Tragedy: “Leading federal meteorologist”
drowns in Outer Banks surf after issuing warning.
By Chas Smith
Not ironic.
Rip-currents can be real sons of bitches.
Growing upon Oregon’s wild and wooly coast, I was no stranger to
their clammy grasp. I lost a very sweet Nev potato chip with much
rocker, once, as I clung to the barnacle’d rocks while the the
ocean tried to steal me. The current was a raging river hurtling to
Japan and I snagged the rock at the last second but my New potato
chip was not so lucky and the leash plug popped right out and I
watched it bob up and down, violently, until it was lost over the
Very sad.
But not as sad as the tragic story of a leading federal
meteorologist who drowned in rough Outer Banks, North Carolina surf
after his agency issued a warning about rip-currents in the area.
Not to be glib, but if Alanis Morissette was still writing her hit
single ‘Ironic’ I feel she
would include this incident even though none of the incidents in
the song were actually ironic as, like this, they were all just bad
But enough about Alanis Morissette and let us turn to NBC
News for more.
The director of a National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration division for predicting weather died Monday in North
Carolina while swimming in dangerous conditions that federal
forecasters had warned about.
William Lapenta, head of the NOAA‘s National Centers for
Environmental Prediction, drowned Monday while swimming at Pelican
Way beach in the town of Duck, according to a statement from the
town’s director of public information, Christian Legner.
An off-duty ocean rescue supervisor spotted Lapenta, 58,
struggling in the ocean, and lifeguards responded within minutes to
pull the scientist from the water, the statement said. He was
Emergency responders tried to save Lapenta, but he was
pronounced dead at the scene.
“Monday’s surf conditions and a rip current in the area were
likely a factor” in Lapenta’s drowning, the town’s statement
And we all know what to do when caught in rips, don’t we? Swim
parallel to the beach etc. but I suppose it’s good to refresh our
memories. Like shuffling feet during stingray season. Speaking of,
I went for a cute little surf this morning. It was small but very
fun and the water was crystal clear. After a little runner, I
paddled back out, sat on my board and peered through that crystal
clear. There were no less than ten stingrays swimming below me.
My feet did not touch the sand after that.
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The Master at work.
Kelly Slater throws impressive shade: “I
tweaked my back a little bit and it distracted me to not think so
By Chas Smith
Dropping hammers.
Kelly Slater’s dominant performance in the
Quiksilver Pro France’s seeding round was the talk of the town from
Hossegor all the way to my once-pastoral Cardiff by the Sea.
Longtom put it best in his end-of-day
wrap. “How can a nearly fifty-year old be the best guy
in the water in a three-foot beachbreak?”
And it’s true.
Kelly is surrounded by wizards less than half his age.
Surrounded by a whole next generation of professional surfers who
came out of the womb pitching air reverses, who were built for
this, as they say. And yet there the 11 time World Champion was,
all fifty years of him, grabbing one of the day’s highest heat
totals with seeming ease.
What was his secret? He shared during the post-heat interview
with Barton Lynch and I’ll provide the transcript right here.
I actually had a little sciatica from a deep massage I got.
I kinda tweaked my back a little bit actually and uhhhh I think it
distracted me enough to not think so much. I just went out and
surfed and had fun.
A hammer from the God of Shade.
Oh it may seem innocuous but nothing Kelly Slater does is
innocuous and would you like to know which other professional
surfer was struggling with a “tweaked back” and who clearly let it
affect his performance?
That’s right.
Filipe Toledo.
And when Filipe hears word of Kelly’s sly remark, that a tweaked
back leads to improved, bold performances, how do you think it will
affect him?
I truly hope the two meet up in the quarterfinals. The Great
Back Off of 2019 will be one for the record books.
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"Man-eating" Great White overcome with passion asks
young woman where her boyfriend is so he can rock him "all night
Shocking: Genderqueer supergroup Kiss to
play benefit concert for “man-eating” Great White sharks!
By Chas Smith
Is this the actual end?
And I never thought I’d see the day. I never
thought I would pour my fifth afternoon cocktail to a headline
declaring that Kiss, the genderqueer New York supergroup that
brought us such hits as “Love Gun” “Lick it up” and “I was made for
lovin’ you” was actually made for lovin’ “man-eating” Great White
sharks but I did and it’s true.
I rubbed my eyes, took another sip, clicked and sallied
This November, KISS will play the first-ever show for great
white sharks. (Turns out, they’re big fans.) Human fans can reserve
their spot for this one-time-only concert event starting October
14. Brought to you in partnership with Animals On Airbnbexperiences.
What you’ll do: Welcome to “Shark Rock City,” where KISS
will perform a live set off the southern coast of Australia to
entice sharks, who love the low-frequency sounds of rock and
This once-in-a-lifetime ocean concert takes place on
November 18 in Port Lincoln, where you’ll board a boat at 6:30 a.m.
and cruise along the coastline looking for birds, dolphins, and
other wildlife. For the main event, you’ll head out to the deep
waters of the Indian Ocean — one of the biggest feeding grounds for
great whites.
Though I suppose Kiss has always been progressive but do Gene
Simmons, Paul Stanley and the boys understand the current state of
siege we are living under?
Are they not aware that these “man-eating” Great Whites they
shall be performing for have turned my once-rustic North County,
San Diego into a teeming hell? Not cognizant that around Cape Cod
men, mostly surfers, are being eaten like pesce crudo? Not
conscious of the truth that “man-eating” Great Whites have traveled
to Rhode
Island for the first time in recorded history?
Rhode Island is but a three hour drive from The Spotted Pig in New
York’s Manhattan. Too close for comfort, if you ask my now expert
opinion but are you speciesqueer?
Do you want to share a plate of bibb salad with radicchio,
shaved radish and mustard vinaigrette with “man-eating” Great White
sharks on their way to the already hammered Boogie Room?
I didn’t think so.
More as the story develops.
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The rebel's rebel Ira Opper on ground
Exclusive: Miki Dora and the lawsuit that
changed surf journalism forever!
By Chas Smith
A true story.
Miki Dora’s gilded stool in surfing’s Great
Valhalla is next to Michael Peterson’s, near Andy Iron’s
with Button Kaluhiokalani’s but a few ale horns away. He’s iconic,
legendary, emulated, even worshipped by a handful of die-hard
Me, I’ve never found the man that compelling. Sure, his gilded
stool is there in surfing’s Great Valhalla and his name looks good
in print. Miki Dora. Mickolas Dora. Even Mickey Dora and his face
looked good in photograph, like a discount Pete Taras, but other
than that he never cranked my shaft.
He was a rebel and an asshole, two traits I hold dear. A
con-man, outlaw, ne’r-do-well. Three more. He should be my favorite
surfer instead of Ryan Callinan but I can’t even be bothered so
what’s my problem?
I’ll tell you.
The 1989-1991 Superior Court of California case presided over by
the Honorable David Horowitz which pitted one Mickey Dora against
Frontline Video Inc. A company owned and operated to this day by
surf cinema stalwart and multi-Emmy award winner Ira Opper.
Now, Ira Opper had grown up next to the Clark Gable estate in
Encino, idolizing the whole Malibu crew and especially Dora. “He
was a hero to me as a kid…” he says. “Back then in the early 1960s
it was a 9 – 5 world. Everyone was getting jobs and going to work
and here’s this guy surfing Malibu all day long. Malibu was like
the Yankee Stadium of surfing. It was the epicenter and Miki owned
Opper and Clark Gable’s step-son Bunker Spreckles would lay on
the floor of Bunker’s valley home (he had entire house to himself
on the estate) flipping through the then quarterly Surfer
magazines and dreaming, eventually finding rides over the hills and
into the hottest scene on earth.
“They knew I was Jewish…” he says of those early walks past the
famed wall and through the famed pit before a long pause. “It was a
tough world to enter and pretty intimidating. Dora shoved me off a
wave at First Point when I was a grom. He’d come right up behind
you and then just shove you off. He also called me all sorts of
names. An ugly, skinny shit and unprintable names too. All the
other guys were cool in the water. Dora was just… mean but also so
good that if you knew he was in the water you’d just get out and
In the summer of 1986, 20-odd years later, the first Malibu
Legends event was held as a sort of homage to the glory days.
Opper, having gone to film school, decided to document both the
event and the historical epoch. Tubesteak, the Karate Kid and the
other Malibu personalities talk story and laugh about the bygone
era in a sweet, simple ode. Opper also licensed a bit of Dora
footage and some audio of Dora explaining various nuances of the
surfing life.
Legends of Malibu (must watch
here), hosted by an effervescent Corky Carroll, was
broadcast on ABC and all was going well until Miki Dora filed a
lawsuit in Los Angeles County Court for unspecified and punitive
Miki was wildly, legendarily litigious. He’d sue, sue, sue, sue
and when he got tired of suing he’d sue some more. In David
Rensin’s classic All For A Few
Perfect Waves he is quoted telling his lawyers that
these suits were an attempt to squeeze the blood out of a
billion-dollar surf industry that he’d “…not seen a red cent out
of. It’s not fair. I have to live in a Third World country… The
country in which I grew up as a free spirit is now ransacking my
name and tearing my reputation to shreds by making films,
videocassettes, clothing, books, advertisements, magazine articles,
sports equipment, and all sorts of paraphernalia without my
knowledge or permission.”
And he wanted Opper’s head.
While it is unknown how large the Miki Dora black market
actually was, Opper wasn’t attempting to monetize Dora’s image or
story. Dora’s image and story were simply essential components to
the story of early 1960s Malibu. How could they not be?
In 1991 the Honorable David Horowitz agreed with Opper that the
story of Malibu was newsworthy and that Miki Dora was essential in
its retelling as Dora “reached a position of public notoriety
because he was one of the best surfers who ever lived.”
A furious Dora immediately appealed the decision and, two years
later in 1993, lost again, this time with the presiding judge
ruling, “Whether Dora is considered a celebrity or not, whether he
is seeking damages for injury to his feelings or for the commercial
value of his name and likeness, we conclude that the public
interest in the subject matter of the program gives rise to a
constitutional protection against liability.”
That was that. A massive victory for The People™. A gift that
keeps giving.
“The case defined what we can and can’t do in a public space
with a public figure…”Opper says. “…and I wasn’t going to bend
over. Dora pushed me off a wave but I wasn’t going let him push me
off this. The public’s right to know supersedes a private person’s
right to privacy. The public’s right to know is paramount… as long
as you tell a true story. That’s what the judge ruled.”
Well thank goodness.
It was the last frivolous lawsuit that Miki Dora ever filed,
having been so roundly defeated, and also broadened journalistic
freedoms across the board sticking a second knife in his
curmudgeonly heart. Storytelling smashes narcissistic ego.
Every time.
And I love my rebels and assholes. My con-men, outlaws,
ne’r-do-wells but I don’t care for aggrieved whiners who run to the
‘law’, who attempt to use the same ‘law’ they love to flaunt as a
stick to beat others.
True rebels don’t sue. Real assholes don’t whine or at least the
best real assholes don’t.
Miki Dora was complicated, all people are to varying degrees,
but those who choose to worship his visage should do so with full
knowledge of who he was as both a man and a surfer.
Riding the same Dan Mann FRK he rode in the tub, in
early afternoon sunshine, 70 degree air, 70 degree water as Bruce
Brown would say, he was scintillating. The heavy track off the
bottom was as raw as Dane Kealoha, the combinations off the top
progressive, or powerful, or both. Sometimes just a huge straight
lip stab – a surfer's turn as Strider called it. | Photo:
Quiksilver Pro France Day One: “Kelly
Slater the star attraction at banquet where all hearts opened and
all wine flowed!”
By Longtom
How can a nearly fifty-year old be the best guy in
the water in a three-foot beachbreak?
Gabe Medina kind of ruined the opening day of
the Quik Pro France; not personally, but by how he made the rest of
the field look.
I know it’s sport, and it’s surfing and anything can happen but
each appearance now has an air of inevitability about it which
makes his peers look lifeless. Gabe rode sixteen waves in heat six.
There were multiple airs, club sandwiches, sharp vertical punches,
glide-ins, kick-outs and tube-rides.
Enough surfing, in short, for the whole day.
There were some good heats in surf that changed from flabby on
the high, rippy and weird on the dropping and finally, as rippable
as it gets on the premium part of the tide. Leo Fioravanti was back
after the dislocated shoulder at the Box, which feels like
yesterday but which is five contests and a surgery ago now. Leo
went from last to first, Andino from first to last and Yago Dora
stayed happy in the middle. Less than a point separated them at the
end. It could have gone any way.
Filipe looked snappy and stylish, which means his back is not
right. He hit the sand with ten minutes to go , nursing a slim but
significant lead over Duru and Lacomare and held it when the buzzer
I had a bad back too, from digging a grave and burying my goat,
who passed into goat heaven this morning. Turns out the stories
about the indestructibility of goats are urban legend. This one,
despite being a rescued feral goat who left goat hoof dings on my
surfboards, destroyed gardens and loved to dance on cars, was
felled in a single day by… something. A paralysis tick, a toxic
We’ll never know. A faint bleat this morning, a last rallying
against the forces of death and then he left us. Cold and stiff and
in the ground. Which made us all very sad.
I felt slightly better, as I always do, looking down the heat
draw and seeing K.Slater written there. A goat who is
indestructible. He surfed his best small wave heat since Trestles
2012, when a twelfth world title seemed pre-ordained.
Riding the same Dan Mann FRK he rode in the tub, in early
afternoon sunshine, 70 degree air, 70 degree water as Bruce Brown
would say, he was scintillating. The heavy track off the bottom was
as raw as Dane Kealoha, the combinations off the top progressive,
or powerful, or both. Sometimes just a huge straight lip stab – a
surfer’s turn as Strider called it.
Leo was in the booth, Slater had kept the family up practising
putting at 2.30 in the morning. I’m sure Kelly won’t feel
disrespected if we request that the B urine sample is carefully
tested. He looked insane, but we’ve seen Kelly blow up and then
fizzle out early this year so no big calls.
How can a nearly fifty-year old be the best guy in the water in
a three-foot beachbreak?
Not many other surprises. Owen looked very precise, Jules got
through. Italo had a few moments of brilliance. The biggest
innovation, tied I think to the Fox broadcast, was the first
all-female commentary booth I’ve ever seen in pro surfing. Maybe
the first in history. Shannon Hughes, the gal doing the beach
pressers, and who had made zero impression on me, and Rosie Hodge.
Turned out Shannon did good in the booth, I thought much superior
to the beach pressers. Rosie sounded a little like she’d been media
coached by Pottz, with her insistence on “points of difference” etc
etc but Shannon correctly identified the absurdity when Deivid
Silva, needing a 6.01 was awarded a 6.00. “What do you even do,
walking away from that?” she asked incredulously.
The energy in the booth was raised considerably as the two-some
became a threesome with the addition of Wasilewski. The surf was
deteriorating, lot of rails bogged and bad body language from
Flores and even Bourez, the best epoxy surfboard rider on Earth,
according to Strider was poking noses. Jack Freestone always looked
in control of the heat, a D-bah onshore analogue in which he flew
above lips. Why not more, Jack, wondered Shannon, voicing a
question we’d all been long asking about Freestone. One of the best
aerial attacks in the game and barely uses it.
Medina dominant, yes. And a strange back to the future moment in
French sunshine where Kelly was once again the star attraction; a
banquet at which all hearts opened and all wines flowed.
Quiksilver Pro France Elimination Round (Round 2)
HEAT 1: Kolohe Andino (USA) vs. Jadson Andre (BRA) vs. Marco Mignot
HEAT 2: Michel Bourez (FRA) vs. Sebastian Zietz (HAW) vs. Marc
Lacomare (FRA)
HEAT 3: Deivid Silva (BRA) vs. Caio Ibelli (BRA) vs. Soli Bailey
HEAT 4: Wade Carmichael (AUS) vs. Conner Coffin (USA) vs. Ricardo
Christie (NZL)
Quiksilver Pro France Seeding Round (Round 1)
HEAT 1: Griffin Colapinto (USA) 12.50 DEF. Kanoa Igarashi (JPN)
11.90, Soli Bailey (AUS) 8.07
HEAT 2: Italo Ferreira (BRA) 11.94 DEF. Frederico Morais (PRT)
10.10, Caio Ibelli (BRA) 9.60
HEAT 3: Leonardo Fioravanti (ITA) 14.40 DEF. Yago Dora (BRA) 14.33,
Kolohe Andino (USA) 14.00
HEAT 4: Jorgann Couzinet (FRA) 12.67 DEF. Jordy Smith (ZAF) 12.66,
Sebastian Zietz (HAW) 9.26
HEAT 5: Filipe Toledo (BRA) 12.63 DEF. Joan Duru (FRA) 10.60, Marc
Lacomare (FRA) 9.74
HEAT 6: Gabriel Medina (BRA) 14.40 DEF. Michael Rodrigues (BRA)
11.87, Marco Mignot (FRA) 11.04
HEAT 7: Owen Wright (AUS) 15.10 DEF. Willian Cardoso (BRA) 13.34,
Ricardo Christie (NZL) 7.94
HEAT 8: Julian Wilson (AUS) 11.44 DEF. Adrian Buchan (AUS) 9.57,
Jadson Andre (BRA) 9.47
HEAT 9: Kelly Slater (USA) 13.84 DEF. Jesse Mendes (BRA) 11.67,
Conner Coffin (USA) 9.94
HEAT 10: Seth Moniz (HAW) 12.24 DEF. Ezekiel Lau (HAW) 10.50, Wade
Carmichael (AUS) 10.13
HEAT 11: Peterson Crisanto (BRA) 13.84 DEF. Ryan Callinan (AUS)
11.67, Deivid Silva (BRA) 11.67
HEAT 12: Jack Freestone (AUS) 11.77 DEF. Jeremy Flores (FRA) 9.10,
Michel Bourez (FRA) 8.90
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Jon Pyzel and Matt Biolos by
@theneedforshutterspeed/Step Bros