"I was in the middle of this fire. I just remember hearing the big whooshing sound going past me."
The Indonesian surf trip is a coming-of-age adventure for any surfer worth her salt. Flying to the world’s largest archipelago, charting a boat to some far flung coast and living a tube-enhanced dream. No phone, no boss, no responsibility other than getting drained and draining Bintang.
A good life, maybe perfect, until the dang mechanic proceeds to hook up the battery wrong thus engulfing the entire business, including surfers, in an inferno.
But let us 19-year-old Jensen Kirby on his very first solo trip overseas. The young Perthian is lucky to be alive after a harrowing accident left him well done. Here he is, without further ado, with the play-by-play.
“The mechanic was putting the battery on and plugging it up. He plugged the negative to the positive, so it was wrong, and as soon as it clicked it just sparked and ignited the petrol fumes in the boat,” the dishwater blonde told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. “All I saw was the spark and the next moment I just saw the flames around me and I was like ‘Oh my god, what the hell do I do?’ I was in the middle of this fire. I just remember hearing the big whooshing sound going past me. It was crazy, like out of a movie. I just turned around and jumped straight into the water because I was so scared and got away as far as I could in case there was another explosion.”
Young Kirby survived, body very burned, and had multiple stages to get to a proper care facility. He was worried about looking at his face, scared the damage would be lots. When he finally mustered the courage, he felt he looked “thirty years older” which would make him 49. Exactly six years younger than surf great Kelly Slater.
If you looked in the mirror, after a scary accident, and saw Kelly Slater staring back how would that make you feel?