Pop the Champagne: We’ve officially made it
to the long-promised, highly-anticipated, surf dystopia!
By Chas Smith
We're home.
When I was but a young surfer, alone, awkwardly
plying the Pastime of Kings in Oregon’s freezing cold waters, I
would become infuriated by classmates who wore Quiksilver,
Billabonic, Gotcha to school and seethe to anyone who would listen
that they were poseurs.
“Zach is a poseur. Doesn’t even surf.”
“Look at JJ. Such a poseur.”
“Hey, did you know that Shane is a poseur?”
Little did I know that being alone in the water and surrounded
by people, on land, tossing their hard-earned money at the surf
brands to simply look the part was the apex. Those brands would, in
turn, sponsor surfers, sponsor contests, advertise in magazines,
make VHS tapes etc. and everything shone.
Well, the surf industry apocalypse has been upon us for a while,
now, but this morning I woke up realizing that it is over and that
we have officially made it to the other side.
The long-promised, highly-anticipated, surf dystopia.
Competitive surfing for entertainment is a thing of the past as
are the surf magazines. Instagram clips have replaced longer form
video parts and even those have dipped in quality. Surf branded
clothing, accessories, are a retro gag. Nobody poses anymore
because everyone,
literally everyone, is in the water surfing and the
only way to make a dime is to produce plant-based coffee creamer to
say nothing at all of Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch or SUP foils.
And look around. Take it in. Breathe deep.
We’re home.
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Rumour: Girlfriend of KSWaveCo’s chief
scientist Adam Fincham made offer on Waco pool, “he was walking the
pool, feeling the bottom contours. You could see he was kinda
measuring in his head.”
By Cedar Hobbs
Our kinda woman…
A few months ago, bubbling with optimism, I sat down to
watch the now infamous Bumble at the Ranch.
Trying to navigate the 240-second period, the commentary
inevitably drifted away from the Ranch, leading one commentator to
briefly mention “a wave system in Texas.”
The pool who may not be named.
I assumed it was some corporate gag rule. A product of the WSL’s
regret in choosing the wrong pool to hitch their wagon to,
Don’t gift your rival free advertising, etc.
I’m sure Elo wouldn’t let Oprah discuss
Ellen either.
Given the Disneyification of the WSL, I wasn’t that
It seemed logical that the commentators’ inability to criticize
their employ would extend to the mentioning of rogue (and better)
wave pools.
But it seems that the deliberate non-mention of the Waco pool
may have had more substance.
According to a former BSR employee, in the spring of 2019, the
girlfriend of Adam Fincham, the architect of Kelly’s pool, and
Bruce McFarland, the founder of American Wave Machines, put in an
offer for BSR.
“When [Fincham] was there, he was walking the pool, feeling the
bottom contours. You could see he was kinda measuring in his
Stuart Parsons, the owner of BSR, apparently wasn’t too enticed
by the offer, as he (attempted) to sell the park to a separate set
of investors later that year.
Still, given the state of our world, let’s just take a moment
and imagine a world where the WSL was involved in the Waco
How many photos of Elo SUP’ing BSR would we have been
How would Kelly have taken credit for the pool’s technology?
And, what historic event would have been cut in lieu of another
wave pool?
I’d say Bells, but I think its cameo in Point Break just nudges
it over the line.
Not a real good sight when you're on a little
plastic boat. 9News
Teenager films twelve-foot Great White
stalking his kayak near popular Australian surf spot; pal watches
helplessly via drone from above: “(The shark) was looking straight
at me!”
By Derek Rielly
Kid on plastic boat sees life flash before him
It’s the year of the Great White in Australia,
to put it mildly.
Therefore, it doesn’t come as a tremendous surprise that a kid
in his kayak was able to film himself being stalked by a
twelve-foot Great White while fishing for snapper a mile off Black
Head Beach, just north of Forster in NSW.
Matthew Smith was on his little kayak, couple of fishing rods
out, when he was visited by the White.
“I just looked next to me and the shark was just gliding past,
looking straight at me,” the kid told 9News.
Meanwhile, Matt’s pal, Nick O’Brien, watched it all via his
A demonstration of human vulnerability and a what-if scenario
that will find its way, I think, into the kid’s night thoughts.
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Climate change, bad luck, held responsible
for Australia’s shark attack fatality crisis: “One centimeter to
the left, if you get bitten on the leg, and you can die in seconds
or minutes at least.”
By Chas Smith
Welcome to the rest of your life.
Australia has had seven fatal shark attacks this
year, the most since 1934, spreading an eerie chill across
the proud and once-happy land. There were zero fatalities last year
and only one or two annually for a long, long stretch before
In a recent interview with
CNN, Culum Brown, a professor at Macquarie
University’s Department of Biological Sciences in Sydney, said, “In
Australia, (this year is) a bit of a blip. And in fact the
long-term average is one — one fatality per year. So seven is a
long way above that, there’s no doubt.”
But what is causing such a statistical anomaly?
According to The Most Trusted Name in News™, climate change and
bad luck should, likely, be held responsible.
Drastic changes in water temperature have altered typical fish
migration patterns which, have in turn, altered where the Tigers,
Bulls and Great Whites, the three species responsible for most
deaths, do their feeding and general malingering.
Bull sharks enjoy warm water and are spending more time in the
south. Great Whites prefer cooler water and are pulled closer to
shore where pockets of chill can be found. Tigers used to enjoy the
wild north but have developed a taste for city livin’ and are now
common around Sydney.
Robert Harcourt, a researcher of shark ecology and director of
Macquarie’s marine predator research group, said, “I would foresee
that there’s going to be greater movement, an increase in
geographic range, in a lot of these species. That’s because the
dynamics of climate change mean their suitable habitat in terms of
water temperature and prey distribution is changing as well. And
these animals are large, far-ranging apex predators. They will
potentially come more in contact with people, and at the same time,
human use of the ocean is increasing all the time.”
Dang VALs.
Climate change is certainly tough enough but coupled with bad
luck? Well, a nasty combination that is basically impossible to
“We managed to save several people over the last couple of
years, just by the fortune of having somebody qualified on site to
deal with the trauma immediately, and that makes a massive
difference. It also depends where the victim is bitten.” Brown
“One centimeter to the left, if you get bitten on the leg, and
you can die in seconds or minutes at least,” Harcourt interjected.
“You know, one centimeter to the right, you get a terrible scar and
a lot of pain but if you don’t go into shock you’ve got a good
chance of survival.”
Climate change and bad luck.
Welcome to the rest of your life.
But this is BeachGrit where lemons are turned into
lemonade, daily, so… welcome to the rest of your life!
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Acetone, vol 2.
Start the presses: iconic surf filmmaker
launches newspaper-style surf mag as bulwark against the great
WSL/VAL cultural replacement: “The surf industry is in an
embarrassing state; it’s the fatal structure of capitalism!”
By Derek Rielly
A magazine called Acetone "dedicated to keeping
alive alternatives to the internet and computers."
Did you weep when Surfer magazine shuttered
after sixty years?
Yeah, me neither, for it was a grape long withered on the vine,
a repository for drink cooler and cruiser skateboard advertisements
and “brave” outrage suited to teenage girls on TikTok.
But print mags disappearing, one by one, well, that might break
your heart a little if you grew up on ’em.
Now, Andrew Kidman, creator of game-changing surf film
Litmus in 1996, its 2019 sequel Beyond Litmus
and the surfboard design documentary On the Edge of a
Dream where an impossible to ride board is filmed ruining the
live of myriad surfers, has made a newspaper magazine that will
act, I believe, as a cultural bulwark to the great WSL/VAL
He works from the angle that he has to produce work that offsets
the WSL’s “utter bastardisation” of his beloved sport.
Kidman, along with surfer Sam Rhodes, who is a student of
writing at Southern Cross University in Lismore, launched
Acetone six or so months ago, with issue two landing over
the past two weeks.
The pair edit, write, design the whole thing, with
San Francisco artist Barry
McGee providing pockets of illustrations throughout
the compendium of sprawling interviews, photos and drawings.
Issue two features a cover photo of Tom Curren in white face, a
rare piece of writing by Dave Parmenter, Wade Goodall on
cartooning, George Greenough and the most detailed account you’ll
ever read of two waves ridden fifty years ago, drawings by Kidman,
all sorts of wild gear that appeals to a niche within a niche.
Sam Rhodes, who is twenty-nine, stopped by Bondi three days ago
to deliver a copy of issue two, and which BeachGrit has a
quarter-page ad contained within.
He’s a juvenescent part-blond who cut himself loose from
following pro surfing when Andy Irons died in 2010, although he has
started following WSL CEO Erik Logan on Instagram, for laughs.
“The other day he put a story up during that crap contest on the
Goldie or Cabba, wherever, and he had three screens open at once.
On one screen was the basketball, another one the NFL or some other
American sport and on the other was surfing.
And he wrote, ‘Such an exciting day to be a sports fan.’”
It makes Sam want to regurgitate his barbecue chicken.
“It implies that surfing is just another thing,” says Sam, “and
I don’t want to get too earnest, surfing is this supernatural
thing elevated above all else, but it…isn’t… in the same
realm as those sports. It goes back to that old cliché when Nat
Young said, “When they asked us what is surfing, I wish I said that
it’s a spiritual activity, and not just a sport, cause that’s what
put us on the wrong track”. Again, I don’t want to subscribe
to the melodramatic spiritual stuff but surfing does feel a more
sacred than football or basketball.”
I ask Sam about the magazine being a tiny niche within a niche,
but, conversely, an important bulwark against intruding kook
“Well, the surf industry is in a pretty embarrassing state,” he
says. “It’s a classic example of the fatal flaw of capitalism,
something becomes of interest, people jump on it, don’t really know
anything about it, and the reason why it’s interesting, a small,
unique culture full of freaks, becomes this big monetised thing,
and then it no longer exists.”
Sam and Kidman ain’t gonna make any money off of this
There’s 104 pages of editorial, including the cover, and eight
pages of ads.
Every cent that comes in from online sales, twelve bucks plus
shipping, goes into a bank account to pay for the printing of issue
three. If you don’t wanna pay, go into a surf shop that has ‘em and
if you’re quick, ‘cause they only print two thousand worldwide,
you’ll get a copy for free.
The next issue, which’ll be out in six months, maybe, Sam has to
wrap up his writing degree, will be built around a story Kidman
describes as “crazy” although he won’t tell anyone what it is until
the magazine gets a little closer.
“Ank (Kidman) is heavily committed, and so am I, to keeping
alive alternatives to the internet and computers. His feeling was
that the surf mags still surviving had disintegrated from their
heydays and he’s committed to not doing advertorial-style articles
and having total control on what we think is interesting and
Does he imagine great riches from Acetone?
“I hope there’s enough support to keep it open,” he says.