Two down.
What are your most favorite things to see on vacation? Electric blue boozy drinks in shapely glasses covered with miniature parasols? A pig roasting slowly on a spit suspended over a roaring fire, fat sizzling when it drips onto the embers? Statues of Confederate war heroes broken in pieces on the sidewalk?
Well, a young couple, 22 and 21, from Kentucky saw maybe one or two of the above on a recent vacation to Panama City, Florida, but also saw something much more memorable.
A “more than 10-foot long hoss daddy” shark.
What is a hoss daddy shark?
“At first we thought it was a dolphin, but it was way too big to be a dolphin,” said the girl, who described the shark as a more than 10-foot-long “hoss-daddy.”
“As soon as it passed us, it went under, and we kinda just froze up because we didn’t know if it was going to turn around and come toward us or not,” the boy added.
After making it back to the beach, alive with all limbs attached, the two decided to never go in the water again.
“It definitely snuck up on us,” the boy said. “We didn’t hear or see it coming.”
Usually the way those dastardly apex predators work.
But also, two down, a billion to go, give or take.
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