Everything you need to know about Byron's shark vibe, on a podcast…
It’s very difficult to un-attach one’s lips from the teat of shark fever. It never stops! Every day, some new angle, some new bump, attack or theory or sightings.
I saw a pro surfer yesterday who’d just moved to Byron Bay and he shook his head and said, “Oh man…every…day…”
In Australia’s only national broadsheet The Australian today, Owen and Tyler Wright’s Lennox Head-based dad, Rob, says: “We’ve never seen anything like this. We’re all over it. We live up up here and we surf up here, but this is all we’re thinking about. The married guys, they’re not allowed to go surfing. The young guys with kids, they’re thinking about it all the time. Everybody is.”
According to the story, “Wright has had two sharks swim beneath his board in recent weeks. One — ‘a fricken big thing’ about 4m long with a pointy head and wide body — was chasing a fish at full speed. “It was flying, but it wasn’t after me, thankfully.”
And, last night, Australia’s national youth radio station, Triple J, ran a piece on how sharks were splitting the Bryon and Ballina community. The mayor, David Wright, admitted that, 12 months ago, 99 per cent of his constituency was against any kind of shark cull. Now, he says, it’s 50-50. But he admits there’s now three things you don’t talk about in polite conversation round those parts: politics, vaccination and sharks.
And it’s not just surfers getting the heebie-jeebies. In a couple of months, Australia’s version of junior lifeguards (nippers) hit the water. Two hundred kids, swimming a couple of hundred metres out into the ocean and back.
What happens if they get hit?
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