That's MT on the right, the dazzling character who was
one of South Africa's best surfers at the start of the pro game
(mid-seventies) and who later rolled his talents into creating the
first big surf brand, Gotcha - $125 mill a year in sales at its
early nineties peak.
Just in: Surf Legend Held in Coke Bust
By Ashton Goggans
Michael Tomson has been arrested on suspicion of
dealing a little blow. Little, by '80s standards, of course.
Do you remember the clothing label Gotcha? Sure
you do, at least if you’re over 25. At its nineties peak it was
doing $125 million in sales.
Fish with the flag, Pottz rode for them, Machado milked its
formidable teats before jumping ship to Hurley. That
Well, police this morning charged its co-founder and Bustin’
Down the Door star, Michael Tomson, “with felony possession of
narcotics for sale after conducting a 7 a.m. probation check at his
home in the 21000 block of Mar Vista Avenue,” reports the
Laguna Beach Indy.
“A scale, baggies used to package cocaine for sale and 52 grams
of cocaine were seized, said Sgt. Tim Kleiser. While the new
charges carry a $25,000 bail, Tomson’s probation officer placed a
hold on him due to the new arrest, Kleiser said. In 2013, Tomson
was charged with two felony DUI counts, and suspicion of cocaine
possession, following an early-morning traffic accident in Laguna
According to the Encyclopedia of Surfing, “Tomson suffered a
perforated stomach ulcer in 1996 and nearly died. Other health
problems followed. He had semiregular run-ins with the law in the
’00s, including a morning car accident in 2013 in which the
58-year-old Tomson was charged with two felony DUI counts, and
suspicion of cocaine possession.”
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In case you have been living under a rock, Matt Warshaw
rocked the surfing world, recently, when he told a reporter from
Surfer Magazine, “Fuck the Olympics.” Yesterday, Owen Wright
followed by telling a Reuters reporter surfing is more art than
sport. | Photo: Steve Sherman
Owen Wright: “I’m with Matt Warshaw!”
By Chas Smith
World number three comes out swinging against
surfing's Olympic inclusion…
Owen Wright is seen, is some ill-informed
camps, as a jock-ish athletic type surfer. The sort who prefers
doing sit-ups and kettle bells/balls to being the life of the
party. And it could have been thought that the possibility of
surfing’s inclusion into the Olympic games would have thrilled him
beyond. Not only because of he sit-ups but because he is an
Australian and all Australians are rabidly nationalistic.
But guess what? Owen Wright agrees with Matt Warshaw! He thinks
the Olympics should butt the hell out of surfing!
In case you have been living under a rock, Matt Warshaw rocked
the surfing world, recently, when he told a reporter from Surfer
Magazine, “Fuck the Olympics.” (Read story here). Yesterday, Owen Wright
followed by telling a Reuters reporter:
“I think surfing in itself is more of an art form and an
expression so I think the Olympic banner doesn’t really suit the
sport of surfing. It suits a lot of other sports but I think
surfing is more like judging an art work. It’s kind of hard to put
it under that one banner. If you had one event and named the
Olympic champion? I think in the world surf league we have a bunch
of different canvasses, they’re all totally different waves, and by
the end of it you get the winner. I think it has to be like
that, to have a bunch of different inclusions to get the one
And ain’t that refreshing. As iconoclastic as he is fit. And
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Kelly Slater and John Moore, the two principals behind
Outerknown escort Stephanie Gilmore to the Met Gala in New York
What happened to Kelly Slater’s Outerknown
By Derek Rielly
Let's ask Kelly!
Remember, what was it, a year ago, when we
first heard about Kelly’s new clothing label Outerknown?
It was to be produced by 24-billion-dollar-company Kering, that
behemoth of the luxe clothing world, owners, among other
labels, of Saint Laurent (I’m wearing the 17cm jeans now!),
Christopher Kane (tiny little surf trunks, I own a pair!), Gucci
(kinda yuck) as well as surf co’s Electric (those watches!) and
Volcom and it would “blend the relationship between style,
sustainability, and travel. I believe we have an obligation to
build better products and understand the way our consumption
impacts the world around us.” So wrote Kelly Slater in a press
release last September.
It sounded so fantastic. I like the world too! And there was
“The name Outerknown references the furthest reaches of our
knowledge today,” wrote Kelly. “As designers, it challenges us to
build better, more sustainable products. As producers, it asks us
to lift the lid on our supply chain bringing the consumer along on
our journey to transparency… it offers the opportunity to
observe this multi-cultural world we live in and bring together
seemingly unconnected people and ideas for the purpose of
discovering the next Outerknown.”
Kering actually used to be called P.P.R. (short for
Pinault-Printemps-Redout). The name Kering was chosen in 2013
because it can be “pronounced and understood as ‘caring.'” The
company chose an owl as their logo, said company CEO François-Henri
Pinault, because, “it is a discreet and protective
Anyway, a cursory Outerknown website appeared (click here). An
Instagram account started uploading photos, mostly, it
seemed, of the designer John Moore’s musings, even his kids.
here for the IG.)
An industry insider told me I should I do a story about
what had happened to Outerknown. He’d earlier predicted
that when Kelly first setup shop with Kering, that Kering would
sign Kelly with promises of a label and then, when Kelly lost
interest and went surfing as he apparently tended to do, the
label would disappear and he’d end up wearing Volcom.
If proof was needed, why wasn’t Kelly, the insider asked, now,
on the eve of its launch, wearing the gear now or even surfing with
an Outerknown sticker on his board. According to the WSL,
they just booked 29-million viewers in Brazil alone.
I looked at the website; I looked at Instagram.
“Launches July 2015,” the homepage said.
Wait, what date is it now? June 23? That’s one week away!
Something had to be happening.
How about I ask Kelly?
So, I did, and Kelly who has to be the most contactable sporting
icon in the world, didn’t blink at me waving a rumour mill in
his face. Turns out they’re launching July 13 (three weeks away)
and he’s actually been wearing Outerknown for months. Said
that they’re “deep in ranges but women’s is on hold for now.”
Said that it isn’t an endemic brand (i.e. so not surf-surf) and
it “ended up in a more fashionable world once our designs were
Kelly said that he’s “just not that into talking into
it’s reality” and that he’ll have logos on his board “soon enough.
Just haven’t worried about it,” he said, adding:
“It’s nice to not have any for a change after thirty years of
having ’em.”
Let’s sing!
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The Forbidden Trim is a movie by San Clemente's George
Trimm. A special forces commando is chosen to go on a perilous
mission, deep behind enemy lines. Kilroy is sent on a clandestine
operation to uncover the mysteries of the Caldera Network. This
mission thrusts Kilroy into a mystic and savage journey into the
heart of the unknown. Join Kilroy as he battles ferocious beasts,
ethereal gurus, and forbidding landscapes, using a group of surfers
as cover to infiltrate and exact his revenge on the criminal thugs.
| Photo: George Trimm
Just in: Is this the coolest surf movie
By Rory Parker
Forbidden Trim will forever change the way surf
movies are viewed, maybe even made…
I’m not a fan of crowdfunding. Internet
begging is just so déclassé, and I’ll be damned before I
give some “entrepreneur” shithead a penny of my wife’s hard-earned
Creative stuff is another matter entirely.
Nothing wrong with artistic types living off the patronage of
their more fortunate peers. I’ve been operating on that model for
Forbidden Trim, a beautiful title evoking images of
70’s era lesbian prison dramas, is a 90-minute, low-budget film
shot on Super 8 film over the course of four years by San
Clemente’s George Trimm and starring Jared Mell and Alex Knost.
It just occurred to me that the title is a pun.
“A film about a commando’s mission to unveil a global crime
syndicate. Using surfers as cover, he travels deep into the
The trailer is deliciously absurd, which is how I like my surf
movies. Nothing worse than trying to force some sort of spiritual
significance on our selfish little ocean dance.
The filmmaker wants to raise thirty-gees to shoot the final
scene and to pay some of the post-production expenses. With 24 days
to go, they’ve got 49 backers for a total of $7197.
Chip in a twenty and you get a digital download when it’s
released (September 2015). A hundred and fifty will get you a
collab surf trunk with Birdwell Britches, the movie download, a
DVD, a soundtrack download. Another hundred and a Matuse wetsuit
jacket is yours.
Please help us expedite the completion of this movie by
contributing to our Kickstarter.
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If you've kicked around the Mentawais any time in the
last 11 eleven years, you've probably seen, met, or surfed with
Eric Soderqvist. Great surfer, sure, even better surf guide, but
it's his lifetime of boat skills that put him in such demand. Ever
since he was a kid in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Bahamas
there, he's been running boats. Still, he ain't in a hurry to leave
the Mentawais despite the chance to earn quarter-to-half-a-mill a
year skippering a super yacht. "You still get a sense of freedom
out here," says Eric. "If I was working in the back in the western
world, I'd be running some silly white boat, have all these
epaulettes , kissing ass to all these people. One of the things,
working on a surf charter, I can tell you, 'Go you soft cock!
Fucking go! Scratch ! Bite Get into that thing!' It's more salty
out here."
What do you call a good job nowadays? A doctor,
who earns his bread by foraging around in the putrid holes of
humanity? A lawyer, so well-paid, but tied to a job that is menial
and tedious?
For a cat like Eric Soderqvist, who set up shop as a 27-year-old
boat skipper and surf guide in the Mentawais back in 2004, the
concept of “good job” takes a sharp turn.
Eric, and his twin bro Jason, were scooped up by the surf
explorer and entrepreneur Martin Daly when The Crossing came by the
Turks and Caicos Islands where Eric lived. Eric ran the Indies
Trader II for a time. Now he’s working part-time on what used to be
called The Indies Trader IV but is now the Ratu Motu after it was
sold to Quiksilver founder Alan Green for around five mill.
Eric ain’t rich but he’s got a bitchin’ 48-foot catamaran called
Tank Girl. (Watch the movie below.)
He can fix any damn thing that breaks.
He can spin a laptop on his finger, walk on his hands across the
entire helipad of the Ratu Motu (12 metres up) and then front-flip
into the drink.
He can skipper a boat, whatever size you please around the
world, navigate by the stars, stitch a wound (just ask Matt Biolos
who was sliced from eyebrow to ear out there and got 19 stitches,
including a few internals) and resuscitate a guest who’s gone
overboard after several well-prepared cocktails.
And he can surf, man, can he surf.
On the deck of Tank Girl, as the sun peeled behind the
horizon, and as Eric showed me star constellations in the
equatorial sky using a green laser pointer, I asked Eric to brief
me about his fabulous job.
Why work as a skipper out here?
You get a sense of freedom, it’s the wild blue yonder
still. If I was working back in the western world, I’d be
running some silly white boat, have all these epaulettes and
kissing ass to all these people. One of the things, working on
a surf charter, I can tell you, ‘Go you soft cock! Fucking go!
Scratch! Bite Get into that thing! It’s It’s more salty out
How about change, how about crowds, how about the
shifting goalposts in paradise?
Change comes everywhere, nowhere likes to see it change. It’s
getting busier and we lose one of our secret waves every year. It’s
good in a way, you see infrastructure, you see roads, so I’m not
against it. It’s good for the people.
Gimme some advice on how to get a gig out
The first thing to do would be to get some sort of a captain’s
license. It’s pretty easy to do. You need some type of skill. A lot
of people want to come out and get barrelled, and I think that
those are the guys that never last out here. If you’re a lifeguard
or a medic or a captain or have some boating or engineering skills,
there are always places for those people.
Tell me about sewing up the guests…
I’ve seen a lot of shit, basically, I do a lot of the sutures,
even for a number of the boats. For my captain’s license I did a
three-week course called Medical Person in Charge. I sutured fake
arms, pretended to deliver babies. Spent a week riding around in an
ambulance. I actually learned to suture, in the real world, from
another skipper out here, Albert Taylor. A of the times we’ll have
doctors on boardand pick up bits and pieces from those guys.
What about the time you stitched Matt Biolos back
Matt cut his head from the rail of his board from eyebrow to
ear, 19 stitches, a couple of internal ones. I’d just helped do a
really bad one on this boat. Fifty stitches, guy duck driving at
Pit stops and he literally, pushed into the reef, broke his nose,
half his skull was peeled off. Luckily, we had a doctor on board,
and I wrote notes down on what he was doing. Matt was a year or two
later. I had more confidence because of that bad one…
How would you describe your life? You work on the Ratu
Motu, but you’ve got your dreamy cat just moored hither and
yon whenever you want to split.
Yeah, if I don’t have a charter going I just get to play on my
boat. Go surfing… try and get girls out…
Do you use the miracle of Tinder to recruit
No Tinder, although I should be on it. Id say that, I’m getting
creepier and creepier in all honesty. This year is the first I
haven’t spent much time in Bali, lately, so my pool of girls is
getting smaller and smaller…
Cruel! Y’ever taking this boat back to the Bahamas to
run sunset tours?
If I even think of a sunset sail and drinking rum punch I throw
up in my mouth a little. The monotony of it!
Want to die of travel lust? Eric Soderqvist, his twin bro,
Jason, and two gal pals sail through the Raja Ampat islands in West
Papua on his 48-foot cat Tank Girl. It’ll make you wanna dance!