Help our hero, Laird Hamilton, dig his way out of a public relations disaster!
Laird Hamilton was the most popular surfer in the entire world until he blamed shark attacks on women going surfing/swimming whilst menstruating. Specifically and unprompted, he said, “The biggest most common reason to be bitten is a woman with her period ummmm which people don’t even think about that. Uh obviously if a woman has her period then there’s…”
At this point a passing woman says, “What?” and you can see the terror in Laird’s eyes as he finishes off “…a lot of blood in the water.” before pivoting. “So, but, ummm mistaken identity…” etc. etc.
And do you think, right here, that Laird Hamilton knew that he had really made a mistake? That news media around the world would pounce?
The terror in his eyes says, “Yes!”
It took a few hours but the worm has turned.
The Sun called Laird’s opinion a “bloody outrage.”
The Daily Mail provided real figures that debunked his
claim. Even Laird Hamilton’s biggest fan site, The
Inertia The Huffington Post, piled on.
Turns out being one of the most admired surfers in the world doesn’t make you immune from promoting bad ― and blatantly false ― science.
And now we get to play a fun public relations game called “What Should Laird Do Next?”
Should he:
a) Apologize profusely for his ignorance and donate money to the National Organization of Women.
b) Double down and dredge up a crackpot doctor to agree with his theory.
c) Enroll in a special education marine biology summer course.
d) Tweet that TMZ peddles fake news.
e) Sell Laird Hamilton sanitary napkins with patented SharkShield technology.
f) Admit that he has Asperger’s while claiming that Asperger’s is caused by eating “ass burgers.”
g) other
Winning suggestion will be delivered to Laird.