Matthew Perrin, formerly head of Billabong is in
trouble! But for what?
Billabong’s ex-CEO Matthew Perrin’s life has
just become a tabloid disaster. Messy divorce, charges of fraud,
stealing homes, bankrupting families, affairs, pregnancy, etc. but
I didn’t know any of that when I stumbled on a headline that
approximated the one you see here. “Ex-Billabong CEO” and “I’ve
done a lot of bad things” near each other.
And my mind raced. What could he possibly be talking about?
Maybe once producing boardshorts that cascaded far below the
knee and looked like baggy skirts?
Maybe going on a spending spree, buying up UK surf shops at the
dawn of Internet retail?
Maybe losing Graham Stapelberg, the greatest ever employee and
pal anyone could hope for, to the World Surf League?
Maybe producing a sandal wherein the bottom could be used to pop
a beer bottle?
But then I remembered they didn’t do that last one so read the
story instead. Would you like to as well?
The then-wife of Billabong boss Matthew Perrin thought he
was going to admit he had been unfaithful again when he confessed,
“I’ve done a lot of bad things”.
But he replied “no, it’s much worse than that” and told her
“I’ve lost everything”, including their $15 million, waterfront
Nicole Bricknell dramatically broke down in the witness box
as she described how the multi-millionaire couple went belly-up
after Perrin allegedly used the Surfers Paradise house as security
for $13.5 million credit from the Commonwealth Bank.
Perrin and wife Nicole Bricknell allegedly made $33 million
from their investment in the popular surfwear company in the late
They enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle for a number of years
that included overseas holidays, $10,000-a-month living expenses
and the gift of a $75,000 car to her husband, she told the Brisbane
District Court.
It all fell apart after Perrin allegedly used their luxury
Surfers Paradise home as bank security. The former CEO is now on trial for fraud and forgery after
allegedly faking his wife’s signature on the paperwork in
The couple had designed and built their property together as
a “forever home” for them and their three children, Ms Bricknell
The trial had to be temporarily halted on Tuesday when she
broke down in tears and began hyperventilating.
Etc. Etc. Etc. But wait. The gift of a $75,000 car? Do you know
what a $75,000 car looks like in Australia?
Bad things indeed! Though Graham Stapelberg sure would look good
in The Penetrator cruising the WSL’s Santa Monica neighborhood.
Don’t you think?
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The noted North Shore identity and founder of Da Hui,
Mr Eddie "Fast" Rothman, at left, and well-regarded photographer,
and Surfer magazine photo editor Grant Ellis.
Rumor: Fast Eddie Chases Surfer Photo
Editor off Beach!
By Rory Parker
And not just any photographer but Surfer photo
editor Grant Ellis! Maybe!
Wind’s bad, surf’s shit, and I’ve spent my day chasing
Finn McGill. He’s the most sought after sixteen-year-old
boy on Oahu, jamming myself into his day has not proved easy.
I’ve spoken to his mother, she is a very nice lady. Very proud
of her young son. Finn’s dad’s name is Mike. He
invented the McTwist!But not really. Just two
guys who share a relatively uncommon name. I know what that’s like.
Finn’s Mike is a photographer, not the prominent 80’s
While I wait for Finn to find a few minutes between chats with
far more prominent outlets, I figured it’d be a good time to dish a
tasty North Shore rumor.
Everyone loves Rumours!
But I’m not talking about that kind of rumor. Different
spelling. The American one. No ‘u’. Wherein I tell a story based on
unreliable second hand information. Journalism at its finest.
Still a good kind, if not the best. And it involves Eddie
Rothman. The world loves Eddie stories, right?
Maybe not as much as they love Fleetwood Mac, but it’s still
entertainment. Not a legendary 70’s rock album, but what is?
Why did Mr Rothman chase Surfer photo editor Grant Ellis off the
beach? Was it due to the mag’s decision to not run a video of Big
Island local, and shark attack survivor, Jimmy “Ulu Boi”
My sources say “yes.”
But what video, or rather, which video?
Probably not this one, since it was produced by Freesurf.
I don’t think it was this one, because it’s a few years old.
I hope it wasn’t this one. It’s pretty boring.
Maybe this?
I truly do not know. I only know two things: I could be totally
misinformed, and this whole thing is nothing but clickbait. I have
no idea what title Derek’s gonna throw on here, but if you’ve read
this far, you got got!
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Film: Dion Agius is a cultural
By Chas Smith
And the trailer for his new film The Smiling Bag
Is there anything Dion Agius cannot do? Is
there any hill he cannot climb? Wave he cannot slide? Industry he
cannot slay? Island he cannot live on? (did you know Manhattan is
an island? Did you know Byron is a cultural island?)
And you hater, you low bastard, you asshole. I dare you to watch
this trailer and grumpily critique. I dare you to watch and find
Open your mind to art! And you think I’m joking? You think I’m
being purposefully/ironically hyperbolic?
Well you are wrong. The angles, interludes, music, cast,
staging, direction and editing here are as good as I’ve ever seen
in a trailer. The turns alone…
The turns!
Have you ever seen this many full-throated turns in a modern
surf film trailer?
Have you?
I told you already that you are an asshole. I was right then and
I am right now.
There is nothing to hate here. Only things to love. Only,
hopefully, the future of surf.
But I would too, if I were the Almighty. What
has the Lone Star state contributed to this world besides anguish?
Besides Rick Perry?
Texas ex-governor Rick Perry sucking a
And so he has taken away their one bit of joy. Their
Austin’s local NBC affiliate reports:
The 14-acre surf park just outside of Austin will not reopen
anytime soon, after damage under their lagoon caused them to close
on Oct. 31.
NLand Surf Park, which opened Oct. 7 following a round of
legal delays, was forced to drain their lagoon to make the needed
repairs. Neighbors said the drained water flooded nearby streets.
“It was full of water, I couldn’t even walk through here,” said
Patricia Garcia, referring to her driveway.
“[The city] let us know about this and we immediately
addressed the issue. We take every opportunity to be good
neighbors,” NLand spokesperson Chris Jones wrote in an email to
KXAN News at the time.
Monday, the park sent out a message saying they will not
reopen this season, but did not include specific dates.
“While this is disappointing for us all, we turn our focus
to 2017 and the exciting plans we have in store. One hint: hops,”
founder Doug Coors, whose relatives started Colorado-based Coors
Brewing Company, said. In an email to KXAN, a spokesperson
confirmed there will be a brewery on site sometime in
And so God is turning Texas’s one bit of joy into beer. It makes
sense doesn’t it though?
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Throughout our conversation Finn makes repeated
references to when he "was a kid." Slightly amusing, as Finn is
still far from fully developed. Slightly frustrating, because this
freckled grom has already earned his way into the Pipeline Masters,
a feat which nearly every surfer on Earth can only dream. | Photo:
Parker: “My theoretical outrage
By Rory Parker
Writer troubled by WSL signage as North Shore teen
Finn McGill slays Jamie O, Jack Robinson and co…
I didn’t expect the event to run today. Bad
wind, lack of swell. Figured Tuesday was a sure thing. So I went
out, drank too much, slept in. Woke up as the contest was called
on. Oops. Real professional.
Sucked down espresso as fast as I could, watched Jack Robinson
slay it on my laptop, then hammered through traffic to the event
site. My tardiness forced me to park in front of Rockpiles,
hoof it down to the beach like an animal. The sun was beating down,
I was sweating buckets.
Checked in, got my stupid little wrist band, headed down to the
Strolled past a lovely little sign the WSL decided to staple to
one of the trees inside Ehukai beachpark.
When will they learn?
The nonsense about use of images or audio at the event site is
technically true, but only because you need permission from
Hawaii Film Office to shoot anything
commercial on Hawaii’s beaches. The HFO generally only grants one
permit at a time, and it’s safe to assume that it’s currently in
the WSL’s hands.
But the WSL is not a regulatory agency. They can’t do shit to
enforce it other than call the police and hope HPD feels like doing
“If they got a permit from the FAA it’s like getting a
permit from us. If you apply for it first you can say that, ‘I have
a permit here, I have the right to say no shooting here or
However any violations would fall to the FAA to enforce,
meaning the WSL would need to contact them, after which the FAA
would go after violators.
While I think that stuff is kind of interesting, it’s old hat.
Been there, done that. No one cares but me.
But, you know what really sticks in my craw?
You agree that you WILL NOT engage in that may damage or
injure property, any person,the name and brand of
the WSL, the Event, an athlete, or any sponsor at the
Nope, nope, nope.
It’s a public space, no number of permits can cancel your first
amendment right to free speech. Feel like spray painting “fuck the
W$L” on a bed sheet and hanging out on the beach all day? You can,
they can’t stop you, and if they tried you’d most likely have a
lucrative lawsuit on your hands.
You might be thinking, “Rory has a real problem with theoretical
outrage.” Well, you’re absolutely correct. I live in my own head,
have a tough time accepting inconsequential injustices. It’s a
personal failing, probably. And the WSL is really just giving it a
shot. Tons of guys were shooting without being hassled. It’s the
equivalent of me posting a sign on my front door that says, “By
entering my home you agree to suck my dick.”
Maybe I’ll get lucky and you’ll fall for it. But probably
Kaipo Guerrero’s dulcet tones were blaring from the beachfront
speakers, and the early day conditions weren’t great. Choppy
morning sickness, lots of low scores. Whoever found the diamond in
the rough had the heat wrapped up. I bought a cup of lemonade from
the cute little girl playing entrepreneur at the foot of the Pipe
access path, hoped it would help my hangover. It did not. It was
terrible. The little monster was selling sugary premix garbage. I
thought I was in for some homemade goodness.
Why do people bring their surfboards to surf contests? The beach
was littered with them, vacationer wannabes, leashes wrapped
tightly around tails, turning them into trip-up liabilities. The
best was the guy in button-up, pocketed, shorts, boxers peaking
from the top. No wax on his deck, no fins in his plugs, a jammed
packed ABC store bag dangling from his other hand. He was walking
back and forth on the beach. I don’t know what he was thinking.
I’d turned up in time for heat four. JOB found a beautiful
Backdoor bomb. I found a gorgeous place in the bleachers. It’s the
only real reason to get a media pass, that access to shade. Sitting
in the sun all day is torture, sitting on the sand is for plebs. It
was elevated, nearly empty. A heavenly way to spend the day
watching some very good surfing. Some slow moments, some dull
heats. But it was good, if not great.
What happened to Fredrico Morais? Why isn’t he in the event?
Alejo Muniz is out with an injury, Morais gets a ticket straight
into the big show. Which is really how it should work anyway, when
a person is leading the Triple Crown and not a member of the
The media pass also gets me a spot in the theoretical interview
bullpen. Theoretical because there was one. And anyway, what kind
of questions am I going to ask? “Yeah,bro, did you totally get
tubular out there?”
Mikey Bruneau made a terrible mistake in the final seconds of
heat five, stuffed Kaito Kino on a crummy left. He had second
wrapped up, had no chance of improving his score. Zeke Lau got a
gift. Bruneau got angry.
Gave Kito a hard time in the water, threw his own board in the
kiddy pool, stalked up the beach. It was a heartbreaking way to
lose, easy to understand the reaction.
I wouldn’t have thrown my board in that half ocean/ half piss,
body of stagnant water. It’s gross, got more so as the day passed.
From clear and almost inviting, to murky and greenish and
A lot of sets were swinging wide, hitting Off the Wall. Fuck
that shallow hunk of hell reef. No shortage of takers though.
Throughout the day I watched guys get murdered as they gave it
their best. It was a nice way to fill the slower moments.
Mason Ho lost in heat seven, it made me sad. He just couldn’t
find his groove, and was up against NatFlo and a Moniz clan member.
I don’t remember exactly which one, but it hardly matters. Seth and
Josh were killing it the entire event. Josh made the finals.
I worried that the rising tide would conspire with an increasing
North wind to kill the comp. They did not. The surf improved, and
increased in size throughout the day. It never hit the flawless
perfection for which we all hope, but there were moments.
Jack Robinson found them repeatedly. He was amazing, I was sure
he’d repeat last year’s win. A slow semifinal heat proved his
Ditto with NatFlo. Over the course of the day he found the best
waves, surfed them perfectly, only to be knocked out by Josh Moniz
and the on fire Finn fucking McGill.
Cody Young stood out in my mind, as did Zeke Lau. The second
there is kind of, like, duh, but Cody wasn’t on my radar. And, boy
oh boy, did he ever impress.
I observed my first humans clad in WSL jerseys in the wild
today. They were exactly the type you’d expect to see wearing them.
I also think that Kalani Chapman and Dave Wassel must share a
common ancestor.
But Finn McGill, let’s go back to Finn fucking McGill. He
grabbed a hideous throater in the dying minutes to sneak his way
into the final, then proceeded to go insane. I’ve never heard of
Finn before today, but watching him combo the field in a final heat
featuring a Moniz and a Beschen was unreal. Inspiring. Magical.
Again and again he upstaged everyone. Surfed better than anyone
had all day. He had the win locked, I was sure of it with fifteen
minutes to go. So were the pod of humpbacks who showed up to watch
his display.
Then a security guard singled me out and kicked me out of the
contest site. “They” told him to. Who are “they?” He couldn’t
tell me.
I was still allowed on the beach, obviously, but that type of
treatment cannot stand. I stalked to the media trailer, no one was
sure why I was told to leave. No one seemed to care. So my temper
go the better of me, and I left. Fuck it, I don’t need this shit.
I’ll just fly back to Kauai. Where people are kind and welcoming
and, most importantly, leave me alone.
I nearly wrote a scathing email to woman in charge of dealing
with us writer dorks, but decided to dial it back and just ask what
was going on.
Turns out it was just a confused and over-zealous security
guard. Hardly a rare creature.