of limiting parties on the beach to ten people or less and encouraged people to not come to the beach at all.

“If you are at risk, you have a choice. You know what? The beaches are going to be crowded. It’s a holiday weekend. Don’t go to the beach. If you don’t like crowds, don’t go to the beach.”

The order will stand for 60 days, through the rest of the summer, and be very sad for people with more than ten best friends.

Will Kelly Slater be there with ten of his best friends?


Who would they be? I think, in order of least best to most best:

10. David Hasselhoff

9. Jack Johnson

8. Charlie Goldsmith

7. Eddie Vedder

6. A golf club

5. Raimana Van Bastolaer

4. A spoonful of organic coconut oil

3. Pat O’Connell

2. A Kenny Loggins CD

1. Kelly Slater

Sal Masekela would miss the call up by six slots, losing out to a can of dolphin safe tuna and Hulk Hogan amongst others, and spend his 4th of July weekend narrating his iPhone photo album titled “Me and my best friend in the whole wide world” featuring pictures of Kelly Slater plucked from the Internet.


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Happy motherfucking fourth of July. | Photo: @mallcop

LA County Sheriff refuses to enforce July 4 beach closures: “We are Care First, Jail Last!”

“We were not consulted on the beach closure, and will only assist our beach cities in closing parking lots and traffic enforcement on PCH," says man with badge.

On Monday, The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health ordered LA County beaches closed for the July 4 holiday weekend after a spike in COVID-19 cases.

County officials promised thousand-dollar fines for anyone who hit the beach or hovered near “piers, public beach parking lots, beach bike paths that traverse that sanded portion of the beach, and beach access points.”

“The Fourth of July holiday weekend typically means large crowds and gatherings to celebrate, a recipe for increased transmission of COVID-19,” said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “We all need to take this virus more seriously and residents and business owners must do their part.”

Question is, who’s gonna be writing the tickets?

LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva told FoxLA (Yeah, I know, Fox) he and his deputies ain’t gonna arrest or fine anyone.

“We were not consulted on the beach closure, and will only assist our beach cities in closing parking lots and traffic enforcement on PCH. In regards to enforcing the beach closure, we will not be enforcing it because we are ‘Care First, Jail Last.'”

Care First, Jail Last is an LA County initiative that seeks to provide care and treatment instead of jail, where possible.

Note: If you’re kicking around Malibu, you’re outta luck.

“The Malibu/Lost Hills Station Beach Team will be patrolling the beaches throughout the weekend and late into the evening. This new order makes it illegal to trespass at these locations and is punishable by law to include, but not limited to, a $1000 fine.”

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Rocket from Russia? (Rockaway Times)
Rocket from Russia? (Rockaway Times)

Watch: “Deranged” shark attempts to crawl ashore at New York’s Rockaway Beach, terrifying onlookers two days before re-opening in “Ramones-esque Nightmare!”

"It was endless."

Whether Cape Cod, California or Cocoa Beach, it appears as if nature’s apex-predator, the man-eating shark, has enjoyed the lack of men in her ocean and means to keep it that way.

As you know, whole stretches of coast have been shuttered during these Coronavirus Pandemic months. Surfers and sunbathers forced to mumble and groan and/or eat their Asian-Fusion cuisine within pebble tossing of the sand.

But the clouds have parted-ish, openings maybe imminent (save California) right in time for the United States of America’s birthday too.


Sharks are decidedly not. They are currently amassing off Cape Cod in never-before-seen numbers waiting to chew on the pale bodies of the recently freed.

And in New York’s Rock Rock Rockaway Beach?

A “deranged” shark attempted to crawl ashore just two days ahead of its official opening.

Local Regina Cantoni saw the whole business go down and said, “The whole beach came to the shore … and started screaming, ‘Shark!’ It was endless. Everyone wanted to get a shot of the shark.”

And if we know anything, it is the only thing more viral than Coronavirus is social media and imagine the fear, the terror, spreading through New York this very minute with those endless shots of shark.

The prehistoric beasts have upped their PR strategy during quarantine and/or have been collaborating with the Russians.

Will somebody lose their leg this weekend?

More as the story develops.

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WSL CEO and L.A. County resident Erik Logan (pictured) straddling undersized canoe, sad. Photo: Instagram via @shotswithcraig

Cancel Culture: Los Angeles County to re-close beaches ahead of 4th of July weekend due to Covid 2nd wave with “sizzler” heat wave on tap!

RIP summer.

Oh man, oh boy… I mean oh woman, oh girl… damn it, I mean oh gender neutral person of a more advanced age, oh gender neutral person of a less advanced age, we sure are in a pickle here in the United States of America.

Our birthday is coming up and this Covid-19 business was supposed to be in our rearview mirror. We were supposed to be going to bars and restaurants, movie theaters and beaches, celebrating the defeat of taxation without representation but here we are right in the middle of a pickle.

It appears the second wave of the Coronavirus is much more insidious than the first wave and now we are in some twilight zone of anger, worry, pointed fingers, recriminations, etc.

A bright spot, I suppose, is that I’ve gotten used to wearing my mask, spreading fear like Bane in Batman.

Pretty cool.

An ugly blot is that beaches are being re-closed, namely in Los Angeles County and right before a heat wave is going to hit the region.

Per Barbara Ferrer, the county’s director of public health, “Closing the beaches and prohibiting fireworks displays during this important summer holiday weekend was an incredibly difficult decision to make, but it’s the responsible decision to protect public health and protect our residents from a deadly virus. The Fourth of July holiday weekend typically means large crowds and gatherings to celebrate, a recipe for increased transmission of COVID-19.”

As you well know, the World Surf League CEO Erik Logan lives squarely in the middle of Los Angeles County, on the beach and likes to paddle around on an undersized canoe. He will be very sad.

Do you think he will pack up his paddle and undersized canoe and drive south to Orange County? It would be rude of him so to do. But, honestly, isn’t Huntington Beach going to take the brunt of roving ELos and Inland Empirates?

I’d imagine so and I’ll imagine that pictures of packed Huntington Beaches will garner such tongue wagging that San Diego County beaches will quickly re-close too.

Huntington will, of course, stay open.

But what are you going to do this weekend?

Go to Sizzler?

When was the last time you went to Sizzler? When I was a younger boy it represented the very height of luxury and reserved for only the finest, fanciest occasions.

RIP salad bars.

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