Miguel Pupo and Sunny Garcia too. Michael Rodrigues blocks.
BeachGrit‘s Instagram account has been dealt a deadly blow, a debilitating blow from the World Surf League thanks to the likely racist injury wildcard decision involving the now famous Brazilian surfer Caio Ibelli.
Oh what a tangled web we weave and do you need a quick catch-up? It would be my pleasure.
There are some 28 odd professional surfers on the World Championship Tour and none of them, not one of them, follow BeachGrit on Instagram. One did last year though. His name was Caio Ibelli but he is not on the World Championship Tour anymore because he has been relegated to the World Qualifying Series even though the rules clearly stated that he should have been gifted a wildcard for the 2019 season.
Caio was properly injured, you see, but two other “injured” surfers were allowed into the 2019 draw before him.
It can only be reasoned because he follows BeachGrit on Instagram.
Professional surfers took note, the ones not on the World Championship Tour (since Caio Ibelli was the only one there RIP) unfollowed immediately.
Dane Reynolds? Gone.
Sage Erickson? Gone.
Miguel Pupo? Gone.
Sunny Garcia? Gone.
Michael Rodrigues? Gone and then took the further step of blocking. (May I speak to Michael directly? Do you mind? “Michael. I see you. You had better hold your damn acai bowl with two hands from now on cuz you never know when I’ll hop around the corner and STRIKE!)
I don’t blame them. The World Surf League is a juggernaut, an evil empire and should be greatly feared. I just always hope in my heart of hearts that a brave prophet will rise from amongst the bleating sheep. A man or woman we can look to as example, as our hero. I imagined once in my life it would be Dane but… alas. Yet another disappointment.
Oh wait. Would you like to know who still follows?
Caio Ibelli.
My new favorite surfer Caio Ibelli.
The man who will lead us home.