Hot daughter of surf pal, a car park vulture, kid
wave hog…
Scenario #1:
Bob’s a surf friend. You don’t know his wife,
you’ve never been to his house, but you’re both regulars at the
same spot. Over the years you’ve grown familiar enough to chat
between sets, just small talk, never anything deep. He’s got a
tow-headed little girl, kind of obnoxious in a precocious
my-parents-love-me-soooo-much kind of way, who you watched grow
from a tiny little thing on one of her dad’s old shortboards into
an awkward tween on her own custom shape.
Life happens and one of you has a minor schedule adjustment.
Your sessions don’t link up anymore, it’s just head nods and waves
on the way in and out of the parking lot for a few years.
Now it’s the first day of kind-of Summer. Sunny, windless, warm.
The water temp is in the high 60’s (20 Celsius), a little chilly,
but just warm enough for the first bareback session of the
The waves aren’t great, but there’s something, and it’s just too
nice out to not surf. So you grab a log and paddle out.
Twenty minutes into your session along comes Bob. How’s it
going? Oh great, great. Daughter just got her driver’s license, can
you believe it? She’s on her way down. I offered to give her a
ride, but you know how teenagers are.
There she is now, he says, pointing to a statuesque blonde on
the beach.
Holy hell, ugly duckling in full effect. She’s grown a foot
since you last saw her, looks like a full-grown woman.
As you’re floating there, mulling over your slow march toward
death, she knee paddles out on her single fin, causing two rapid
fire thoughts.
Jesus Christ!
When did teenagers start waxing?
As the second spins across your brain Bob turns his head,
glances over, catches you looking.
What would you do?
Scenario #2
It’s a three day weekend, the beach is packed,
and you’ve just spent the last half hour circling the streets
looking for parking. Finally, there it is, an empty spot!
You pop on your turn signal, hit the brakes, and the guy behind
you whips into oncoming traffic and snakes your spot. Toot your
horn, hands raised, what the fuck?, but he just pretends not to see
you. Whatever, deep breath, move on.
You end up parking ten blocks inland and hoofing it down.
Strolling across the sand you see the guy who stole your spot
catch a wave. He’s a very good surfer, dismantles the thing
all the way to the beach.
Twenty minutes later you’re paddling back to the peak after a
fun one, when you see Mr Dickhead take off on the wave of the day.
He fades, sets up for a barrel, and you find yourself in the
perfect position to ruin him.
What would you do?
Scenario #3
Winter break has rolled around, and your
normally uncrowded mid-morning weekday session is packed full of
stupid fucking children. Laughing and yelling and just being
general annoyances. The young are the worst, flexible little
bastards with no etiquette, safe in the knowledge they can do
whatever they want without any consequences.
One particular little bastard is burning everyone in the lineup.
Seventeen or so, stickers all over his sparkling white new board,
not even trying to position himself properly, just going in front
on every wave.
He stuffs you three waves in a row, rather than lose your cool
you catch a wave in and decide not to surf until all the rotten
little fuckers are back in class.
A couple months later you’re suiting up in the parking lot as
he’s getting ready to leave. He starts his car, pops it in reverse,
and you notice he’s left his board on the ground behind his car.
He’s staring at his phone, texting away, not paying attention.
What would you do?
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Master Class: John John teaches
By Chas Smith
John John, Kelly and Bruce Irons instruct you how
to flow, backside!
Who are the men you love watching
most surf Oahu’s famed Pipeline? Jamie O? Mason Ho? Kelly? John
John? Bruce Irons? Well guess what the fantastic filmmaker Tyge
Landa has for you here?
Kelly, John John and Bruce! And in extremely super slo-mo!
Extremely super slo-mo, drones and the GoPro angle are the gifts of
this decade. Which is your favorite? My least favorite is the GoPro
angle but my most favorite is extremely super slo-mo. It puts me in
a very jazzy mood. I also like to kid myself that I am learning how
to surf better in observing extremely super slowed down technique.
“So that’s how John John does it…” I say to myself. Then paddle out
at my home break and go over the falls just like I’ve been doing
for years.
Neil Young plays the soundtrack. Do you like him solo or as part
of the quartet Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young? Or not at all?
The last few months I’ve been on a mission to teach my
wife how to read the ocean. She’s a strong swimmer,
talented free diver, but an utter coward if there’s a touch of
swell or scrap of exposed reef. Which is a problem, since we
regularly swim long distances to shoot fish, and you can’t always
count on using an easy keyhole to exit the water. And you never
really know in Hawaii, a storm or gnarly little wind swell can
spring up out of nowhere. Safely dragging your carcass, plus a
bunch of very expensive gear, up the rocks as you’re battered by
the ocean takes some learning.
It’s a hard thing to explain to my wife, the need to become
comfortable in the surf.
“I just won’t go out when there are waves.”
“But you can’t know exactly when a swell hits.”
“Just check the surf report.”
“It doesn’t work like that.”
“Why not?”
“It just doesn’t. Look, you need to learn how to time waves.
What if we get caught by a current and swept to a place where
there’s no safe way out.”
“You shouldn’t be taking me somewhere like that.”
“Shits happens. You need to be ready.”
“No, if there’s a chance of that happening I just won’t go
“Then you never can.”
It’s my fault, kinda. She said she wanted to surf a few years
back, so I took her out on a small day at Laniakea. She got her ass
handed to her.
To hear her tell the story, which I have, too many times, it was
double overhead and I’m an irresponsible asshole for encouraging
her to paddle out. It was chest high, max, and soft. Nothing
dangerous , maybe a little too big to take out a green barney like
her. But laying down and looking up throws off your perspective,
and there’s no convincing her.
The million trips I’ve taken to the ER over the last fifteen
years don’t help matters. She doesn’t trust me to keep her out of
the danger I put myself in.
To hear her tell the story, which I have, too many times, it was
double overhead and I’m an irresponsible asshole for encouraging
her to paddle out. It was chest high, max, and soft. Nothing
dangerous , maybe a little too big to take out a green barney like
her. But laying down and looking up throws off your perspective,
and there’s no convincing her.
So she hates surfing now. I’m more than fine with that. If she’d
embraced the sport I’d be stuck ferrying her to shit surf, rather
than having fun on my own. And some of the stuff she wanted me to
do, like paddle her board out through the waves then hand it over
once we’re outside… it’s just embarrassing. I’m married to an
aspiring kook. It’s hard living with that knowledge.
Still, I’m going to beat this knowledge into her head if I have
to use a stick to do it. She loves diving, and I’m a firm believer
that you need to behave as though lifeguards don’t exist. Always be
able to self rescue. Learn to use currents to your advantage,
understand why, sometimes, the longest way in is the easiest.
Sometimes you need to take a few beatings.
If you’re married, you probably already know, telling
your wife anything works poorly.
So I let her make bad decisions. Yeah, I can see the current
rampaging out through the channel, but when she insists that’s the
best way to go I let her learn from her own mistakes. I kick over
towards the reef and let a two foot swell push me in, then watch
from shore as she grinds her way to exhaustion. Then I tease her
for it. It’s a dick move, but I know what I’m doing and it
frustrates me when someone who doesn’t second guesses me. And it’s
not like she’s gonna leave me. No pre-nup, and my income is
That may be why I have such a love for playing in the ocean, the
fact that knowledge goes so far to ameliorate danger. People can,
and regularly do, die on days that are totally tame. They get swept
into deep water, panic, drown. Number one cause of tourist death in
Hawaii is snorkeling. It boggles the mind. It ain’t the ocean
that’s killing them, water filled lungs notwithstanding. It’s fear
and inexperience doing the deed.
Laughing and playing in water that will kill the typical
landlubber is pure rapture. The culmination of decades of work. And
that taste of terror and confidence on a big day, is there any
better flavor?
Crazy how far it extends, that safety experience brings. I like
to surf “big” waves, though whether they’re actually “big” is
debatable, as the bar keeps hitting new heights. Let’s call it a
sliding scale, it’s plenty large long before Dorian starts
It’s calculated risk, once you’ve got things dialed. Not
foolhardy death wish territory. Yes, you can always die, but most
likely you’ll just get hurt. Modern medicine is amazing. I’ve got a
dead man’s ligament holding my arm together, and a nifty titanium
gadget inside my head that lets me hear. A plastic surgeon kept me
pretty after a freak accident fin to the face.
You’ve gotta have health insurance though, without it I’d be
crippled. Both literally and financially.
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Real Talk: Power Rankings Pre-Snapper!
By Longtom
What sort of season opener would it be without the
cruel honesty of a pre-event critique?
Is it really only a week until the 2016
WCT season starts? Until the dance of the best surfers in the world
rouse our dormant senses? But what is a season opener without
a little real talk? Here, the writer Steve Shearer aka
Longtom, swarms over the top 13.
Tomorrow, he delivers The Rookies. Let’s begin.
1. Adriano De Souza.
Rating: World Champ
A thoroughly beautiful moment tween Mason Ho and
Pipe Master/world champ Adriano De Souza. Photo: WSL
First principle for understanding Adriano De
Souza: the ability to absorb, transmute, spiritualise and
finally, alchemize the negative into the positive. To draw strength
from it and return it to the world with interest.
All that internet hate? Ammunition. Kelly’s post-world title
wavepool gazumping? Ammunition. All the thousand-fold subtle
manifestations of racism and disrespect sent his way over the
years. Pure ammo baby.
Would he, could he narrow the stance a few pleasing inches,
loosen the hips and buttocks and showboat the title D? If the
latest clip from Snapper is any guide probably not and why would
he, he cracked the code and made Kelly his putinha* along the
way. All the perfect man-made waves in the world can’t take that
away from him.
He never bothered to beautify his talent, instead figuring out
and perfecting a simple and brutally efficient way of winning which
exploits a psychological truth. Namely, hit the first and
last turns at 80%, with zero risk of falling. The serial position
effect states that in any series the tendency is to remember the
first and the last. Hence when Adriano hits the first turn hard and
plants the last in a coffin, nails the lid shut and buries the
fucker six feet under, judges, with no wandering corpses of half
finished rides haunting their memory banks, automatically write a
number beginning with eight. Two eights every heat, 16 total, will
win just about everything. And it did.
My favourite moment from the Title last year was when, a month
before Pipeline, he admitted that he wasn’t enjoying the pressure
and finding it a real struggle. Grim little soviet demi-god! And
then showed up at the Pipeline and wiped the floor with them.
Would he, could he narrow the stance a few pleasing inches,
loosen the hips and buttocks and showboat the title D? If the
latest clip from Snapper is any guide probably not and why would
he, he cracked the code and made Kelly his putinha* along the
way. All the perfect man-made waves in the world can’t take that
away from him.
*Little bitch.
2.Filipe Toledo
Rating: Four
“Board I break you!”
Photo Steve Sherman/@tsherms/Photo Union Worker
It might sound counter-intuitive after the year that
was, but could the Brazilian storm have peaked a little,
or at least be going into a period of relative calm and quietude?
They won everything, it’s hard to see any real competition for
them. Like Genghis Khan after conquering the Russian steppe they
might feel like echoing the sentiment of his words: “ I return once
more to tranquility, I return to purity”.
Waging surfing warfare is tiring. Could we really begrudge them
a little profit taking, an enjoying of the spoils, what romantic
french poet Arthur Rimbaud called “the feast where all hearts
opened and all wines flowed”.
If so and you’ll grant me that surfing wonderfully well is
nothing but sublimated sex, a fundamentally libidinous dance for
the pure of instinct then our fabulous Filipe might lose some of
his pop and zesty electricity. Become more like Taj and Wilko. All
tip and no iceberg, if you get my drift.
Who among us could court hostility to that kind of sensuality?
If you occupied the shoes of our latin studs wouldn’t you sip from
the cup, take a moment out to enjoy it all: the wine,the
women, youth and allow the competition to catch up?
If so and you’ll grant me that surfing wonderfully well is
nothing but sublimated sex, a fundamentally libidinous dance for
the pure of instinct then our fabulous Filipe might lose some of
his pop and zesty electricity. Become more like Taj and Wilko. All
tip and no iceberg, if you get my drift.
We’ll see, but if this unlikely event happens and Filipe comes
out at Snapper looking sluggish and spent, you read it here first.
Surfing as erotic contest. Could there be a reality more Gold
Coast, more suited to our beloved Brazilians!
3. Gabriel Medina.
Rating: Three
Everyone’s ears are cocked! Photo Steve
Sherman/@tsherms/Photo Union Worker
Let us not forget Gabby was the best surfer in the world
last year, in the same way that Kelly Slater was the best
surfer in the world the year that Joel Parkinson won his Title and
even the following year when Fanning won.
We never thought that would be challenged did we? But Gabby is
young enough and smart enough. He ended up one heat away from the
Title. Who could have foreseen the black swan moment of the Glen
Hall debacle? The “lost heat” at the Box. That won’t happen
There’s no cause for alarm or violent reaction in that simple
observation. Everything about Gabby’s year- from the volume in the
boards (which allowed the power of those tree trunk legs to be
applied-buckets thrown skywards!) , the clutch tuberiding, the
progression, the insouciant aerials ready to be thrown whenever
needed. It all added up to a deserved title defence and a run at
the Slater 11.
We never thought that would be challenged did we? But Gabby is
young enough and smart enough. He ended up one heat away from the
Title. Who could have foreseen the black swan moment of the Glen
Hall debacle? The “lost heat” at the Box. That won’t happen
Four wins this year, easy Title Number Two.
4. Mick Fanning
Rating: Runner-up
Whats that thing tapping, on Michael Fannings chamber
door? The Black Raven of Death? According to our favourite
german Freddy Nietszsche it is danger which teaches us to know our
resources, our shield and spear, our spirit, which
compels us to be strong. White Lightning will take a year
off to reset and hop on the sled but what happens if he takes a
sharp blade to Snapper and carves it open from arsehole to
breakfast, wins and then carries on at Bells?
Still a lot of gorgeous if’s to be answered in the case of
Michael Fanning.
I’m just a regular recreational surfer without a nationalist
bone in his body so the deification of Fanning as a mainstream
Aussie celebrity is a phenomena beyond my ken. But out of all the
formidable weapons life has arraigned against Fanning: from being
traduced by Chas Smith, to the ripping of the hamstring off the
bone, to the shark attack, to the death of the brothers. The most
dangerous may be a recreational surfer that Fanning burns at the
Superbank looking for revenge. Thus quoth the raven.
5. Julian Wilson
Rating: Six
How confounding and confusing pro surfing must
be for the most handsome man on tour. He surfed the best
he’s ever surfed, got knocked out repeatedly and almost failed to
qualify in 2014. Won Pipe to finish the year, developed
safety surfing to make heats only to be as a effective as a wax
statue in the final as guys surfing to their full potential
humiliated him.
It was like he was there, but he wasn’t there. Is that the curse
of great beauty? As songwriter Clem Snide put it:
“Cause those paper cuts kept you from writing
A poem so epic and true
About how you are cursed with a beauty so
I’m sure that it’s hard being you “
It was easier two or three years ago seeing J-Dub turn his
talents, the best bottom-turn-to-top-turn combo in the game,
aerials, flawless technique, courage, into world titles. Now it
seems some fundamental flaw might have derailed what seemed
destined and the rise of the Brazilians has closed the door on
anything but a consolation title some time in the future.
6. Italo Ferreira
Rating: Seven
Easily the heat of the year, from a performance
perspective and for title implications, was between Italo and Gabby
Medina in the quarter-finals of the Portugal comp. Gabby was on
fire, Gabby was steaming to an improbable world title defence,
Gabby had just won France. An apex predator in full control of
his environment to speak metaphorically and literally.
In the first 15 minutes he had Italo comboed. Never seen a man
look more destined to win a heat and head to the finals. Sixteen
minutes in, Italo stabs a hollow left in the throat. Five minutes
later, hucks a tail-high full-rote backside air and reverses the
combo. He just throws it back at Gabby like he was kicking him back
a soccer ball on a dusty street, like a couple of kids playing
The heat ended with Italo maintaining the combo, Gabby tapping
out. Here I have an image of Gabby frozen in my brain. In the
post-heat presser, open-mouthed, stammering with that Arnie
Schwarzenegger english, trying to process what had just happened
but failing utterly. He did it to Kelly too. Twice. World Title
possibility? Definitely.
7. John John Florence
Rating: Fifteen
Photo by Justin Jay/@justinjayphoto
Surf intelligence. There, I’ve put those two
words together in the same sentence.
But it is a thing, a real phenomena, right?
We all recognise it when we see it: the guy or gal always in the
right spot, catching the best waves, making the heavy look
relaxing, easy. Surf intelligence exists but it tends to be a
vicious, tyrannical weed of a mental faculty.
Problem is, being a pro surfer who does comps
requires some basic skills in cognition. Like
the ability to understand that a ten and a three will be beaten by
two sevens. You could invent, and I would very much like to see it,
a format where Florence would be World Champ for life.
Like any tinpot dictator it crowds out, smothers and ruthlessly
exterminates it’s opposition, in this case any other form of
intelligence. Surfing your brains out has more than the ring of
truth to it.
Problem is, being a pro surfer who does comps requires
some basic skills in cognition. Like the ability to
understand that a ten and a three will be beaten by two sevens. You
could invent, and I would very much like to see it, a format where
Florence would be World Champ for life.
We saw what it would look like during the Eddie. Nothing to
worry about except surf for an hour, no calculations required
except those demanded by pure surf intelligence. Until that happens
Florence is a prisoner to the vicissitudes of the ocean in a way
that smarter competitors are not.
8. Kelly Slater
Rating: Nine
Photo: Morgan Maassen
Leaving aside the twin objections that
“athlete” is a dubious epithet whenapplied to surfers and
surfing as “sport” is a concept mocked by the fact that only a
minuscule percentage of surfers ever participate in competition,
you have to acknowledge Slater as one of the most greatest
sportspeople of any era.
Across time and space he’s been dominant like few others. Given
that, can we find any useful analog sporting heroes which might
help up make sense of this long tail of Slater’s career. Rory
Parker called baseball’s Dead Ball Era to mind in his analysis of last
years tour.
I know fuck-all about baseball but it got me thinking and
researching. What I found might be pertinent. It was Babe Ruth who
helped bring the Dead Ball Era to a close and who would go on to a
long and storied career. The year was 1922, and Ruth got just two
hits in seventeen in the World Series and seemed washed up,
an “exploded phenomenon” according to sportswriter Joe Vila.
By the time of the 1932 World Series, a hostile Chicago crowd
was screaming insults at Ruth. With the count at two balls and two
strikes Ruth gestured with one hand towards the centre field and
hit the next pitch over the centre field fence. It became known as
Babe Ruth’s called shot. The greatest answer back to hyena
critics circling the carcass of a dying career, ever.
Question: Has Kelly Slater got the called shot in
What calls you on Kelly? Pure spite for the baying
hounds, the way Babe Ruth did? Or is there something else,
some moment of greatness you are hoping to wrest from the maw of
time. Do darker secrets loom? A special contract with the WSL, like
the one you signed with Brodie Carr back in 2009 to forestall the
rebel tour? We know alright.
The tour can carry on without you now. The slow slide down the
rankings, the settling back to earth of the remnants of the
exploded phenomena could be done in private.
But if you keep doing it, we’ll keep watching. Till the crack of
doom, or you retire, whichever comes first.
9. Joel Parkinson
Rating: Fourteen
Photo: WSL
Idea for a ten thousand word long read: How
Joel Parkinson, son of a genial bricklayer with sad eyes, became
the most beautiful surfer in the world. Suffered humiliating
defeats, came back from injury and late in career found himself
World Champion, not by ascending to any state of grace but by
crushing his art under heel and becoming a ruthless sportsman
enslaved to a format requiring two sevens to progress.
Extirpated the highs and lows in his surfing, levelled the
mountain and the valley, and found the Golden Mean. Not greatness
but a winning mediocrity. Template for every world title since.
Where to now for Parko? Shitty last year, sitting in the middle
of the rankings, 35 years of age. Remote chance of another title in
this Brazilian era.
Could he reverse the instinct-atrophy required of him to become
a contender, to remain a contender and rediscover that lightness of
touch, that “outlaw feeling of doing something graceful”, in short,
rediscover that intoxication which is a prerequisite for
any kind of art or aesthetic activity to exist, not for points but
for it’s own sake?
But I ask too much. Final paragraph: The tragedy of Parko.
10. Jordy Smith
Rating: Thirteen
Photo: WSL/Kirstin
Eight years of Jordy on tour gives us a
career composed mostly of static, save the runner-up finish in 2010
and some highlights at Bells and J-Bay.
Through the white noise we can distinguish enough of a
clear signal to discern how the remainder will play out. He’s not
going to charge the heavy lefts, not going to step up and dominate
– do the work like a Fanning or a De Souza or even Parko did to get
comfortable at Teahupoo or Pipe.
He’s happy to plod along, maybe too happy.
Why? Too much too soon, and too little expected for it. The
curse of Dane and JJF.
Let us look one another in the eye, we surf commenters, and take
the sacred cow of a Jordy Smith world title to the abattoir. It’s
time we did so.
With the torque generated from that caboose and the finesse in
the repertoire Jordy should win every event in overhead rights.
Instead, we get Parko-lite and another midnight wanderer on the
boulevard of broken dreams.
11. Kolohe Andino
Rating: Twenty-six
Last December I (bravely) predicted an early exit at
Pipe for California’s last great white hope. That came to
pass. I now (equally bravely) predict the opposite for
Snapper. Quarter-final finish minimum. Why?
The over-theatrical top turn, all paralysed force, substance
without meaning, has been tamed. There’s a willingness to
engage in the blood feud, thus, anger as friend, as energy, as
necessary ingredient. Happy, contented men do not make good
competitors. Between the potency and the existence falls the
No more the shadow for Brother. Not a contender but a top ten
12. Matt Wilkinson
Rating: Nineteen
Photo Steve Sherman/@tsherms/Photo Union
Shave him down, put him in a suit and Wilko
could be like any other flabby-footed white collar suburban bean
counter carrying twenty extra pounds around the mid-riff. A
clock-punching nine-to-five workadaddy wage slave looking forwards
to two weeks in the Maldives where he can ride an over-foamed fun
board in head high reef waves over deep water.
But he ain’t, so from that perspective he’s punching well above
his genetic weight and maximising return on his pro surfing
investment. Every court needs a jester and Wilko fits that
archetype admirably. A niche that is likely to enable him to ride
the pro surfing gravy train for a few years yet.
Shave him down, put him in a suit and Wilko could be like
any other flabby-footed white collar suburban bean counter carrying
twenty extra pounds around the mid-riff. A clock-punching
nine-to-five workadaddy wage slave looking forwards to two weeks in
the Maldives
Given that he has the talent to be top ten for life we could
probably remove the weight of expectation from Wilko and enjoy his
career for what it is: a series of spluttering misfires that at
some inexplicable and unexplainable point is likely to produce
moments of unrestrained brilliance.
Surely you’d expect him to have a victory in him at some point
in his career.
13. Taj Burrow
Rating: Seventeen
If this loosely slung rumour is true, Taj
Burrow’s 19th year on tour will be his last. Will you miss his
dazzling jams, and those enormous orang-utan sprays? An energy that
never wavers? Twelve grand prix wins (including beating Kelly
Slater in the final of the 2009 Pipe Masters, a Mundaka, and three
Quiksilver Pro’s), a rookie of the year (1998) and two runner-up
finishes (1999 and 2007). Photo Steve Sherman/@tsherms/Photo Union
This could be Taj’s last year on tour? My
understanding of his career is always linked to the Ballad of
Robbie Johnson. Robbie came up against Taj in the Pro Junior at
North Narrabeen, when that was the only comp that mattered for
young hopefuls.
Everyone present knew Robbie beat Taj fair and square but the
judges pushed Taj through. He was the golden boy of Aussie surfing
and it just wouldn’t do to have him knocked out by a no-name.
Robbie tried hard but the sponsors never came. That was his big
moment and the injustice took his dream and made it bitter in his
heart. Robbie became a working man, one of those who you’d see
somewhere and think: he coulda, shoulda been pro.
And what did we get in exchange for the death of the dreams of
Robbie Johnson? For someone to prosper, others must fail. We got a
long career from Taj, but one attenuated by a refusal to step up
when it was most needed. The cosmic balance wasn’t restored by the
rorting of Robbie Johnson.
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The push and the pull, the dropping of the shoulders.
Who knew one lil air reverse could overwhelm… everything! This
isn't the 10 Ms Silvana Lima scored in her round four heat, by the
way, it's an expression session statement. | Photo:
Is Surfing Sexist? Hell yes!
By Chas Smith
But Silvana Lima not getting paid to surf is not a
reflection of sexism.
Silvana Lima is a very fine 30-ish year-old
Brazilian surfer. She is small, maybe not even five feet, and
aggressive. I watched her surf lots during the Swatch Pro in France
and was impressed. Like, the waves were maybe one foot yet Silvana
would totally shred them. Even airs and things. Aggressive turns.
If there was a one-foot contest and it was open to both men and
women I bet Silvana would win.
A few days ago she was on the BBC talking about how she must
raise French bulldogs in order to make enough money to compete on
World Tour. She said:
I don’t look like a model. I’m not a babe. I’m a surfer a, a
professional one. The surf-wear brands, when it comes to women,
they want both models and surfers. So if you don’t look like a
model, you end up without a sponsor, which is what happened to me.
You’re excluded, you’re disposable. Men don’t have these
It would be nice for her to surf and do nothing else because she
is very fine and aggressive but, and let me tell you a little
Surfers are not athletes. They may be dancers or…entertainers
or…artists or…something but not athletes. And that means even if
they are very skilled it does not mean they will get paid to surf.
Because surfers are not athletes. They may be trapeze acts or…snake
oil sellers or…free-form jazz aficionados or…something but not
athletes. Some surfers are very athletic but no great,
sponsored surfer is only an athlete and this applies equally to men
and women.
Is surfing sexist?
Hell yes!
And in about 5000 ways.
But Silvana Lima not getting paid to surf is not a reflection of
sexism. She just needs to figure out what kind of surfer she wants
to be besides an athlete. Breeding French bulldogs seems better
than lots of options anyhow.
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