Despite all the propaganda to the contrary, man is not created equal…
In our politically correct day and age it’s hip to say that all races are the same. Boooolsheeeet. Each stock has abilities and disabilities buried deep within the genetic coding. Double helixes jiving or goose-stepping to a colour-based beat. We’ve all winced at white farm boys dishing stereotypical hoo-ha about how Asians have extra pieces of their brains to do math, but that’s just fluff, darling, and if I live by one rule it’s: “When farm boys say something, it automatically sucks intellectual dick.”
Not that they’re on the wrong path, it’s just that they’re too stupid to discern the subtle complexities in what Asiatics (or any other race) do best. Race is like fine wine. You’ve got to sniff, swill, swish and judge. The first flavour is the least multifarious. Hold, hold, hold on the tongue. Let it breathe up into the olfactory epithelium. Ahhhh, it’s not that Asians are excellent at math, it’s that they’re rotten at prose. Dig?
Have you ever read Shusaku Endo? Twil’ make your eyeses burn. If that was the best novelisation your people could do you’d concentrate on digits too. But I digress on a minor point. So what does each volk have to offer the world stew?
First palette: Anger. Second palette: Rage. Full character: Arabs offer a pretty simple, straightforward flavour to humanity. There’s never a doubt as to what you’ll get. Unmodified umbrage. Just like you know that you’ll always partake in homosexual Italian fusion food. These are life’s constants. Sometimes Arab choler manifests itself in worthless effigy-burning parades, sometimes in jumbo jet suicide attacks. But all the time their little brown bods pulsate with displeasure. Enough to balance the glee of south-east Asians
First palette: Clumsy dancing. Second palette: Business suits. Full character: The white man contains loads of complex sapidity. From Jerry Lewis’ coked up humour to Chris Martin from Coldplay’s whiney free-trade songs. A seemingly robust, complicated brew. But the essence of the Caucasoid is effective heartlessness. Oh sure, we pretend we care about stuff (Chris Martin) but we don’t. We stopped having feelings around 1258 AD. Yup. Nothing in the ticker but a will to power. So long suckers.
First palette: Tequila. Second palette: Beer. Full Character: The Hispic gets written off as lazy by the race-taste neophyte. They pair a glass of Hispanic with afternoon naps and exotic soap operas. Fucking neophytes. In all actuality Spanish speakers are the gasolina that fuels the White Man machine. Without em the world (and by world I mean US) economy would bog down and the White will to power would go sour. They do grunt jobs nobody wants and make delicious tacos. So Hispanics also taste like tacos, but they mostly taste like easy livin’ (if you’re white).
First palette: Poor. Second palette: Gaudy. Full Character: Those hailing from Africa have had it rough. They run a good marathon, on one hand, but then they chop of each other’s arms, on the other stump. Confusing. Diamond encrusted, musically-gifted deliciousness or brackish bloatedness? Both. Maybe? Shoot, them blacks can tug of the heartless strings as well as anyone. Their tang is one of confusion. It goes well with a huge rack of ribs or starvation.
First Palette: Gorgeous off-axis eyes. Second palette: Great at math. Full Character: Asiatics ferment a heads-down, cash-up varietals. Money, money, money, money…. money. In Japan, China and Korea the masses groove 80-hour work weeks for the all mighty Yen, Yuan and Yollar. Sometimes the heads down part screws them in the ass. Like when Japanese markets crashed or when the Chinese painted every toy they could find with a heavy coat of lead. But it don’t matter too much cuz love of lucre is a fire that reigns in the heart.
Red Heads
First Palette: Ugly. Second Palette: Ill-tempered. Full Character: Ugly and ill tempered.
First Palette: White. Second Palette: Asian. Full Character: Ruskies combine the heartlessness of Whites with the heads downess of Asians. They miss out on the will to power and the love of money. Luckily, the Lord has given them miles upon miles of frozen tundra in which to make sadistic jails and run headlong into bad forms of government.