If there is one personality all surfers can agree to be tip top, it is DJ Paul Fisher. The Gold Coast native, who tried his early hand at various Qualifying Serieses, soon pivoted to interviewing his pals with a NSFW microphone, causing a ruckus and generally bringing a libertine flair to the otherwise extremely conservative professional surfing.
He, of course, went on to much fame and fortune as a world-famous turntable maestro while professional surfing became further backwatered, snarling and sick, insisting on squeezing out any remaining flavor. Jessi Miley-Dyering it to death.
You can imagine the horror, then, when Fisher hopped on the sled and motored into the lineup of the currently running Bonsoy Gold Coast Pro during the live broadcast, for the “Fisher & Friends Freesurf” holding… a NSFW surfboard.
He proceeded to rip the iconic craft, introduced almost twenty years ago with the help of Kai Otton.
It must be assumed that calls are flooding the World Surf League’s veterinarian offices. Angry parents demanding apologies or more. Maybe banishment from the airwaves? The demotion of the aforementioned Chief of Sport Jessi Miley-Dyer who did, actually, just get demoted back to Commissioner?
Surf fans, meanwhile, overjoyed.
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