And other funny keyword searches that land you right here…
One of the fascinating parts of operating a website is watching the behaviour of your readers. Who are you? Where are you from? What are your personal kinks?
In the print game, no one knows, knew.
The closest I ever came to identifying who read the jams of whatever mag I was editing was via those surveys we stuck in the mags and from focus groups that’d cost 20 gees and yield nothing.
Readers in focus groups do this very human thing where they say what the think elevates ‘em in the eye of the other participants or sub-consciously say what they think you want to hear. And, besides, who knows what their true motivations and likes are?
The problem, as any student of human behaviour would explain, is that surveys are filled out by people who like filling out surveys or ‘cause they want to win whatever trinket you had as an incentive.
Readers in focus groups do this very human thing where they say what they think elevates ‘em in the eye of the other participants or sub-consciously say what they think you want to hear. And, besides, who knows what their true motivations and likes are?
Your electronic movements, however, are beautiful to watch.
For those unfamiliar with Google Analytics, it’s an application that tracks website traffic. More than that, it allows publishers to see how many readers are on the site, what country they’re from, the electronic device they’re accessing your site from, what story they’re reading, where they came from and where they go after you.
And, tellingly, what keyword searches got ‘em there.
It’s become a game between Chas Smith and me to send each other funny keyword searches as they come up, briefly, on the Google Analytics dashboard.
Like this. Is true? asked Chas. We laugh because it couldn’t be more absurd!
Who taps these words in? Man with Bear fetish?
Is that you Peter Taras?
Drowning fantasies?
Healthy young man with beach-y fantasies?
Lovely Latinas!
Angry South African man?
A Kolohe Andino fan! For life! (Maybe me!)
Reliable medical advice for advanced cancers?
Do the secret kinks of man make you laugh?
What keyword searches lurk in the recesses of your web history?