Volcanic: Luke Davis is Pretty in Pink!

Are you emotionally ready for no-good filthy party boy Luke Davis?

Well, here’s the point. I’m not particularly concerned with whether or not you like the San Clemente surfer Luke Davis.

Because I live to like Luke Davis. He makes me feel good. And whenever I’m feeling real low and dirty and my heart is splattered all over hell, watching Luke Davis pumps me back up.

(Even if he is a filthy fucking no-good party boy.)

In this episode from the surfboard company Lost, a promo for their one-board-for-all-conditions Quiver Killer, a slightly longer and more hi-fi version of the Short Round, Luke is filmed throwing lip gloss all over Lowers.

The Quiver Killer logo, a bullet, is the famous Spitzgeschoss design, a reflection of the shaper Matt Biolos’ fascination with German munitions.

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Mick Fanning pulling a pint of meth.
Mick Fanning pulling a pint of meth.

Advice: Beer leads to methamphetamine!

Don't follow the yellow path of destruction!

Do you love nothing more than going home after work and cracking a nice, cold beer? Sitting down, washing away the day’s stress away one frosty chug at a time? Feeling the alcohol mellow your bad vibes?

Well guess what?

You are on a highway to hell and may as well be smoking meth!

Motivational speaker, and brother to the most fabulous Sabre Norris, Biggy has some hard words for you to hear.

Beer is a bad habit and before you even know it you’ll be on meth. Meth is bad. You’re gunna make bad crappy decisions like, you think there’s no cars on the road and then you get hit by a car because there is a car on the road. And then you’re not gunna have a wife, you’re not gunna have a job, you’re not gonna go for uni exams. You gotta give up on beer. Not give up on life.

And that is that. Santa Cruz? Are you watching?

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Courtney is ready. | Photo: WSL

WSL: Women Steal Men’s Thunder(Cloud)!

Tell me this ain't justice!

So there I was, watching Dawn Patrol to see how the WSL planned on finishing the women’s OuterKnown Fiji Pro in today’s zero-foot surf. It was, after all, the final day in their waiting period.

I tuned in just in time to hear Kaipo speaking with Tati about how she would prepare for the very large surf promised in the final. This was after the WSL drone had just panned over a completely flat Cloudbreak lineup. I re-checked the forecast to make sure the swell wasn’t predicted to magically jump in the afternoon and… nope!

So what the hell was Kaipo talking about?

Then, Facebook to the rescue! Twenty-seven minutes ago, the WSL posted, saying: The #OKFijiPro Women’s Final heat will take place on Sunday morning, the first day of the Men’s waiting period.
Cloudbreak is forecasted to be 8-12ft and absolutely pumping!! 🌊

And can I get a hellllls to the YEAH?!

Courtney and Tati, two of the Women’s CT’s biggest chargers, will take on menacing Cloudbreak for the conclusion of the event. What more, in order to do so they’ll have to pinch thirty-five minutes of the men’s event window. This takes the feminist #WasteHisTime movement of 2016 to new levels. A win for women and apologists everywhere!

Jokes aside, this is a classy move by the WSL. Give the girls a chance to prove their skill and gumption in solid waves, and maybe Chas’s musings will gain steam. Or they’ll flail and not at all. No pressure, T&C!

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Could Matt Damon maybe play Rip Current Rory in upcoming bio-pic? Let's keep our fingers crossed!
Could Matt Damon maybe play Rip Current Rory in upcoming bio-pic? Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Rip Current Rory: “Beware of surfing!”

Want to try the Sport of Kings? Scottish hero says, "Don't!"

Surfing has a new mascot and his name is Rip Current Rory! The young hero from Scotland who was caught in a rip current and pulled all the way to Ireland is back in the news today with advice for any person thinking about trying out the Sport of Kings this summer.


He returned to Campbeltown, Scotland today, where his horror began, in order to retrieve his surfboard and thank the Coast Guard team that saved his life but he also shared his pointers for the best way to “enjoy” the surf. Shall we read?

Please, see my story not as a horror, but one that could learned from.

Despite having the correct equipment – a 5mm thickness wetsuit, with a 2mm thickness torso vest, along with gloves, hood and boots – there were other things I could have done to prevent this escalating to the point it did:

A) Do not go surfing alone. It was unnecessary risk. If I had been surfing with another person, or ideally a group, the coastguard would have been notified much earlier that I was in trouble.

B) Have an agreed time when you will be out of the water and that you will contact either a family or friend who is on dry land. This is a useful measure as it helps in case something is happening to your group.

C) Make sure the person you’re contacting knows where you are going surfing and expect to be back on dry land. If you want to go back in afterwards just message them saying so.

D) Purchase a personal GPS tracker. Although they can be pricey at first glance, when you consider the price of both a board and wetsuit, it isn’t that much more. And it’s worth it if you imagine two hours in the water before being rescued as opposed to two days. I know what I would choose. I would suggest this for non-surfers doing other water sports as well.

So a 7/5 wetsuit, gloves, hood, booties, GPS tracker, crew in the water, crew on the beach/at home. And that sounds like the worst time ever!

Between fear of shark attack, menstruation and Rip Current Rory’s advice I think zero new people will start surfing for the rest of the year and a few will even quit.


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Feel good: Support your history!

Matt Warshaw needs you! Will you answer the call?

Do you consider yourself a “global citizen?” Did you cry this morning when you read that Donald J. Trump is planning on opting out of the Paris Accord? Is your monthly “donation” budget tied up between Greenpeace and the Surfrider Foundation?

Of course not! You are a BeachGrit-er!

But there is one thing you can do with your extra pennies that are not being sent to Greenpeace or the Surfrider Foundation. You can send them to your favorite Matt Warshaw in support of his epic Encyclopedia of Surfing and History of Surfing!

The Encyclopedia of Surfing and the History of Surfing are both true works of art. Matt Warshaw has taken it upon himself to actually commit the only thing we truly care about to eternity. He has read, sorted, logged it all from Bronzed Aussies to Zelda . Without him, without these two works, all of our memories would vanish. He has done a hard and thankless work and it matters. The entries are brilliant. The reading is gold. And here we are.

I don’t ask for much but I beg for this because it is good and unlike Greenpeace and Surfrider actually does something. It gives us our past and in a strange way it gives us our future. Without Matt Warshaw we are stuck in a perpetual now. A perpetual BeachGrit.

Can you imagine anything more horrifying? I can’t.

Support here and support now.

Come on you bastards! Let’s leave the invading Russians with something that is actually fun!

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