Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! | Photo: Steve
Gimme: Brazil’s hysterical
By Chas Smith
How I sometimes wish I was born in 1995 and on
gorgeous Copacabana.
Yesterday’s discussion of Filipe Toledo’s brave
cowardice opened my social accounts’ floodgates. Brazilians
unfollowing in droves! Angry messages in the inbox!
And oh how the jealousy burns in my heart. As
a middle-aged American, you see, it is very difficult to
get excited about other American’s accomplishments. I grew,
unfortunately, in the 1980s-1990s and it was uncool to show any
sort of patriotic love for country. It was very cool to be ironic
and slacky and shoe-gazey.
And oh how I’ve been robbed because I watch young Brazilians
defend Filipe Toledo on the merits of him being a Brazilian and how
fun does it look? Like a wonderful extra pastime. Like pure
Of course, it is thinly veiled racism to say Brazilians are
“passionate” or “fiery” and that is not what I am saying. I am
saying I’m jealous of the ones who have unfollowed, the ones who
post screeds on message boards, who dance in their hearts when
Adriano de Souza wins and cry in their caipirinhas when Gabs Medina
loses because it looks a lot funner than gazing at my shoes.
Brasil, eu te amo.
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"You cannot be a hero without being a coward," said the
playwright George Bernard Shaw. So wise! Watch Filipe turn this
worst-heat-in-the-forty-year-history-of-professional-surfing into
the motivation that gets him over the ledge at Pipeline in
Filipe Toledo and his Brave Act of
By Chas Smith
Is not taking off on a wave in a WSL heat, in front
of the world, the bravest thing ever?
Filipe Toledo put on a stunning display of cowardice in
his heat 5 round 1 battle vs. I. Ferreira. His score total
(0) matched his moxie and wow! The lowest point total in
professional surfing history.
As the Brazilian bobbed in the water, not surfing, he surely
must have known the haters were boiling in their tanks but he chose
to bob, lonely against the steel grey sky, and brave.
Yes, brave because I would, and will, argue that it is sometimes
more difficult to not get smashed in order to prove a larger point,
thereby getting smashed by public opinion.
But wait. Is Filipe somehow bigger than that?
WILL he get smashed by public opinion. Hello, surf historian
Matt Warshaw, curator of the Encyclopedia of Surfing (click
Charlie: Is Filipe going to get smashed by public
opinion after Teahupoo?
Matt: He is.
Charlie: Fair? Or not fair?
Matt: Depends on how Filipe plays it. He needs to humble this
one out, big-time. Fail-wise, it was just beyond epic. And so very
public. And after what Sally Fitz did at Cloudbreak, and with
Flores surfing with a brain injury or whatever, you can’t play the
injury card. I mean, Filipe’s deal is un-spinnable. He isn’t ready
for prime time at Teahupoo. Or Cloudbreak. Or even J-Bay. I’m his
biggest north-of-50 fan, and I feel sort of crushed by what I saw.
All Filipe can do now is come out and say that he’s got a mile of
hard work to do in the premier WCT breaks. And meanwhile, like Sean
Doherty said yesterday (read here), if he does go on and win the world
title, which is totally possible, it’s gonna come with an
Charlie: But what if Filipe got really brave, steeled
his backbone and said, “Guess what bitches? I love to surf
head-high, puntable waves. It’s who I am, yo! And I’m going to win
a title surfing only Gold Coast, Rio, Trestles and the rest if they
small enough. Booya!” What if he admitted, to the entire world,
that he ain’t brave. Wouldn’t that be brave?
Matt: Damien Hardman won two world titles that way, except he
didn’t say anything. Gary Green didn’t paddle out for his heat at
Waimea one year, I think it was the ’86 Billabong Pro, when it was
huge, and if he didn’t own if with total gusto, he shrugged and
said “I’m a smoker, never done a day of exercise in my life, never
surfed this horrifying place, so fuck it.” Then again, Green quit
the tour the following year, so maybe he wasn’t feeling so casual.
Even if Filipe has the game to say he’s a small-wave specialist,
God he’d just get so smashed in the media. And I think he really
does want to be magical in heavy surf, like he is in small surf. He
must just be choking on frustration right now. He’d never say it,
but you know what makes it way harder for him I bet?
Charlie: Italo.
Matt: Italo, exactly. Rookie paddles out there and keeps up with
every big-swinging dick on the lineup. Italo could have won the
thing! First time at Teahupoo!
Charlie: Brazil-bashing isn’t so vogue this
Matt: Italo! Anyone who tuned this week and didn’t fall in love
with guy is heartless.
Charlie: I’m heartless! Theoretically, I liked that
Italo tried his best but, in real life, trying one’s best does
nothing for me. For example. I was in Tahiti last year, in a boat,
in the channel, obvs, because it was pumping. Mikey Wright, Owen’s
brother was doing magical things but poor young Kanoa Igarashi was
there and looking completely terrified. But nobody made him be
there. He clearly did not like that vibe and good for him! Get back
on the boat and pop a Hinano, or whatever it is young boys are
drinking these days. Own the gutless or paddle the fuck in. I have
done both in my life and both are wonderful in their own
If you are telling me that Filipe really wants to surf
those waves then why did he not surf those waves? Nobody in the
line-up? Manageable size? He don’t! He wants to punt and
Matt: But Filipe could kick it up. People find that gear later
on. Potter didn’t like big waves as a kid, then later he did.
Fanning couldn’t surf Teahupoo early on, now he can. Who knows.
Could just my own wishful thinking with Filipe…
Charlie: And give me other examples guys who don’t want
it? Because you just made Gary Green my fav surfer
Matt: Dora said he was a “four-foot-and-under man” and gave
loving long descriptions of how scared he was on the North Shore.
Except then he flipped the thing on its head, because he actually
charged Pipe and Waimea. Kylie Webb, you’d love her! Gorgeous
blonde, and drank herself off the tour in the ’90s. But before that
happened, she paddled out for a heat at Sunset, in big waves,
pulled a Filipe and got a zero, then threw her 17th-place
prize money check back at the contest director in disgust and said
“I don’t deserve this. Buy the judges some beer.”
Watch Filipe’s zero-point heat here!
And remember when the Margaret River Pro moved to the Box?
Gabriel Medina, I’m told, had to be coaxed into the lineup with the
words, “You’re the world champ! You have to
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How to: Surf all by yourself!
By Chas Smith
There is a place nearby and you can do it in a few
The crowds at most popular and accessible
American, Mexican, Australian and Brazilian beaches grow thicker
with each passing year, or so it seems. Longboards, hybrids, even
the dreaded SUP compete for a static number of waves and sharks are
not eating enough people to make a real difference.
Are you frustrated by this overcrowding? This human invasion? Do
you not have the money to fly across the world and sort out a place
where they ain’t? Well, it is really no problem and the solution is
right under your nose. It’s called “night surfing.”
I stayed out long after sunset recently. The moon wasn’t full
but it was there and my eyes adjusted to the scene quite easily. It
wasn’t pumping, necessarily, but fun 3-4 ft and I was alone in
Southern California. Alone. The waves were a bit hard to judge at
first, but my body eventually adjusted like my eyes.
To be very honest, I am not surfing in a wildly progressive
manner. What do I need clear light for? And, to continue being very
honest, you are not surfing in a wildly progressive manner either.
We less than progressives now have 12ish whole hours to ply our
trade all alone.
Very seriously, you should go night surfing tonight and then you
should come here tomorrow and tell everyone how much you loved
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"Mason Ho is the saviour of the fucking corporate
straight-laced, uptight, fucking, pre-planned interview answer
surfing world we live in today," says his shaper Matt Biolos. "He's
everything that people think surfing is and should be when you
think of all the beautiful stereotypes, like the fucking Beach Boys
to fricken Sean Penn to Big Wednesday. Mason is fucking incredibly
fun to watch surf two-foot junk to 12-foot Pipeline. He's what
everyone's selling without trying. He's the most real guy out
there. We're fortunate to have him in our lives."
Audio: A Phone Call to Mason Ho!
By Derek Rielly
Who proves, conclusively, to be the most dazzling
interview in surfing…
…wait! I made this particular phone call a couple of
years back and it fuelled about six interviews, for
Stab, for BeachGrit and I even cut off a slice
here and there for a profile on him in the new Surfers
Journal. (A very small taste here)
But, considering how rare it is to get an unedited piece of a
noted surfer’s world, as in a phone call from dial tone to hang-up,
I figure it’s worth posting this thirty-minute conversation.
For me, it’s difficult to listen to my shrieking and fawning and
weird non-question questions without questioning my sanity for
opening my poor interview techniques to the whole world.
Mason, of course, is gracious. You can almost hear his
brain spinning as he tries to decode whatever it is the hell I
For the Journal interview I did, I spoke to his shaper
Matt Biolos about Mason. He said,
“Mason Ho is the saviour of the fucking corporate
straight-laced, uptight, fucking, pre-planned interview answer
surfing world we live in today. He’s everything that people think
surfing is and should be when you think of all the beautiful
stereotypes, like the fucking Beach Boys to fricken Sean Penn to
Big Wednesday. Mason is fucking incredibly fun to watch surf
two-foot junk to 12-foot Pipeline. He’s what everyone’s selling
without trying. He’s the most real guy out there. We’re fortunate
to have him in our lives.”
It’s very true.
Listen here.
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Opinion: Skating is better than
By Rory Parker
It embraces progression, creates better art and
doesn't give a fuck about contests…
It’s kind of shameful to admit, but I pretty
much quit skating when I moved to Hawaii. It’s just too damn hot
all the time, and the constant series of rolled ankles and
sprained/broken wrists that are my skateboarding reality made it
almost impossible to surf. I’ve never been a very good skater, I
fall down a lot.
But, prior to moving out here, I lived and breathed skating for
almost a decade. I was writing for Automatic
Magazine, a sick little indy rag out of Encinitas which was
the only place that would publish my garbage.
While I still surfed whenever it looked fun, I wasn’t very
interested in surf culture. Because, by and large, “surf culture”
is boring. It’s too polished, too concerned with being marketable,
too tied up in contest results, forever striving to find a way to
sell itself to the unhip.
And you can’t call bullshit in the surf world without people
taking it personally and getting their panties in a twist.
Other than the whole slamming-face-first-onto-concrete side of
the sport, skating is pretty much better than surfing in every way.
It embraces progression, no bullshit airs-aren’t-real-surfing type
arguments that hold back progression for years and years.
It creates far better art, and thank god for that because I
could go the rest of my life without seeing another painting of a
fucking wave, turtle, palm tree, or some combination of the
It doesn’t give a fuck who won the latest contest.
And it’s friendlier.
As hard as people try to sell the notion that surfers are just
one tribe, we all pretty much hate each other. But skating is
welcoming, at least, it is if you stick around beyond your teenage,
heckle everyone for everything, years.
Surfing will land you a better looking class of woman
though. Being tanned and muscular does that. But the type of
girl who’s into guys that spend all day falling in the gutter is
generally a lot more fun to be around. They’ll do dirtier stuff in
the sack as well.
Even though my current skateboard adventures consist almost
solely of pushing around in the street in front of my house and
trying to remember how to do frontside no-complys, I’ll always have
a soft spot in my heart for the the fun you can have zipping around
the streets on a little wheeled plank.
And I’ll keep watching skate videos when I’m trying to find a
little bit of pre-surf-session stoke.
Watch these:
Chet Childress and Jason Adams. Black Out.
I once saw Ol’ Dirty Crooks himself strolling through the
Honolulu airport while I was waiting to pick up a friend. Without
thinking I yelled, “Childress!” then realized that I’m way too old
to be playing fan boy, and pretended it wasn’t me. He looked around
for a second, then cruised on to wherever he was headed.I then
realized that yelling his name and hiding is way more lame than
yelling his name and fanning out.
Mark Gonzalez. Video Days.
The fucking Gonz, man. Was any other skateboarder ever as gifted
when it came to filming fun, shralp your way down the street,
parts? His art kills it, his poems… I don’t really get poetry so
I’ll pass on passing judgment. Mark Gonzales built a life around
being weird and creative and making life look so damn fun.
Louie Barletta. Man Down.
Following the Gonz in making it all look so damn fun, Barletta
is one of those guys I still look up every so often to see if
there’s any new footage floating around.
Natas Kaupas. Streets of Fire.
I’ve still got scars in my shins from trying those damn fire
hydrant spins.
Tony Trujillo. In Bloom.
Something worrisome happened the other day while I was surfing
super fun, super shallow, head-high semi-closed out sandbar barrels
down the street from my house. I dodged a slightly overhead set
because I was scared, then watched the thing suck dry and grind all
the way to the beach. Fucking pathetic.
Trying to wrap my head around committing and taking my beatings
has been slow coming over my last few paddle outs. The idea that I
might get bounced off the bottom and re-ruin my shoulder makes my
balls crawl up inside me and my hands shake. And that ain’t good.
Winter’s just around the corner and I really don’t want to be that
guy who’s always driving around looking for a sheltered spot to
puss away the day.
TNT’s old TWS part always did a good job of amping me up, and it
turns out it still does. Trujillo’s got a sick surfy style, goes
balls to the walls fast, and makes me want to do the same.