Deceptively unassuming surfer one of the great contemporary sculptors and painters!
The surfer as artist is a familiar line. For some, it’s a fad to wash off the pharmaceutical fuzziness, others a life.
The art can be derivative and dreadful or as surprising (and as expensive) as a Wagyu beef burger served in a little wooden box and tied up with a ribbon.
I’ve been collecting the work of surfer, and painter/sculptor/musician Jeff Raglus for a little past a decade. Collecting isn’t quite the right word. For a few years there I had a surplus of cash (two jobs, new biz) and wanted to buy art not for capital gain, which is what the savvy art collector chases, but work that pleased. Splashes of oil and inspiration I could stare and wonder at.
And one turned into three turned into five.
A few years back, Raglus hit me up and said he was selling one of his sculptures for two thousand dollars, a two hundred pound carving called Mr Pinky. Took two strong men (i.e. not me) to drag it into my house. I look at it now and it sinks me with happiness.
This short movie examines the life of a man who ranks among the most accomplished in the game, and who has avoided the frenzied fantasy life of money and the city.
Check out his kid too. Kasper. Artist. Musician. Real good surfer. Just like his old boy.
You’ll like this movie. Calming. Lovely.