The two noted surfers on the ethics of killing bulls for kicks!
As surfers, we consider ourselves as God’s anointed. Therefore, it’s important that the bigger issues of life, more than just the volume of a man’s board, are discussed, examined and analysed.
Today, two surfers, the nineties retro-stud Joel Tudor, whom you’ve read about recently, here (“Crying is for baby girls!), here (“I’d kick you in the fucking knees!”) and here (Hypocrisy: Joel Tudor flouts no-booze rule!), goes at it with eighties shaper-turned-logo Shawn Stüssy.
The topic?
Earlier today, Stüssy posted a photo of a torero, the curve of the bullfighter’s muscled hams splendid in his suit of lights, poised with his descabello, ready for the kill.
Tudor jumped on with,
“So sad to watch in person. I had no idea that the bull would get stabbed fifty times before these dudes show and get praised for being macho – the party and running was cool to participate in… seeing this after… not so much :(”
“(And) that thing below his horn is one of many swords still stuck in him by the sideshow clowns.”
Stüssy reeled in Tudor.
“Very aware of the downsides of many of these archaic human practices, horse racing, circuses, boxing etc… I was drawing the parallels of body stance in relation to surfing… but as much as I am against the cruelty stuff for sure, this old school shit is when the world was different and I dig the romance of it all… I guess the world needs its safe room now from anything they do not agree with, you feel me?”
“(The) flip side just for fun, go to a slaughter house and tell me how we should feel about that big ol’ steak after surfing or that hamburger our kids are chowing?… for me this insta thing is about imagery and vibe, not my place to stand on a soap box or try to sell you something… so remember that if your eyes come my way on this format I am not here to draw a line in the sand, make a puffed up stand on anything, just eye candy my brother.”
“Go see it in person – you will never respect these dudes afterwards.”
Among the commentariat, opinion was roughly divided.
Fashionsphinx: “I am from where they breed fighting bulls…south of Spain…in a proper bull fight the bull has as much a following as the fighter….those bulls are bred for fighting, it’s an ancient rare breed. If bullfighting goes so do those bulls…over…the breed will be finished. If you were a fighting bull how would you rather go? Fighting till the (maybe) end. Or sent to a slaughterhouse with the cows. Because the brave ones are so rare, the good ones are indicted and not killed.”
Nick Lopez: “I’ve been to one in Tijuana I think you guys are kinda wussy for saying this is sad yeah it’s sad but they do a lot with the meat after they don’t just leave it to rot and not only that the guy has a huge chance of getting his own ass jerked by the bull so don’t be a bitch.”
houseofbanafsheh: on this 💯- I think there is no beauty in any barbaric act! Although yes the clothing is lovely! The steps are lovely too but without a doubt, bottom line the act is cruel and barbaric! Although I do understand your reasons why your posted the shot but to many this image without a header is perceived as ” well I’m okay with this “! Therefore u will get backlashes! I curate shows and once I refused someone who wanted to show an image similar to this in a group show!”
Stüssy: “Right on @fashionsphinx, this is what I am trying to say, shit is real, world is fucked up, pick who or what you wanna hate on… but remember two sides to any discussion… just because we live in this modern world, does not mean we cast aside culture that came before without compassion for their point of view… anyway, way too heavy of a discussion when I just dug the stance of the man, simple…”
My favourite is the so-not-serious susannemelanieberry, the mixed-media artist: “hate the activity, love the outfits… and any nice ass shot.”
Got an opinion on bullfighting?
I tried to be tough when I went but couldn’t buy it. Oh I wept!