The sequel!
Surfboard shaper Matt Biolos, currently en route to the Maldives for an absolutely fabulous family surf vacation, came under Craigslist fire, two days ago, when an upset one-time Lost enthusiast sold his Puddle Jumper for $5 declaring, “Well, I really liked this board. It had an eco-element, lib-tech futuristic technology, and a really fun shape… Then I found out that Matt Biolos is an arrogant racist pig. I should have assumed, but fuck this guy.”
He went on to complain about hypocrisy, claiming that Biolos had built his brand on the backs of “degenerate drug users” then “veiling his racism with social elitism.”
I was confused, not very much understanding what it was about, the tying of degenerate drug use to veiled racism and social elitism and heading out on a sailing yacht so couldn’t call Biolos straight away but purposed to as soon I was in back in port.
To figure out what this business was all about and share my pride in the Craigslist activist for putting his money where his mouth is.
Admirable in this day and age.
No signal on the high seas etc. and I put it out of my mind until arriving in Newport Beach and seeing that Matt Biolos had taken to social media and spoken up for himself.
@tcolla, a fine photographer, had posted the BeachGrit story on his Instagram account. Biolos, thinking it was the Craigslist activist, responded, “I guess I’m a racist, now. Must be because I denounce the violent destruction of hardworking people’s property as a way to protest against police brutality. Oh well, anybody want a Puddle Jumper for 5$? Reach out to @tcolla. He seems like an open minded guy.”
And the pieces are beginning are coming together. Matt, and his Lost, made their mark by being counter-culture, rock-n-roll black sheeps, etc. but now that he is wealthy he is standing up for conservative values, respecting authority, etc.
Am I reading this all correctly?
I’ll get this straight as soon as Biolos returns from the Maldives.