Watch: Filmer nearly captures disemboweling of oblivious surfer by “ravenous, frenzied, combative” Great White shark in North Carolina!

Also a sick little tube.

We surfers, we wave riders, are nothing if not single-minded. Focused, like lasers, on our Pastime of Kings. Nothing can get in our way, when thinking about surfing. Nothing can pull our attention from either sitting and thinking about sweet little tubes, watching another surfer get a sweet little tube or filming a surfer nearly getting dismembered and disemboweled by a ravenous, frenzied Great White shark in the midst of a food orgy then swinging the camera to capture a sweet little tube.

And let us head straight to North Carolina’s Outer Banks where the sun is shining, the water extra warm and the sharks attacking for it is there we lay our scene.

“I don’t think the guy even saw it,” said Logan Marshall, a filmmaker from the Outer Banks.

The water was warm, the surf was up and there were dozens of dolphins playing in the water off Cape Hatteras as Marshall was filming surfers in the waves.

“Everybody just had a weird feeling” out on the Outer Banks beach Monday, he said in an interview with McClatchy News.

They were north of Rodanthe, North Carolina, about a mile from where another surfer was bitten, possibly by a shark (read: obviously), that same day, Marshall said.

That 26-year-old surfer was in the ocean when he was bit on the foot at about 2:30 p.m., according to the National Park Service. He was taken to a hospital with what the NPS said was a “non-life threatening injury.”

“It was two days of pretty sharky waters,” Marshall said.

“I’ve never seen it that populated with sea life,” he added. “I’ve never experienced anything like that.”

The best part of the entire video, though, is right after almost watching the passive surfer become devoured, Logan Marshall swings the camera, catches a little tube action and “Yessessss” like he has forgotten all about the potential bloodbath.

We surfers, we wave sliders, are… the best.

But no surfing in North Carolina, nor South Carolina, nor the eastern seaboard for at least two weeks, no matter how unseasonably warm the water is.


Everywhere, sharks.

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Ready 2 learn!
Ready 2 learn!

Revealed: The “Four Best Surfers in History” ranked in order according to the all-powerful Vulnerable Adult Learner!

Can you guess correctly?

And as has been discussed many times, here, 2010 – 2020 is the decade that the VAL not only exploded onto the scene but grabbed surfing’s bull by its horns. We play in their world now, their mid-lengthy, neoprene surf cappy, booties n boardshorty, surf schoolie world and we assume many things about them, assume, I suppose, that they’re drafting off us in terms of style and taste but… are they?

Of course not! They are charting their own brave, yet vulnerable, course but who are they looking up to? Who are their north stars, as it were?

Thankfully Book SurfCamps by Tripaneer is here to show us.

“The go-to resource for planning your surf camps. Find all you need to know about the top destinations and take your surfing to new heights”, just released its vaunted list of The Four Best Surfers in History and… before looking can you guess who they are? Can you guess which is number one? Close your eyes, scroll down to the comments and enter your thoughts then scroll back up here and drum roll….

4. Miki Dora:
The Hungarian surfer is known for popularizing longboard surfing. His light stance on the board and ‘ultra-nimble’ footwork earned him the nickname of ‘Da Cat.’ As a mysterious and gifted surfer, Miki was hailed as the first superstar of the surfing world. Living a thug life, Miki spent time behind bars for fraud and grand robbery in 1973. He died in 2002 after succumbing to pancreatic cancer.

3. Kelly Slater:
Born Robert Kelly Slater in 1972 and acclaimed as ‘The Greatest Surfer of All Time,’ Kelly Slater’s career in surfing began at the tender age of six. His career skyrocketed when he began winning successive surfing championship titles at the young age of 11. Slater became a television household name after landing a role in the famous series Baywatch as Jimmy Slade.

2. Laird Hamilton:
Here are some interesting facts about this famous surfer…He is a highly revered model, producer, TV host, fitness and nutrition expert, stuntman, and author.Hamilton coined tow-in surfing, which entails the use of a personal watercraft (PWC) in towing a surfer into large waves. As a pioneer of this technique, Hamilton described it as “just going as fast as you’ve ever been. Really, it’s just the sensation of speed.” As a surfing aficionado, Hamilton believes that surfing is a creative process that is intrinsically motivated rather than a sport driven by external rewards.

1. Duke Kahanamoku:
Dubbed ‘The Father of Modern Surfing,’ The Duke was a native Hawaiian swimmer. Growing up, the ocean became Duke’s playground, and here are some of his most notable achievements… In 1911, Duke beat the existing world record by 4.6 seconds for the 100 yards (91 meters) freestyle in Honolulu Harbor. At 21 years old, he grabbed his first Olympic gold medal for the 100-meter freestyle; he remained the United States’ representative at the Olympics for the next 20 years.

So there we have it. How many did you get right? Surprised to see Da Cat there at number 4? More surprised to see Kelly Slater not at number 1? Laird Hamilton as the second greatest surfer to ever do it?

I imagine Book SurfCamps by Tripaneer will be hearing from the 11x World Champ shortly.

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Putting the G in smug!
Putting the G in smug!

First Son-in-Law Jared Kushner on life inside Trump White House: “He makes the waves…Your job is to surf the wave as best as you can every day!”

Donald Trump = Kelly Slater

And here we are, officially, in the future. The one promised by great film directors Robert Zemeckis and Ridley Scott. The one we grew up expecting then almost gave up on. For who would have ever guessed, even ten years ago, that artificial wave technologies, that Surf Ranches and Surf Lakes, URBNSRFs and The Waves would replace traditional ocean surfing as the du jour analogy but here we are and welcome.

Of course surfing, and surf-related terminology, have been used since ancient Peruvian fishermen, high to the heavens on cocaine, first caught waves on their “little horses” those thousands of years ago (buy here) but the correlations were always natural. Surfing as metaphor for entrepreneurship, for relationship, for mentorship, citizenship, hardship always dealt with the uncontrollable. The vast powers beyond our control best summed up with the mantra “You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf.”

Beautiful, no?

But let us listen to First Son-in-Law and President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump’s right hand Jared Kushner describe life inside the White House in a just released Time magazine interview.

“One thing you have to remember when you work for President Trump is that you don’t make the waves. He makes the waves…Your job is to surf the wave as best as you can every day. And you have to always smile and have a sense of humor with it, because he’s the one who’s got the instinct.”

Powerful, no?

But also amazing that artificial wave technologies have worked their way into the vernacular so thoroughly. Donald Trump there making waves exactly like Kelly Slater is in Lemoore making them.

And I’m excited to see how this new “making waves for people to surf” metaphor is used this coming year for entrepreneurship, for relationship, for mentorship, citizenship, hardship, attorneyship, brinksmanship, associateship, artisanship, etc.

The future.

Wonderful, no?

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Breaking: Lifeguards rush to close Australian beach as elderly surfer has foot “bitten to the bone” by “troublingly ageist” bull shark!


But it is truly wonderful to be alive in these woke times, freshly alerted to all manner of injustice be it gender-related, race-related, economically-informed, climate-induced or having to do with age. We’re, each of us, like Louis as played by Brad Pitt in Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire, having just had his neck kissed by Tom Cruise’s Lestat and seeing the world with his vampire eyes for the very first time.

“No words can describe it. Might as well ask Heaven what it sees. No human can know. The statue seemed to move, but didn’t. The world had changed, yet stayed the same. I was a newborn vampire (read: culturally aware), weeping at the beauty of the night.”

In any case, ageism is particularly troublesome even though our elders are the reason for all our problems including but not limited to gender, race, economics and climate but still, but still, we must be woke to them too and sharks, Great White, Tiger and Bull, especially Bull, are decidedly not. Rudely not. At odds with the great bend of consciousness not and let’s learn about the latest terrifying attack in Australia on an elderly foot.

NSW Ambulance said the 60-year-old was bitten to the bone on his left foot while surfing with a friend at Windang Beach, south of Wollongong around 8:00am on Friday.

Illawarra Ambulance Chief Inspector Terry Morrow said the man is in a stable condition after being treated by paramedics at the scene.

“He was waiting for a wave a felt a tug on his left leg,” Inspector Morrow said.

“He looked down, saw some blood, got onto his board and made his way to the shoreline.

“He has a significant laceration to the top arch of his left ankle area but it looks like it must have been a small shark.”

The man was taken to Wollongong Hospital to be treated for his injuries.

“He’s in a stable condition, he was given pain relief because he was a bit shocked and felt sick,” Inspector Morrow said

“He was cooperative and very thankful for the assistance of his mates, the surf life savers and paramedics.”

Australian surf journalist Nick Carroll agreed that the shark must have been very small but I don’t see what this has to do with anything unless Nick is suggesting size excuses rude, outdated, ugly behavior.

It’s time we all did some self-work.

Each of us.

Especially Nick.

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Shane Starling, Fantasy Surfer savant.

Interview: WSL’s fantasy surfer champ revealed as Berlin-based data-journalist who says, “Its a dead platform, really.”

Picks ten out of eleven event winners…

Moments ago, you read about the WSL’s Fantasy Surfer winner Zmonde, and how his victory came and went unremarked and unacknowledged by the owners of the game. 

Zmonde is Shane Starling, a forty-eight-year-old cycling enthusiast and occasional surfer who was in Perth, Western Australia, where he grew up, to help his brother fit out of a beer bar before he goes back to Berlin where he now lives. 

Shane, who picked ten of the eleven event winners, says he’s only being doing the WSL’s Fantasy Surfer for two years, doesn’t know about Surfer magazine’s version and calls the competition a “dead platform, really. You can’t communicate with other players, you can’t banter. And if they gave even a small prize it would make the competition more lively. You play the game and that’s it.”

Apart from backing Jordy Smith all year except at Pipe (“He moved to Hawaii, looked fit and the only reason I didn’t back him at Pipe was because of his injury at Sunset”), choosing dark horses to separate him from the pack (Griffin Colapinto was his go-to), Shane says it was the power of visualisation that gave him his edge. 

He describes lying on his bed, going into a meditative state, “putting on some Captain Beefheart”, and being there on the day of the finals and watching Joe Turpel present the medals on the podium.

It didn’t work at the Freshwater Pro, says Shane, because the “system was so different. I went off-piste and chose dark horses that didn’t pay off.” 

Other winning habits? Shane scrolls through the Instagram feeds of all the surfers to see if there are any injuries and how happy they are, “if you get a vibe off someone.”

He follows various stat-based surf accounts to see their teams and he doesn’t confirm his team until right before the event and he’s seen who everybody else is picking.

“If everyone is picking Gabby, sometimes I’ll change to someone else. Dark horses make the difference. If they do good and you’re on them there’s a pretty good chance you’ll be up there. Like Griffin at Pipe. He was on the cusp of not prequalifying if he didn’t get a good result. He’s a hellman, doesn’t mind pulling in. The factors were there.”

Shane grew up surfing around Perth, the fishing town of Geraldton a few hours north and the satellite city Mandurah, an hour south of Perth.

When he moved to the northern hemisphere, first to London, then France and Berlin, he surfed less and less. 

“I miss it,” he says. “It’s one of those things. I do more cycling these days.”

As for his no-prize victory he says, “I don’t understand the Wozzle half the time.” 

(Note: As per suggestion from BeachGrit commentator, Bex Vidina, BeachGrit t-shirts and car air freshener have been dispatched.)

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